Portuguese here, just wanted to know your opinion on the former portuguese empire and/or tips for building it again stronger and mightier.
If we get Angola back I'll send each one of you a nigger as a gift.
Portuguese here, just wanted to know your opinion on the former portuguese empire and/or tips for building it again stronger and mightier.
If we get Angola back I'll send each one of you a nigger as a gift.
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Tfw half Portuguese and every Beaner pronounces my last name like a Beaner, and I'm not even Hispanic.
I feel you bro.
Never understood how such a small and poor nation got to rule rule such a large empire, and has nothing to show for it
We were the first European country to start expanding our territory by sea. England, France, Spain and the Netherlands were facing problems of thir own like wars and shit. So we kinda got a head start.
Also we found the sea route to India, making us take control of a major portion of the spice trade buiseness.
>has nothing to show for it
Their swarthiness
>wanting again a multiracial empire
Are you a lunatic? it's not enough already the tons of them that came here after 1974? if you like angola,go live there, good luck.
>say's the meme flag mongrel
It was great at the beginning.
It was ok at the end.
how exactly were you able to make the world not care about your imperialism? Was it your size?
They race-mixed with niggers, even though today they'll deny it to the death, but they can't change the past
When we looked East we saw big ass Spain threatening us so we had to look West and master the sea.
We first went South to Morocco and were successful enough. Then we kept going South and found it was very profitable. That's it.
For more technical stuff you can google the great Afonso de Albuquerque who with a not so big naval squad mannaged to take a few strategic spots in the Indian Ocean from the giants of Asia and thus managed to take control of the entire Indian Ocean.
Nothing to show?
We still have the 12th largest gold reserve in the world. And they have squandered half of it since the 1974 revolution which brought (((Socialists))) to power.
We have our very own independence, maintained even when Spain was the greatest power in Europe, well sort of...
We created Brazil which is larger then the entire continent of Europe - if you exclude the Russian portion. And Brazil is not as brown as you might think.
They have at least 60 million whites, most of whom of (mostly) Portuguese ancestry (usually even when they have Italian / German surnames you will find Portuguese surnames in them as well) - which is not comparable to any other former European colonial power because Portugal only has 10 million people now.
6 X 60 millions = 360 million... Proportion wise its as if Britain had managed to colonise whichever territories so that today the U.S. + Canada would have some 360 million white people of mostly Anglo descent.
Now imagine if had handled it better...
Not to mention that most our colonies became Christian.
They cared. They fucked us or tried to fuck with us multiple times.
For instance, they fucked us over during the colonial war.
Napoleon fucked the whole of Europe, but specially Portugal and Spain.
Brazil only became independent through a clear masonic coup somewhat inspired/derived from the (((Napoleonic experience))).
But people don't look at us as the bad guys.
Cool story meme flag, but those myths and exagerations (black legend) were several times debunked, because it's pure lunacy and were also blasted by modern science.
just take a trip
What is the truth dude?
also where did you get the for colonising when a country like Scotland bankrupted itself in Panama
Fuck off, the brazillian empire is all that matters, you can still have the niggers in angola for youself tho
*the funds for
The Portuguese are communist and are not white. I don't care what you have to say, my father is from Chaves and I see RTP all the time. The Portuguese are not white. They are the same as North Africans. And the Portuguese are the biggest faggots on earth. No matter what, a Portuguese person has to say Portugal is number 1 and the strongest country on earth and that Portuguese people are the smartest, strongest, and best at everything. Portugal invented everything, discovered everything, beat the whole world in military conflict. For a tiny ass country of 10 million people, the Portuguese have the biggest delusions of grandeur.
Say whatever you want. The Portuguese are not conservative, they're is no conservative party in Portugal, and the Portuguese are not white. And the women are ugly.
i mean it was a harsh redpill on niggers
they were more brutal to the whites there than in Zim/SA. Mozambique didn't even have segregation laws, the niggers still brutally murdered them
Shut up junglechimp, no one asked you a thing, and we don´t want any empire again. We just want to remain who we are an epic and glorious nation.
When a simple and basic genetic map assblast your entire post jamal. Now go try to understand it (since it's tuff for a low iq mutt like you)
>Tfw your former personal bordel and sugar fields starts talking shit about you.
Gotta love these old books, made before the age of political correctness, before agenda-driven History, when everyone was racist as fuck and weren't afraid to tell things as they were, they had no problems calling a black bull a black bull.
These, my friends, aren't excerpts from a shitty random book. They are from the one and only Encyclopedia Britannica, one of the most respected compendiums of human knowledge the West has ever produced, made by Europeans, for Europeans. This particular edition is from the early 1900s.
It better be a dead one or we're invading!
