Danish model Zienna Eve Sonne Williams says refugees should all be deported out of Europe and that race-mixing is bad. Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
Danish model Zienna says race-mixing is bad and refugees should leave Europe. /ourgirl/?
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Source on her statement.
nice try nigger.
So much for her name
user, what possesses you to go online and tell lies?
look at those hips.
That there is a coalburning whore.
isn't she a larping pagan coal burning niggerlover?
oh cool you found a photo of her posing with a black guy
Frisians > Danes >>> Norgs > Winland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>> Swedes
All over her instagram you fucking mong. Eat a can of zyklon immediately.
She probably takes shitskin cocm on the side. All girls like her do. Just pandering.
Lauren Rose was also outed as coalburner recently
huge forehead
ugly flat midface
irregular lips
one jap eye
0/10 probably not even Danish
That's just some black model she poses with.
Come on, you didn't actually think that guy rams his big black cock deep inside her wet pink pussy?
That's her boyfriend. White bois btfo yet again
Yes, that's why shareblue made this post.
Took it too far, obvious b8
/thread, remember to sage
It's an inside joke. She poses in husband/wife photoshoots with him all the time.
That's why she refers to him as her hubby. They're not actually married.
Fake news
She has an enormous wedding ring on her finger. We're being replaced, user. Face it.
Ok Shareblue.
Such a dumb thread bye.
Wedding rings are just bands. Engagement rings are big you incel.
Ignore the Shareblue posters. They've infiltrated the thread to make it seem like Zienna burns coal just because she frequently poses with a black model.
dont waist time on woman opinion,they retarded and dont have any honor values
Shareblue wants to make it seem like all white nationalist women burn coal. They do it to Lauren Southern and of course they do it to Zienna.
can't agree less
I want her to sit on my face, just look at those thighs.
I've never seen so much cope in one thread in my life.
This place is getting more and more pathetic....
>Zienna Eve Sonne Williams
what kind of shit name is this?
>Sonne = kike surname
>Williams = Anglo mutt name
>Eve = I have no idea
and I have never met anyone with such a retarded first name as Zienna. We should deport her to the US where mutts like her belong.
just look at her name. Nothing Danish about her. She is some weird Central / western Euro mix
biofag here,
Pale skin is unattractive on a man because it's not sexually dimorphic and it has ties to padeophillic(neotenic) features. There's a reason women universally prefer a man that's "tall, dark and handsome". The reason being, is that those phenotypic traits that women prefer are signs of high masculinity, which signal good genes.
This is why nowadays, with women having an almost complete sexual selection in their favor, will tend to choose males of darker pigmentation. Realize that when an aesthetically man is not possible for a woman to achieve at any given time, she will then pick one who follows what's dimorphically attractive to her given how runaway selection works.
Study 1:
"First, it has been demonstrated that skin colour is a sexually dimorphic characteristic. Men tend to have darker skin than women [28], [29]. Further, in the majority of cultures that have been tested, there is a bias that lighter skin pigmentation is considered more attractive in women [28]. This sexual dimorphism can explain why Black men and White women are considered more attractive than White men and Black women respectively. The former represent highly positive sexually dimorphic patterns."
STUDY 2: tandfonline.com
“Males indicated somewhat greater preference for lighter female coloration, while females indicated somewhat greater preference for darker male coloration. These results were discussed in terms of the “kernel of truth” hypothesis of stereotyping, and the possible relationship to earlier research on semantic meanings of color and gender words. Special attention was paid to the tremendous aversion of both sexes to redheads, and to the possible implications of the study for understanding the predominance of black male/white female couplings in black-white interracial marriage in contemporary America.”
Study 3: pages.globetrotter.net
“This sex difference apparently had meaning for people in premodern societies. It may, therefore, have structured how humans evaluate skin color, at least for minor variations in complexion (Guthrie, 1970, pp. 279-280). One outcome of this theoretical model would be that men and women should evaluate skin color differently. In our ancestral environment, an individual with a dark, male coloration would have meant one thing to a man and another to a woman. The man might have seen a potential rival; the woman, a current or future mate.
Some data point to such a behavioral sex difference. Feinman and Gill (1978) asked 549 male and 482 female white college students to indicate the complexions they liked and disliked in the opposite sex; see Table 1. Analysis showed significantly more preference by men for lighter female skin color and by women for darker male skin color. The contrast was more striking when subjects stated their dislikes.While 30% of the men disliked black complexion, only 10% of the women did so. Similarly, 82% of the women disliked the two lightest shades, while the corresponding proportion for men was 56%.”
Study 4: sciencedirect.com
“Previous research has suggested that perceived attractiveness and personality are affected by the race such that White faces are more attractive but less masculine than Black faces. Such studies, however, have been based on very small stimulus sets. The current study investigated perceived attractiveness and personality for 600 Black, White and mixed-race faces. Many of the investigated personality traits were correlated with race when rated by White participants. Attractiveness specifically was greater for Black male faces than White male faces and among mixed-race faces. Blackness correlated with increased attractiveness. A reverse pattern was found for female faces with Whiteness being associated with attractiveness. The results are discussed in terms of the sexual dimorphism demonstrated in skin color.”
