Alright Jow Forums, how do we solve the boomer problem?

Alright Jow Forums, how do we solve the boomer problem?

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reveal the truth about 9/11

There's no need to, just because you fucked up in life doesn't mean you can blame it on everyone else.

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>boomer problem
i didn't know the people that fund your tendie addiction were a problem.

t. boomers

Exactly. These people never worked hard a day in their life and expect everything to go their way.

It was midnight, and I whispered in Sean's ear, "I'm against the Iraq War." Sean leaned in, responding with "I am too Don", and before I knew it, it was over - i was kissing Sean Hannity

- Donald J. Trump

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bibi is maybe slightly more bloodthirsty but he's not as much of an alcoholic i dont think
so i guess he's right

> 9/11
> you fucked up your life
What did the boomer mean by this?

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>Alright Jow Forums, how do we solve the boomer problem?
The Kremlin says that [insert one Western group] should hate/despise/be the enemies of [insert other Western group].
Repeat until West is demoralized and destabilized

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i dunno man but I am getting deja vu to a t back to early 2001 and 2002. It seems these boomers are still down to roll with neocon policy.

Its really is heartbreaking and suicide inducing. First we should consider how many of the twitter accounts are fake, but lets give it benefit of the doubt... at least half of the replies are what I would hear people saying in my town.

These people do not realize that its going to be american soliders getting fucked up in war if we have to go.

This is like one of those red pill moments that states no matter how much trump is (yourguy), no matter how the wind blows, or keks numbers.... the powers that be will always get what they want and its very easy to get the public to go along.

It really is disgusting that a hack like Hannity gets million of dollars for selling war to the boomers, but the soliders go fight it 11 buck a hour.

Maybe we deserve to be goyim, if this is how people are going to always act. It makes me wonder how many people are even self aware... or maybe they havent grown out of the high school phase... the one where you go to pep rallys and thinks its fun, when you think prom is cool, when you think dressing up on school spirit days are cool.

Its clear that nothing is going to change. All of this shit goes away tho, if we can just find the courage to suicide, the fight is futile, the men who shaped history will continue to shape it and I really go no reason to keep going.

Except Russia is backing Iran against the only Democracy in the middle east, israel

>seems these boomers

Here is kopeck for Jooskie Shill! Molodets' Blyat Putin!

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Nah. Times always change and so do the powers that be. Once the Protestcucks will get btfo by spics and Catholics demographically Israel is fucked.

Yep. All they do is shill.
Shill for Iran, shill for Russia, shill for Syria

Tbf hes right, both genocidal Zionists.

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>All they do
Every single American born between 1946 and 1964?
You're a fucking liar, comrade.

>bibi wins every time
Yes rabbi

Churchill was a fat white genocidal racist too...

Checks out.

>Bows to Saudi Arabia
>Destroys Libya
Voting for Obama instead of Ron Paul in 2008. Fuck off faggot.

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the cat of zion LOL

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Are you the CIA? lol
Lol I love the shill tears. Keep crying snowflake

>invade and kill off or kick out millions of people that don't agree with you
>import millions of people that agree with you
>don't allow half the pop to vote

Checks out... p-p-please don't call me an antisemit.

Just wait a while and they'll all be dead.

Obama was a liberal Jew and Trump is a Conservative Jew.

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Winston Churchill? Hannity truly is a fucking idiot. But remember folks, this is the same fucking idiot who supported the Iraq war.

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Oh look, you keep linking this shit. Sad.

> kikes concern trolling about Christians

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feed them fake news of major war happenings when in actuality nothing is happening. global crisis acts

>he's not a boomer
lmaoing @ ur life

Pawn vanity

A war mongering imperialist? Sounds about right.

>Alright Jow Forums, how do we solve the boomer problem?
Ban RVs, three-wheeled motorcycles and the greatest rockin' hits of the '60s and '70s. The boomers will kill themselves in despair.

White pride world wide.

I hope white aryan looking Bibi fucks up those swarthy Iranian half niggers

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Oh look, you still can't refute the claim and are stuck in denial which will result in the death of all of us. Sad.

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Boomers believe in the new foundation myth. Every evil came from Nazis. Every good comes from Israel.

Its a new religion.
A new world
The Baby Boomer universe.

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Was Obama all bad? Israel seems pretty opposed to the Iran deal and is doing backflips trying to get it renegotiated. Trump seems to be on Israel's side and has called it the worst deal in the history of deals.