Bro if we find oil we will share but we still want to profit from it.
Yes,let me write a book, from a country i have never visited, that has an history i don´t know, but my inferiority complex is too painfull, so i will write non.sense
>From there, that lie was enrolled in a book entitled "Britannica the 11th Edition", and afterwards, adopted by authors without credentials who copied Britannicas assumed writings, as a wellspring for a source.
just read it memeflag
Don´t you realize that modern science already debubked that:
>"In a sample of 328 Northern and 57 Southern Portuguese, no Y-chromosomes of sub-Saharan African origin were detected. Another study found 3 E(xE3b) sequences in a sample of 99 Portuguese, evenly divided between Northerners and Southerners. The estimated grand total of Negroid paternal admixture in Portugal is therefore 0.6%.
> (Rosser et al. 2000, Cruciani et al. 2004)
Thank you for this random, source-less image my friend. Truly you are my greatest ally.
sourcless (?) lmao just search for any basic PCA dna map of europa and don't embaress youself tard.
Our colonisation took two approaches:
1) The standard: We created a small fortified village (factory) and traded with the locals. This was just for money. We traded cloths for gold in Africa. We traded cloths for spices in Asia, we traded worthless shit that the natives considered valuable for things that were in high demand in Europe.
1.a) Sometimes the natives laughed us off as they were often encouraged by moslems to be hostile to us. Usually we carried a punitive expedition in order to "open the market" as in India, then we Christianised the natives, freed them from the moslems, and made them fight the moslems. This would generally make them our allies. We usually established good relations with the natives all over because we needed very elementar things such as fresh fruits and fresh water in our bases.
2) When we were to actively colonise the place, as in moving Portuguese people there to settle... in those cases we were not there to make money for the sake of it. In those cases we tried to organise a society well enough so that we could export our culture and live there (Morocco, India, Brazil, Angola); Large part of the money made in these enterprises stayed in the colonies. We Christianed the Natives we were allied with and fought their enemies. We then had them work for us. Part of the money went to the King/Crown, part of the money went to the organisers of the colonies and the rest stayed in the colony.
We had experience settled new places because from 711 to 1249 we were always expelling the moors and settling South in Portugal itself.
That's why we never developed a real feudal system as in France and we had to offer the peasants better conditions so that they wouldn't switch sides when the King Spain claimed our possessions.
Through these methods, great parts of the present South of Spain were actually conquered by Portugal.
The Spanish Kings even sided with the moors against us because we were "conquering too much territory".
We aren't currently epic, and we are disintegrating as a Nation.
I kind of agree.
Would you accept an eventual based Portuguese ruled new Portuguese Empire of Brazil and let go all the heresies of the left loonies and D. Pedro IV, the masonic traitor?
>Negroid paternal admixture
What about the MATERNAL admixture? Show it, I dare you?
Dirty american talking nonesense.
Do you have any argument we can debunk or are you just content to shitpost?
For all the Portuguese:
Why is Porto and Braga and Coimbra less conservative and more Socialist oriented than Lisbon?
Anyone has an idea?
I can post it too, but i have put Y just because that debubks all the myth of the slaves that britannica created. In reality both mtdna and y don´t recombine, for that you have autosomal, already posted here:and here
I'm not sure, I've never noticed it before being from Porto myself.
The idea I have is that Lisbon is more socialist than Porto bc of António Costa.
nice pic.
Keep the oil. Just don't let any niggers escape to anyplace this side of the Atlantic. We have an over abundance already.
In legislatives, Lisbon tends to vote for the Centre Right, more than Porto or Braga. And Coimbra is a real leftist cesspool.
I didn't know. I only looked at it from the district aproach but recently I had to analyse it better at city level for my thesis and thus I'm quiet without a reason to explain it...
Figure fails to show:
Basically, at city level from the start of the III republic North of Tagus the hypoteses (winners) are either Centre Right parties or coalitions and Socialism, the wins of the centre right at legislatives for the cities is:
Lisbon - 53%
Braga - 53%
Porto and Gaia - 46%
Coimbra - 33%
In this century:
Lisbon - 60%
Porto and Gaia - 40%
Braga - 40%
Viana do Castelo - 40%
Castelo Branco - 20%
Guimarães - 20%
Coimbra - 20%
Covilhã - 20%
In every election Porto and Gaia voted in the same pattern.
In the Lisbon area, Mafra, Cascais and Oeiras voted always in the same patern.
Sintra followed always the same pattern of Lisbon up to 2002, since when it broke the pattern and went more to the left twice.
I'm trying to actually prove it was because mass immigration from the third world.
It's always either PSD or PS.
CDS has a lot to offer as well. I just hope the BE and PCP cucks stay under the 50% ratio.