I'm well acquainted with my field(bio) and I've taken all ecological factors into consideration. With that said, women do prefer darker men. I understand that men like to project what they like onto women but understand that what you may find attractive in a woman, cannot be said for her. She finds other things attractive, and some of those things you might even find repulsive. This is the polarity some talk about between the sexes.
Study 5: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
"In addition, we find an effect of the sex of stimuli with stronger preferences for carotenoids over melanin in female compared to male faces, irrespective of the sex of the observer. These results are interpreted as reflecting preferences for sex-typical skin colouration: men have darker skin than women and high melanization in male faces may further enhance this masculine trait, thus carotenoid colouration is not less desirable, but melanin colouration is relatively more desirable in males compared to females."
The problmem are the people that sees this and do nothing.... when you normalize this, it's spreading, because it faces no social pressure from the natives
Shut up black, bow down to your muslim masters.
She could by my girl any day
By the way, even though Muslims are more alpha than white boys, Blacks are more alpha than Muslims so Muslim girls have also been conquered.
>this phenomenon is growing, you get black guys fighting back and going around saying stuff like ”We’ll make all your sisters pregnant, and tomorrow Arab boys won’t exist any more.”
>black guys leave the girls once they’re pregnant. The girls become single moms and are accused of hiding their bad reputation to attract Arab boys as if nothing had happened
you just once again demonstrated to me how utterly disgusting the new world is.
She looks like a whore. She might be /your whore/ but she certainly isn't danish.
im spechless
99.9% of the time blacks get the left overs no one bothered to get. You're posting in an echo chamber of virgins and mutts with poor genetics. The reason they get turned down by women has nothing to do with women preferring other races and everything to do with them being low grade men no one wants. That's why they end up muh based asian waifu and their female counterparts end up with tyrone.
shit thread.
If every white person only reproduced with a black person and every black person only reproduced with a white person, both races would cease to exist. All that would remain is the product of the two, which is neither black nor white
Source that Lauren Rose is a coalburner?
Eve isn't danish, I think it's the mutt version of Eva.
>Pale skin is unattractive on a man because it's not sexually dimorphic and it has ties to padeophillic(neotenic) features
thanks, I never get to use this image
>Call an e-celeb "coalburner"
>Guaranteed (you)s
God this board has gone downhill post election
she's dating a black european alpha male
the future of germanic countries is MULATTO and you can't stop it
look at the profile on that fucking chimp
Your sub-human country don't get to insult a proud nordic one. Take back your comment or you're gonna have to tussle with the muscle.
Holy shit that's hot
What's wrong with me???
Danes are unironically the worst people in Europe
This nig is pure jungle
no,she is not.NEVER trust women.EVER
The most beautiful Aryan specimens are backstabbing their own men and going after darker men. What are the Jews putting in the water?
Exactly what tingles a white cunt.
Say that to my face bitch
Danes are unironically the worst people in Europe
It's her husband's name and she's definitely Danish.
what a bunch of bullshit do you guys even research before you post ?
Danish women are crazy about sub-saharan african men
And that's why many arab looking people in Denmark are in fact mulattoes
>she's definitely Danish.
says who? you?
also her real name is Fanny Kirsten Sonne Munch. So she is some German with Ashkenazi heritage with a single Danish surname. She is as Danish as Danelaw descendants in England burger.
he does not look Arab in the least. He looks like a Somalian with lighter skin.
shes married to a nigger. sage.
yeah yeah yeah no one is 100% pure of anything. she was born and raised in denmark so cut the shit already
shes fat
anyone who is fat is not ourguy or ourgirl
no she's not shareblue.
she poses in modeling photoshoots pretending to be the wife of a black model.
Gotta give it to ya m8. G8 b8 thread
oh im sorry you're an aussie. you prefer to fuck kangaroos
she says shit all about race mixing or anything like it, only some trivial bullshit about becoming a model and moving to Copenhagen.
OP is a faggot
if you like color black so much, why dilute your genes by race mixing?
are you fucking retarded or just baiting? the more caucasian woman you have children with the less sub-saharian genes you will have
have you seen Brazil?
she was born and raised on Bornholm you fucking imbecile. I can barely understand what they say as they speak a sort of Danish/Swedish mix. They used to be more Swedish than they are now (check a map it would make more sense).
>yeah yeah yeah no one is 100% pure of anything
Mr. 52% aka The Eternal Burgermutt has spoken.
>she was born and raised in denmark so cut the shit already
a pig born in a henhouse is no chicken, Mr. Mutt.
preserve your ethnicity
what a fucking waste. We made life to easy for white women, They don't need us to get along in this age, we are obsolete. If only we could take back the good we did for humanity, and let it rest in its most primitive state, then if our women sided against us they would do so at their own peril. Literally living in grass huts, shitting in the woods with snakes crawling up their hairy legs.
>op makes a cuck thread
gas yourself
... then stop coming here trying to steal copper wire, gyppo.
I believe anything she says. Shes too pretty to be wrong
>Danish model Zienna Eve Sonne Williams says refugees should all be deported out of Europe and that race-mixing is bad
source you useless nigger
it's just a modeling photo idiot
shareblue infiltrated the thread trying to make zienna seem like a coal burner just like they do with lauren southern
kill yourself memeflag
really? give me a source that proves that she is what you claim her to be.
Because from where I am standing she looks like your average coal burning whore.
your time will come