I guess my question is, did Obama do the right thing with the Iran deal if it ultimately hurts Israel? Follow-up to that, is Trump in the wrong saying it's a bad deal? Israelis seemed like they hated Obama and yet Trump's highest approval comes from Israel and Russia, the only other places on the planet with a high concentration of Jews (aside from the US)

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I fucking hate neo-cons so goddamn much. It's like they want to lose everything on purpose. Do any of these fucking retards not understand all this shit is exactly what lost them everything in 2008?

what is your pic trying to say exactly? that trump is a globalist just like saudi?

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Ben Shapiro talked about the correspondence dinner, kayne, and ice cream. If he mentioned an air strike, I must have missed it.

Israel is right wing you dumb faggot

It's the American jews you have to be worried about

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>the boomer problem?
Fuck you, snowflake. Fuck you and fuck your mother. Oh, wait, I already fucked your mother. It's a Jew stunt to divide, divide, divide. I call Jew BULLSHIT. Eat pork and CHOKE TO DEATH, JEWFAG

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0.01 rubles

He was just a dumb ego-driven nigger but like all nogs he was wary of kikes. In fact, every single race except the oldfag Evangelicals is wary of kikes which is why they're shitting themselves at the thought of a boomer die off

>America First

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>everyone is a jew

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How about no

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maga, fellow pede!

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He is not wrong you know

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In which hospital did BOTH of Trump's parents die in, user?

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Lmao stormfags are so fucking stupid

You do realize that leftists hate Israel?

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95 average IQ in Israel.

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Hi Ben

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Unrelated but there were three power levels in high school surrounding shit like school spirit days, prom, and pep rallys
>shit tier: unironically enjoying and participating in all of the above
>good tier: thinking the above is stupid, not participating at all
>God tier: ironically participating/attending to make fun of or troll the shit tier people/going, participating jokingly and still having fun
Ya don't have to be a lonely hermit to be woke

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>muh leftists
>muh right wing
imagine being a retarded pirate

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>Are you the CIA?
Sounds like the kind of false accusation the typical Israeli makes. You have your own clay. Why can't you people just leave other countries alone?

please answer this question seeing as you addressed me:

JIDF is lurking because of the recent Israeli activities.

you do realize that Rothschild is the owner of that country right? Its a giant PMC for his banking industry and any other fields of commerce he decides to diversify into.

You people look at the small picture and not the big picture, it gives u tunnel vision and makes u vulnerable to follow for larps, thinking things will change, thinking that random numbers on a board mean anything.

Get out of here boomer. Go read your newspaper

WTF, I love Anglos now

Of course Trump is in the wrong. There are people on here who still think he isn't a jewish puppet? Jow Forums is even dumber than I thought!

Let me guess, it has something to do with MUH JEWS


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Has anyone on the list actually been verified as having dual-citizenship? I googled some of the names and all that comes back are references to that image. Also you can't serve on intelligence committees if you have dual citizenship. I think this image is conflating Jews (who do have an option for birthright citizenship w/ Israel) with Jews who went through the process and became dual citizens.

That being said I don't doubt Mossad has infiltrated our government, but this image is misleading and excludes a lot of the republicans who also technically have a claim to Israeli dual citizenship.

>Alright Jow Forums, how do we solve the boomer problem?

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> calling me a Nazi AND an Untermensch
Panicky flustered kikes are a lot of fun

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t. Hasbara late night shift.

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Wow a stormfag lying? What a surprise!

Replace SJWs with Stormfags and this image is still 100% correct.

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>all these facts backed by verifiable sources aren't proof of anything!

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And rightfully so, kike

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Stop blaming everything on "duh boomers!"
They are keeping our western civilization together.

Go join Antifa you gigantic faggot

Would love to see Stormfags join their rightful group as leftists who hate America

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>0.01 rubles
Is that what you get paid for each post? How much is that in shekels, Rabbi?

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The spoiled Ashkenazi offspring is no match for the post-WW2 hyperkikes. They're atheist degenerates who racemix and become traps at higher rates than whites. The ZOG legacy will die with the last of the Holohoaxers.

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Daaaamn. Churchill wrote like that?

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Hello Schmuel.

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>literally everyone is a jew

You dumbfucks are so predictable it's actually hilarious

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acting retarded and pretending to not understand facts isn't trolling, it's just acting retarded.
>pic related

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And yet he was bought off by (((them))). It's also not VS. at all. As we see today. Far left Neocons, Neo-Trotzkists, cooperate with far-right Likud for the exact same agenda. And the Israel lobby controls both parties. Left, right, top, bottom - it all doesn't matter. Only one question is important, one alone: "Is it good for Jews?"

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The Western civilization means nothing if it's not white and Christian. You sold us out for a handful of Shekels and Hollywood feel good Holohoax propaganda.

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