What are the best states to move to get away from the ever growing degenerate population of the US?
I live in NC currently
Considering moving to Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas
But I can't decide
Any anons live in these states?
What are the best states to move to get away from the ever growing degenerate population of the US?
I live in NC currently
Considering moving to Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas
But I can't decide
Any anons live in these states?
The two best states are, objectively, Alaska and Arizona. They are the freest states in the Union. But fuck off we're full, stay in the nigger-infested hell you created.
Arizona is filled with spics and native Alaskans deserve to be wiped out. Worse than southern niggers.
Yeah I considered both of those for about 10 seconds
Rural VA is gorgeous and there’s plenty of good hiking in the Shenandoah. We also have very lax gun laws. If it wasn’t for NOVA (shithole I’m from) and Richmond, this state would be great.
I'll be heading to DC soon, from what I remember last time I visited, NOVA is a shit hole
Iowa is great but we're full so fuck off
I moved to the Richmond area about a year ago, everything east of Charlottesville is gay, but western Virginia is pretty cool.
Alaska for sure
Go get your homestead
Hi Emma and David.
I don't get it
Don't move out of state.
If you don't like the demographic trends in your neck of the woods you need to move more people into your state.
The homestead program in Alaska stopped in the 1980s.
>native Alaskans deserve to be wiped out
Why? They don't hurt anyone. All they do is get piss drunk and beat their wives.
anywhere good is already full, so fuck off
If I was ever to Abandon this shithole I’d move to. North idaho
Alaska is too isolated and close to Russia for me
>wanting more people in Virginia
It's already getting choked as hell, even out in Harrisonburg. Unless you live legitimately up in the holler you aren't getting away from nig creep and winery liberals.
He's from Alaska, as evidenced by the Big Dipper on his gun. He's on Jow Forums all the time and can sniff out whenever the word "Alaska" is mentioned. And he's referring to David Hogg and Emma Goblina, both of them libtard faggots who are afraid of living anywhere with freedom.
I thought about Idaho but I've read a lot of Californians are moving there and Utah and fucking everything up
This. AZ is #1 for freedom, but yeah, stay the fuck out. Go to New Mexico.
Got it, thanks
A couple of pretty big caveats there, user. NC is the same...he could go to far WNC and hide out...Macon County, etc.
I feel strangely drawn to the land of my birth. I've lived in California almost all my life but I don't belong. My family has always kept this sort of Midwestern values and feel I don't see anywhere else around here.
they're all fucked more or less now that shitskins have been imported into every white town in America. you can try and run but every state is going to turn into california soon enough. shits fucked.
I wish I lived in Alaska.
How to immigrate bros?
We're full
You need to get a different gun with the constellation stenciled on it, I'm tired of seeing the Glock all the time.
You're a bastard.
I would fit in well.
Sure thing
Look at pic related. The middle and right implements are shovels, they have a pointed head. The leftmost is a spade, it has a flat blade. Now that you know what a spade is, get yourself a spade, or several of them, and get to work.
I know that, and I already possess both spades and shovels.
What needs doing in Alaska? I'm up for it.
As long as you stay in Anchorage with all the spics and California transplants, you're fine
>What needs doing in Alaska?
Literally nothing. Unless you already have a job lined up before you come here, you're going to have a hard time finding work. There's fucking nothing to do besides stupid shit in the city, or working the oil field. But those jobs are few and far between. I'm lucky because I'm a sailor and therefore where I live doesn't depend on what the job market is like, but for most people, it's hard to make a living up here.
But I'm white and like to have a job. I don't think I'd fit in well with that kind.
Pic related proves skin color and work ethic.
Where do I sign up?
Isn't the fishing industry big in Alaska? What about wood production? Or was that Oregon and shit?
Fishing is important to the economy up here, but again, there aren't that many people that actually need to be involved in doing it. You can usually just go to Dutch Harbor and ask skippers if they need a deckhand for the season or whatever, but there is rarely any job security after that, and that only pays the bills for a few months out of the year. There's a lot of logging, sure, but once again, relatively few people are needed for that.
