When are you gonna clean up your 300,400 year old mess called Mexico?
Hey Spain
All their colonies are shit and so are they
If Jow Forumslacks took over Mexico we could have our own clay. Might be a worthy goal for the next 50 years especially if America keeps getting browned.
Fuckin' hate 'em
Haha lol good luck with that.
Spain will clean its mess when the Eternal Anglo cleans its 56% jew puppet ex-colonies
What? there is nothing to clean up, and I'm tired of this kind of posts and it's time to rest. And why would you say that? do you sleep well at nights? as I said I'm tired and would be better to go to bed now, sweat dreams.
When will Spain be a major power again?
Their your bastard rape babies you should have done more for them.
We kinda see the rest of the EU as a colony. they slave work for us, so the answer is we already are.
silly, native girls did not rape us.
After the 2nd civil war
>they slave work for us
What the fuck are you on.
>hay spain why are you not in the americas any more this place has turned to shit without you!
> T. country that kicked spain out of the Americas
You reap what you sow
Mexico was beautiful, you ruined it up with imperialism and drug financing creatura, Id say its up to you
When will Anglo clean up Palestine/is real mess, when will Anglo fix eastpakistan/Pakistan/India mess?
And country had Anglo troops turns into shitholes.
>case study
>Latin america
castilians can't keep their penis in their pants. and now we have 400~ millions of mutts thanks to them
They all wanted to be independent and shit and we don't even have nukes, we need to get another inquisition going first anyway.
Not their colony anymore, not their problem anymore
It was fine when we left it, it's your mess now
Can someone give me a rundown on the rape protest stuff going in rn in spain?
He's playin EU4 and not living reality
lmao onions burgers you actually helped us kick spains butt now you're bitching about the results.
Kek! That would involve work.
Work, to a bunch of people who have to take a nap halfway through the day..
I feel for you burgerbros, I mean to have to put up with a bunch of sponging faggots who couldn't stop the laziest people in all of Europe.
Well nukes are on the table so... It shouldn't be long now until it cleans itself up..
Wash your penis and fix your country
>Five guys fuck a drunk girl
>She regrets it, says it's rape
>Three years later, it's finally decided it was "sexual aggression"
>Nine years of prison, but since they already have almost three years of prison done they can basically get out in two months because good conduct
>Insane butthurt
That's basically it, afaik
That post is pretty hateful dude, I'll have to report it to the police.
Enjoy your twenty years of prison
Oh ok so it wasn't the usual suspects
Calm down, muhammad
Well you can bet the Soros sponsored sjws and the Podemos commies are onto it but that's a given
>hur hur
We have more chinks here m8
Based Spaniard.
When you'll clean up your 300,400 year old shithole called USA.
this, and to think we helped them with their independence, and see how grateful they are about that
You can't expect from the mutts to be grateful hombre. They're still Anglos.