Rhodesia scandal

Wtf is going on ?

Why are all the leftists and the medias suddenly doing such a shitstorm about it ?

And why are Ian and Larry Snicker going full retard on it ?

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Did Ian really deleted all his FAL vids ?

Haven’t seen anything yet, links?

I can already tell you (((they))) will do whatever they can to undermine and ridicule the White race, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

Because Rhodesia was a facist, racit state. Fuck them and anyone who supports them.

get the fuck back to wherever you re from you fuck

You should go back to

Back to /leftypol/ for you schlomo

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>everything i disagree with is /pol

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>Rhodesian dick suckers aren't /p-

>If you aint racist youre a liberal

Man, I want to kill even more comunist negers right now!

Rhodesia is worshipped here because it’s the the golden goose of everyone here. For the racists it was a race war, for the libertarians it was a commie culling, it had amazing aesthetics and a deep world wide impact. If it wasn’t for the conflict nobody would care about FALs as much as they do now. They’d still be a popular rifle. But not as iconic.
>as for why it’s being attacked now?
You know (((why))).

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Samefagging leftynigger plz go

>and a deep world wide impact
No it didn't.

Jow Forums will still take it

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Zimbabwe-Rhodesia was the greatest thing for that nation at the time, I've had leftists argue against this, but the only thing they can say is m-muh racists. Blacks were given a voice in government under the compromise. No, it wasn't perfect, but it was set up to be a functioning government that would only improve after time, but of course, commies weren't satisfied with that because they weren't in charge, and the British who were feeling empire guilt sympathized with the commies because they were "downtrodden blacks". Yeah, sure turned out well for them now that they destroyed their agriculture and infrastructure and their people have to eat rats to survive.

Abridged version:
>Ian: Hey, guys, Ian here, I went to South Africa
>youtube commenters: lmao, hope you stayed safe in white genocide land
>Ian: STFU "internet basement news". White genocide isn't real
>youtube commenters: but what about all this evidence that it is?
>Ian: no
>Jow Forums: REEE

Ian and Carl are antifa members and have been spotted at SJW action conferences.

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Probably Jow Forums being the dumb fucks they are stirring the pot again. It's misused and mischaracterized as a bastion of white supremacist freedom making a good country in an area of shit, but it's as dumb an oversimplification as this troll

>literally muh anecdotes prove your evidence wrong
Geez, I though Ian was better than that

His statement is completely true though. You dumb fucks frame it in black and white instead of Khoesian, Bantu, Boer etc which would at least give you the general understanding of it instead of a joke caricature.

>British who were feeling empire guilt sympathized with the commies because they were "downtrodden blacks

You mean (((British))). It was literal Jews in the UK and abroad who organized the destruction of Rhodesia.

i still think Ian is shitposting antiRhodisia material so you mutants will frig off

y'all don't make anyone feel comfy

The black people are killing the white people. That's a white genocide if I ever saw one.

>white supremacist
*anti-white racism

>And why are Ian and Larry Snicker going full retard on it ?
What are you talking about? Larry's Rhodie FAL video is still up.

I'm still holding out hope that Karl somehow wrestled control of all Ian's social media accounts and is shitposting his lolbertarian ideologies in Ian's name.

Are you claiming that niggers aren’t murdering White farmers in mass? I guess the Whites are just dropping dead for no reason.

They deserve it though because dey racis.

the only newyork times article is down.

i think we shut it down

I'm not saying that it isn't happening, but I'm saying the framing of it is more nuanced and you need to understand the history that lead to the shitshow that is current south africa. The methodology to promote the narrative of white genocide is along the lines of gun grabbers promoting that mass shootings are a common occurance. It'd be more apt to classify it as dumb tribal banditry than a concerted effort, and I think the Bantu blacks hate the Khoesian blacks, and they all hate the fucking Kaffir dregs.

>the framing of it is more nuanced
"apartheid happened so it's okay"

It's not that simple, it's the Xhosa who are killing everyone else, with white people amongst the victims.


I genuinely don't understand why you people can't see racism for what it is

No you fucking retard. You don't double down on oversimplifications with another one. Apartheid transition was done absolutely terribly. and you're being a disingenuous idiot.

