Study history

>study history
>become centrist

did this happen to anyone else?

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enjoy working at target and paying student loans for a bachelors of history


>what is a double major


Attached: 1501794204603.jpg (540x404, 31K)

No, I started to hate jews.

Attached: dib bledora.jpg (550x404, 44K)

>centrists can't hold sold beliefs
Dumb meme, what do you think centrism is exactly?

what the fug

your major in women's studies isn't gonna do much more for you, bub

No you become National Socialist.

Attached: 1434181004581.jpg (945x1200, 159K)

>“The answer is always in the middle.”
>”I’m a faggot with no true convictions.”

Attached: 42191ECB-08B0-4DAA-9F43-FCE50E555BD9.jpg (700x734, 119K)

Lεt/s nαt forgêt ðhat mowst ʌv ðhe wœrst mæss-mûrderĩng ψykhopaths ʌv ðhe 5ovjet εra wœr hazeri.

>Ivân Serôv

Attached: BigComradeIsWatchingYou.jpg (536x357, 25K)


It's a double major in Management Information Systems and 20th century history.

>it's another burger posting on centrism without even knowing what it is episode
god I hate those

How have you not died from anger-induced arterial hypertension when lurking this place if you actually know history ?


now fuck off and give me a thousand dollas

Attached: unclejun.png (714x810, 87K)

I only come here to shitpost, I spend most of my time on /his/ or /tv/ shitposting Sopranos memes

managing the black lives matter servers i bet

No I manage the servers for the website your mom is a cam girl for

Enlighten us, o woke moderate

>study indoctrination
>get indoctrinated

what is your most solid belief then?

Well, I'm centrist for XIX century standards

Moderates aren't the same thing as centrists my man

>le all history majors are SJW indoctrination
You're absolutely right, we had to praise Marx everyday and jerk off to a picture of Stalin

Trannies are mentally ill

I come. Tony make'ah party.

>You're absolutely right, we had to praise Marx everyday and jerk off to a picture of Stalin

Nice deflection of his question.

He wasn't asking a question though

lmao all the salty faggots that fell for the left/right dichotomy. How does it feel being a faggot sheep, faggots?

Attached: FB_IMG_1522867840600.jpg (1099x600, 66K)

No. I actually studied history at university.

Second post meant for

Literally the exact opposite thing happened to me.

>what is your most solid belief then?
You are a brain dead retard.

Never seen this pic of Jackie Chan before

>Trannies are mentally ill
thats just a fact tho

refer to
not for everyone

Is this italian Jacky Chan?


All other ideologies other than some form of Corporatism is fucking garbo trash tier.

>study history
>realize liberalism/uncontrolled immigration destroys countries
>become fence sitter

>study Jow Forums
>unironically think liberalism only destroys countries
this is you

i work at think tanks though
and I have no debt
and a master's, not a bachelors

Pick a side, faggot


When you realize everyone is shit, it all makes sense.

here on Jow Forums we are all radical centrists, don't let them damn gay Republicans tell you any different