Is it possible for an ex-liberal to be redeemed Jow Forums?

Is it possible for an ex-liberal to be redeemed Jow Forums?

Lets say the whores from BLACKED or this cunt changed their stances, would your opinion of them change as well?

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>whores from BLACKED
m8 you burn the coal you pay the toll no negotiations

You can only lose your virginity once...

That is to say: don't add too much salt in the pound cake. Yoy can't get the salt out. You must start over.

So no. Fuck nigger sluts.

Okay so coalburners are scorched earth, but what about gun grabbers, abortionists, etc?

You mean just take somebody's word that they have changed with no evidence of change? No that is not going to happen.

It would be like a coal burner trying to live in the all white country and keep her nigglets with her. What part of all white did you not understand? She sure had fun on the white man's dime and at his expense. Now she wants to be accepted for her bad choices. She won't be. If she is waiting for the approval of white men, why would she expect them to give it? Why would she even want it, when she believes that whites are responsible for every failure of every non white person?

Anyone who wants to change should use their trusted position to betry the race mixers and Anti Whites, if they want to be seen as anything other than Anti White.

Okay i get we hate niggerlovers but can we talk about social issues now?

What about people against free market? People against free speech?

This board is full of ex-liberals who were Sargon/Amazing Atheist-tier anti-SJWs before becoming redpilled

How about lynching women that hate our guts because we're European?

Once they’re blacked or mex’d, it’s over. Ovens.

>whores from BLACKED
maybe, if she attempted to use whatever influence she has for dropping redpills

Their current views and action will have to align with whomever they are trying to get to accept them. There is no current standard of what a reformed Anti White looks like because nearly all governments are Anti White to some degree. (Pro Whites tend toward NatSoc of some form, not necessarily the German version from the 1930's.)

You can have Mass Immigration and Cheap Labor if you push down every Pro White movement that arises. Or you can have a Pro White government with an extremely strong workers movement. Men from similar cultures will relate to each other and form various interest groups, including Workers Rights movements. This makes labor very expensive for the Bosses who are often much better educated than their workers. The Bosses find it easy to subvert pro worker movements by importing foreign men to work cheaply.

no and double no for brown ones

Yes, everything's possible. I wouldn't want to get in a relationship with them tho.

these aren't really significant. Weren't you a socialist when you were a teenager? It comes from fear of not being able to cope with the real world.

who is this young man?

What are some irredeemable liberal stances?

>would your opinion change?
You faggots really actually followed sargon? Fucking hell. Read the information yourselves. Quit getting it filtered to you through another party. Infotainment is cancer.

Deeds might be irredeemable to some. Stances? I don't think there are any.

I'm not going to worship them but I will at least downgrade them from openly hostile

Also, nice digits.

Amerimutt education strikes again
Learn some science instead of moronically spouting back Jow Forums memes you goddamn ape

Being a cock sucking virtue signal-er for the sake of popularity thats pretty irredeemable, same goes for holding political views to be a part of the crowd and adopting cringe tier behavior on the sole basis its popular. This is absolutely irredeemable.

The right will flip on anything if it's convenient.

We were all exliberals

In regards to those who have retarded beliefs, but aren’t full blown degenerates yet, they can be redeemed about 70%. The 30% is their everpresent gut reaction to return to their old ways. With most ex-libtards, if you ask them a question that requires critical thinking to consider all facets, you’ll find they revert to their libtardation


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And the board has been shit for years.

>Is it possible for an ex-liberal to be redeemed Jow Forums?
No. Their minds are tainted. Any attempt to redeem is a waste of time and resources.

>Lets say the whores from BLACKED or this cunt changed their stances, would your opinion of them change as well?
Once a slut/whore always a slut/whore.

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Speak for yourself cuck

By the time she realizes her views are wrong the media will have moved on to the next poster child to prop on their shoulders with propaganda. The MSM won't show her change of heart or anyone else that has one. They'll use her as long as the message stays on point.

At the end of the day, you're still posting a white woman getting fucked by a black guy.