A completely logical position supported by thousands of years of evolution?

No one is claiming the niggers are the ones who organized the genocide of the Whites in South Africa and Rhodesia. Niggers are just niggers, they behave the same no matter where they are, which is they behave violently to anyone they come in contact with. It was Jews like (((Joe Slovo))) who organized the nog hordes against the Whites.

The entire “communist” anti-white rhetoric of the niggers in South Africa today is what the Jews taught them.

Reminder niggers are violent subhuman welfare leeches.

Rhodesia was as Racist as the U.S. was, are you going to call the U.S. a racist fascist regime?

>No you fucking retard. You don't double down on oversimplifications with another one.

If you missed the point I'm saying the only nuance is the refusal to admit what's happening. Past "crimes" are used as justification for new ones and nobody in the world cares because they're on board with it thanks to media.

Not even white farmers, just whites in general are being murdered by miggers en masses Daily.
It’s acfually really funny.
For leftists they either deny white genocide or thy say we deserve it.

Which is?

you people are fucking retards for falling for all this bait lmfao

They can, they just don't want to admit it. I've been curious about rhodesia before and it seems like they only got supported because they were fighting commies. Other than that they were already going to be a failed state. If they had been fighting anyone other than commies nobody in the world would have supported it.

What scandal? Where?

Please stop with the overarching jew conspiracy theory. Pol Pot didn't need the jews to enact their retarded version of communism. It's a shitty parasitic ideology that doesn't need international bankers to have spread its vile disease.

Yeah, they are spun that way, but the reality is that they are just unorganized bandits who want to take from others because they are terrible and stupid people. Kind of like gypsies.

Racism was literally the norm in Africa during that time period.
The Rhodies would have snapped out of it eventually and Rhodesia could have become an incredibly well developed nation for either people.
Communism fucking sucks, though.

A biological reality?

He blocked the comments on some videos and made a public statement about how the evil white supremacists are bad people

Rhodesia is a model of success for any African country. That is why learning about the tragedy that is Rhodesia is important as it is a good way to reflect on past mistakes in history. South Africa and Rhodesia's Black population were both largely immigrants because apartheid was a superior system to the rest of Africa. Is it ideal? No. But you know what else isn't ideal? Having to babysit a population with an average iq of an 11 year old child. It was the best possible solution for the worst possible situation.



Okay. So they were racist. It was clearly a net positive in contrast to what they have now.

So maybe - just maybe - racist isn't the worst thing you can be.


>Vickers said he was unaware of the comments, and has since turned the comments function on some videos off. On March 16, he went a step further and issued a public rebuke on his Facebook page, saying, “Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if your opinion is racist and demeaning you can go elsewhere as that is not welcome here.”


But since when did Jow Forums become Jow Forums?

Usa was pretty racist around that time too

>But since when did Jow Forums become Jow Forums?
Always was. redd*t immigrants have been flooding in during recent years leading to more lefty posting. Today's Jow Forums is not the same as 2008.

Can you explain what his atheistic judaism has to do with this? He was a pinko who resented the Nazis and spewed his shitty commie ideology which ruined the country. It didn't really help enrich Israel from what I can gather.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fucking kike, jesus. Try actually enlightening me instead of spitting out bumper sticker phrases like a liberal.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums aren't one person. This place has always been a mishmash of libertarians, ancaps, Jow Forums, radical centrists an the occasional commie faggot that got lost on the way to r/guns.

>breadbasket of Africa now not feeding Africa
>now everyone else has to feed Africa

No, it really hasn't you newfag. We used to be able to talk about the uzi, tavor, merkava, Rhodesia, and other shit without people just shouting kikes and niggers.

Except it is in the eyes of Leftists. Racism is the Satan of the religion that is Leftisim. Racism suggests we're not all equal, and if we aren't all equal then we can't install communism. Absolute equality must be maintained at all costs.

shut up kike

Ever since guns became a politically charged topic on par with abortion.

>muh pol
Today is the day you realize that everyone hates nogs, not just a single board on Jow Forums.

Nice try, newfag.

its Jow Forums ya cunt why even cry about pissing in an ocean of piss?

