Show me a time that a nigger hasn't been an upstanding and contributing member of society. I'll wait. Pro tip: you cant.
Niggers misbehaving
Ryan Ramirez
Matthew Rivera
I don't want black women to do this, but I'd love to be forced by some ladies into wearing a wedding dress
Adrian Hughes
Jimi Hendrix
He wasn't even that good
Adam Sullivan
kill yourself
Brody Cruz
Me too but those fucking rifle optics would turn me off.
Colton Gomez
that trigger discipline thou
Cooper Martinez
Neil D Tyson
Kevin Collins
This guy seems like an upstanding citizen
Logan Bennett
>finger on the trigger
>possibly condition 1 rifle
jesus christ
Grayson Rivera
>How am I supposed to get hard in my chastity cage and start dripping when your holographic sight is camo?
ughhh gross