/msg/ is eternal, /msg/ will never lose to mods and nordc*cks.Only the mediterraneans will live on while the rest of the races will die off like the insignificant worms that they are.We will always be superior to every single snownigger.mudslime,chink,gook and kike.Our threads will never perish as long as we still have debts to pay and tourist chicks to have sex with.
Even if I am half Italian my cousin is very pale and germanic looking and I want her to rub her cute soft feet on me (at least a little) so I have her stink
Hello, greekfags! You've consistently proven yourselves to be THE angriest people in all of the mediterranean region, and that takes effort. Well done, brown manlets!
They're all shitty as fuck. Haven't made up my mind yet, though, probably right-wing it will be. What about you?
Joseph Thompson
+ Certainly not XA, SYRIZA or ANEL.
Caleb Perez
+ Neither PASOK
Thomas Nelson
Dunno man, new Democracy? What else is left that isn't ridiculous or looks to get into the parliament for that sweet dosh? I can't wait for the old generation to die off so things will eventually change.The younger generation looks promising.
Parker Nguyen
Yeah, but, too much religious things going on over there, aye? it's gonna be a hard decision with all these shitty faggots on politics.
Kevin Diaz
>many* I'm obviously perplexed.
Dominic Jones
Church should have most of its property confiscated, but it's not possible atm.Just vote for someone that isn't a useless cuck.Although the more I try to delve into greek politics, the more futile it seems.
Eli Adams
Exactly. The thing that hurts the most is this Voting-what-my-parents-vote thing going on. It seems like standard procedure nowadays, seems retarded af.
Plus, the left fucked things even more. We can all see this through pure data and secondary how diplomatical meetings took place.
Ian Young
My family voted for SYRIZA, I called them guillible retards for listening to a demagogue that promised he'd fix everthing like the previous goverments did.When the referendum happened and tsipras disobeyed it, I called them out on their retarded choice and they started yelling at me.Just let the older generation die so we can start anew.People of our age study abroad,work hard to make a living and are straying away from the lazy,corrupted system.Or maybe that's my wishful thinking.
Joshua Reyes
I can definitely feel your angst. Things are going to go to shit if these political FAMILIES don't "die" soon.
Jesus Christ, why do i have a strong urge to impregnate this hook nosed woman?
Charles Morales
You cannot be serious. Greeks are gracile, skinny or fat, can't grow proper European beards but Arabic Muhammad ones, aren't facially or phentoypically european even the ancient southern Europeans did not look like Greeks today!
To all the WE WUZZER meds, you realize that the people living in ancient greece aren't anything like the ones living there today, right?
Just look at the state of your societies, they are shit. Ancient greek civ might have had an even higher IQ than the ubermensch of today (germanics). Meds have been fucked over genetically by the ME for 1000 years, and brain drain to the more functional societies further north. You can't argue with the facts, sorry.
Why do turkroaches larp as niggers? Turks are sand muds.
Andrew Allen
yt boi probably a shitalian
Ian Davis
It's literally just one buttmad autistic turkroach that got supermad that Turks were considered sandniggers and cockroaches instead of European and white. There was a time when Turks literally would say they were European and white. Now that particular roach larps as a nigger to get revenge.