That goes both ways though, 2008 was loads of sword and katana and hisfaggotry as opposed to being 95% gun related

Alright guis, let's simmer down.
Why don't we all just come together and enjoy a good song, we can even sing along!

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>no u

lol khoi san are the only one with a claim to the area, bantus and boers are travellers. white people in SA have also fucked themselves in many respects, they knew they would get fucked when apartheid ended, and surprise surprise they are. did they really expect the majority government to be understanding? did they really not forsee land grabs? the generation born around the end of apartheid was raised to hate the boer, did whites think they would just give up once they ceded the government to them? also theres plenty of dumb boer racists who give the black SA's ample ammunition to "defend" their actions to other black SA's. look at julian malema, hes been convicted of hate speech, sang kill the boer, implied that all white would be killed, and is still a relevant voice because he can point to these incidents of racism and people accept that as reasonable. south africa is fucked and white people are as culpable as probably everyone else there. if white people want to not die fight back or leave.

Thanks for playing!

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Bites created the country, not these dumb fukcing niggers that were allowed to infest it in the late 1800s. Like rats to a warm home in the winter, the nuggets flooded in as soon as the whites began building a functioning nation.

Ian & Karl... just your friendly local commie/Antifa pals.

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Who wouldn’t be racist when they get murdered by niggers?
You’re unironically victim blaming.


Might makes right

The Khoesians were nomadic people who migrated from north to south after the boers and bantu developed the land. Squatters who didn't want to assimilate.

>muh dick
Lets kill all spics and niggers

white farmers made a lot of the land arable through irrigation infrastructure (which will eventually fuck SA) but they didn't have any foresight to create a stable future. they didn't control immigration, they werent terribly concerned with things like birth rates, they didnt' address economic inequality to quell the tensions among the black majority, they didn't consider having some token amount of integration in the minority government ect. they fucked themselves by not preparing for this eventuality (the majority becoming fed up with inequality which they term "colonialism") and now you all are crying crocodile tears for them? their own grandparents screwed them over by not considering the implications of their actions. i dont want white south afrikaans to die, but they have to realize its untenable for them to be there. ask for repatriation to the netherlands or lobby australia. theres not going to be a white resistance. that time passed a long time ago.
im blaming the white south africans who set up this system. why they thought they could come in as a tiny minority, set up a system with VERY conspicuous inequity, not make even token concessions to the majority, allow rhodesia to get owned, and then believed they could stay in power with no consequences? they just need to get out. thats the unfortunate truth. let the "native" south africans ruin their own country, theyll have major water and food shortages within 5 years anyway.

Fuck off, nigger kike.

The entire Jewish subversion is based on godlessness and Satan worship. Read the protocols of the elders of zion. it's their playbook against the goyim. People will tell you the protocols were fake but refuse to explain how well they match current events from a document over 100 years old.

Then why are they blocked from going out?
Like no other Western country than Australia even thought about giving them visas, because they are evil racis

Fuck that long haired happy faggot.

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all people have online are insults, you should know by now that you can't debate the simplest shit online without getting death threats over it

Wrong board

Not when it is like clockwork the moment something right from anarcho-communism is mentioned :^)

dont start this leftyshill

You have to go back .

>a deep world wide impact.
Go ask another human being in real life what Rhodesia is

no shit they didnt because its pretty bad optics when western countries wont take in other groups being genocided/cleansed (i.e. royhinga, christians in the middle east) but they would take in white south africans? of course white people who speak english and grew up in a european-derived culture and having farming skills would assimilate better, but geopolitics is about posturing. they need to start lobbying governments, petitioning organizations, making their voices actually heard.

The same plan (((they))) had for Rhodesia has been rehashed for South Africa to Eliminate the Afrikaans there.

Any reference to Rhodesia must be scrubbed to people remain ignorant and cant learn from history.

Same people are funding this overthrow as well

no u

Woah, what a good argument fellow /leftypol/ack

I dont argue with delusional people,sorry.

How much $$ do you make per year?

>Says the single schizo samefagging all over Jow Forums

There is literally nothing wrong with being black

You’re, right, all the niggers should have been slaughtered and a giant wall built in the north back when European empires were still a thing.