Most people who move to Alaska end up having to take some generic desk or retail job in Anchorage or Juneau. The oil, logging, and fishing industries are all small industries and are dominated by people whose family has been doing it for generations.
Guess I'll just stick to Serbia. I like it here anyway. Whatever.
Alaskike really is the Jewiest state
Come to New York, we've got it all
How the hell do you get here anyways? It takes like 10 years to become a citizen. What goes big here is food if you can cook and open a small restaurant. Some guy opened up a Pel Meni food place. He has the dumplings, bread, and a cooler full of drinks and that place is always packed.
Why? Because we aren't filled with retarded "jobs" that exist solely to provide wage slaves for the consumer economy? We've got all the people we need to work the land, fish the sea, and extract oil from the ground. We don't need millions of people coming here and shitting up the place by putting down a McDonald's every 3 blocks. Alaska is literally the opposite of a Jew state, we've been more or less unspoiled by globalism and corporate culture.
I mean if you're desperate you could probably find an American to gay marry you and get you your green card, but I don't think the Orthodox Church will look too kindly on you for that.
Please stop listing out the reasons I want to live in it if I can't. It's not nice.
Why gay marry? Can't I get the benefit by marrying a woman? Slavs do that in Switzerland. And I don't care what the church says.
Well I assume you get a residence and work permit. Becoming a citizen is just icing on the cake so you can vote and what have you. When you become a resident and worker you're effectively living there anyway so w/e.
If you mean the state, what do you have?
NYC is the last place I'd wanna live.
>Well I assume you get a residence and work permit. Becoming a citizen is just icing on the cake so you can vote and what have you. When you become a resident and worker you're effectively living there anyway so w/e.
was for
>Can't I get the benefit by marrying a woman?
>in Alaska
Lol, pretty much anyone with a wife or girlfriend here had to import her. As the saying goes, "there's a woman behind every cactus in Alaska." We don't have any cactuses in Alaska
Thanks. Visa request canceled.
How the fuck is arione better than Texas?
>Arizona is filled with spics
and meth head weirdos but Tempe was pretty /comfy/ when I visited back in 06' I have no idea what it's like now, actually liked AZ but too many beaners was the deal breaker. It was strange though as it was my first time in the desert I had the feeling as if everything isn't supposed to be built out in that type of landscape.
Flagstaff was my fav town that I visited in AZ, it was bretty cool to see how the landscape changed the higher you drove up in altitude.
Enjoy the muzzie influx!
I've never been to Arizona personally. I always assumed it was basically like Texas but dryer and less niggers. I am shocked to hear it is somehow the freest state
>I've never been to Arizona personally. I always assumed it was basically like Texas but dryer and less niggers. I am shocked to hear it is somehow the freest state
idk about freest but I had fun when I visited and everyone is pretty friendly, the wimmin aren't stuck up cunts, I was high most the time I was there but now it's starting to come back to me and I wouldn't mind living there if it weren't for all the homeless people, but it seems the West coast seems to have this problem all over.
Stay the fuck outta Texas
wyoming has a huge elderly population, is very dry and backwards in many ways. but its not a clusterfuck at least. for those who are sick of it all its a good destination.
>wyoming has a huge elderly population, is very dry and backwards in many ways. but its not a clusterfuck at least. for those who are sick of it all its a good destination.
is there a demand for skilled tradies m8?
>Ctrl F
>"My State"
>No results
Whew... And we're full!
I’m in Arizona. Thinking about moving. But I’ll probably stay in the state. Fucking liberals moving here. Sounds like all the other states are over run with them. So we may as well stay here and run them out.
I'm from Texas but I've pretty much come to the exact same conclusion regarding my state.
>not a spic and nigger infested crackpot shithole
Pick one.
yeah the energy industry needs all sorts of support from IT to manual
>he doesn't know about segregation