Glad I could help

Glad I could help

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Le Based Metakor am I rite guise?

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Jim just likes watching a shitshow, IBS became cringey as fuck and they just cared about money.

I love that Jims stream had 3 times as many viewers as any of Andy/Tonka

you can tell this guy is a 400 lb. superfat because his avatar has that chisled jaw they're all obsessed with

Do not blaspheme the Grand Senpai

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Nah he has a hot asian gf.


YOU [spoiler] SUCK [/spoiler]

i will commit suicide now

Gj meng.

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How surprising

Daily reminder this guy was responsible for gamergate. I'm genuinely surprised there is no hit pieces written about him.

Is that shit worth watching?

only the first hour after that he just reads the chat

He doesn't have a fat voice


WOW, great POLITICS on the POLITICS board you stupid fucking leaf bitch

/v/ is responsible, not mr. faggot.

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I like his voice, and find him entertaining, but god is IBS utter faggotry. Anything to do with the internet is so fucking cringy I want to give myself an icepick lobotomy when I hear people bitching about something on the internet.

Glad I could help

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He's a turbofaggot

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idk whos more leddit, this guy or Aydin

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mister Metokur. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of e-celeb culture most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Jim’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Marcus Tullius Cicero, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mister Metokur truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jim’s existential catchphrase “glad I could help,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Dostoevsky’s Russian epic Notes from the Underground. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the Aristocrat’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Habermann tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel

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netehr do i and im 240 , 5 10

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Lol, /v/ was heavily moderated and you couldn't even make a topic last for 5mins. There was always an sjw mod waiting to crush any discussion.

But keep convincing yourself internet aristokike wasn't the one that gave gamergate it's running legs.

Have you seen her? The whole dude’s life that get thrown in ze pooblik zpayce is pretty much a lie to avoid getting doxxed.

He sure made a lot of money with that superchat yesterday.

Not only that but he's a cripple.

did Jim get doxxed by Sargon?

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He literally created the original five guys videos

smart if true
if not then dumb for gook

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Ruin a mans life in a day

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youre a big guy

this is total cringe

He'll be fine.

Mrickter Mortikur

Good ol Trotsky treatment

Yeah nah

Queen of (Danny's) Pole is Canadian?

Either of the dudes in that video don't sound like Jim. Its an old video likely recorded on a flip phone but still. Jim probably uses turtlebeaches for a mic still

He’s the best e-celeb. Ironically that’s not saying a lot of good about him, while the same time it is.

Yeah sure you will, lol

Hello lord brat sniff, glad to have you

Hi Aqua, Hi Britbong, Hi Shortfatotaku. You know your IPs are actually visible on /cow/ right?

kys, cancer

He will die of super aids

I wonder if people actually give a shit about this type of autistic online threats

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I wonder why they are dumb enough to raid from 8ch and not think people will spot them

why is Kiwifarms full of redditors and furfags?

Kinda lost me when he started some pointless infighting with Baked. I lost a lot of respect for both of those guys. As well as JF and Warski. Pretty much turned me off all those cunts

Yeah, caring about things is for suckers! I'll care about whatever my god Metokur thinks though!

half the people on that board are lolcows themselves

>let me post about how much i hate the internet, on the internet

Hi baked
yeah seems like nothing but troll shielders. Most of the comments on KOP is saying how it's totally okay he's gay.

Metokur is okay but if he ever bullied me I would call him a gay nigger with a wallmart brand Asian girlfriend.

His antics are a good reminder of what happens when you're a faggot on the internet.

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I just I hate Baked as well now retard. The whole infighting problem of the alt-right is turning me off politics in general. Plus dumb ass comments like yours


what happened

>I'm so smart you'd never understand me or my preferences
>I offer nothing of value but banter but plz still listen to me shit out my mouth
Intelligent or not, the fact that you find that participating in eceleb culture shows just how much still need to learn. Words are great. Do something with them besides shitpost and brag on anime boards about how fucking smart you are. Faggot.

Yeah, sounds like you're defending KoP. Why Do you hate Metokur and Kiwi Farms? Does KoP have your dick pics? Really makes you think. Watch Kumite.


you mean alt-lite. complete with fags, trannies hapas and tradthots.


He lives in Florida you silly leaf.

t. butthurt /cow/

>falling for copy pasta

Nah they are just using /cow/ to try and stir shit. It's faggots like Aqua and others from the discord. Britbong and his salty followers (amazed he has any after he got cucked by his 14 year old mod), and liberalists that spam the same gay shit that looks like it was made on their secret subreddit.

Jim is a lazy faggot who just makes easy commentary videos you can make by reading an ED article. He never makes anything funny or obscure anymore.

desu he should just tell stories about old metokur stuff and people everyone has forgotten about.

positive the wings video will be basic bitch tier and all he did was watch the most popular vids and talk to woody.

How autistic do you have to be to post this in any thread about IBS. Jesus Christ, you absolute faggot.

>Words are great
Talk is cheap. Unless you're pounding those superchats. Donate to my patreon and I'll scrape Jow Forums for a video, when I feel like it.

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Dude I'm living rent free in your head. I don't want to be a leader, I just want to make things and hurt people.

Here's the difference between me and you, I don't have this gay ass ideal of what this place is. I have an ideology and I know I'm better than you, but I don't pretend to represent this place. I just give credit to what made me.

Also, its funny you're butthurt I'm nice to Tonka. He's someone I have respect for and think is a cool dude. I support what he is doing and he is in some very abstract way supporting what we are doing. I'd probably be just as nice to Jim because he makes me laugh and I respect him.

You got a problem with me and how I live my life? Come fight me in on our thing or in the Kumite. You're a bitchmade little faggot and I'll jam my fat cock down your throat till you're crying blood and thanking me.

Open thing to anyone who thinks I was too nice to Tonka last night. Hit me up right now and talk that shit to my face. We are here for bloodsports, step into the ring if you got a problem with it.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe its wrong to be self confident and have respect for people you admire. Maybe I'm making us all look bad. I don't fucking know, I'm just having fun.

If you are soooo mad about some stupid stream we had last night that you really think the best thing to do is criticize some random guy on the internet who never claimed to be anything but a 'sociopath planting gardens in a minefield' or whatever stupid shit that was, then back it up.

I'll hear you out, I'll give you every benefit of the doubt. But if you come here and talk all that shit and aren't willing to back it up, then you are just a cowardly faggot. Lets do some real bloodsports people, I'm so ready for it.

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Wtf, I'm a liberalist now

I see everyone on /cow/ is engaged in it, so I have no idea what you're on about, Tonka Trucks.

I imagine he's more a skinnyfat beardbald than anything else

You must be dumb then. Aqua and the other trannies had a stream today where they bitched about shit and half that thread is word for word what they said. Same for britbong as well as SFO who larped as a mute, autistic, disabled lesbian during GG to scam nudes out of dumb sluts.

Liberalists infiltrated /cow/. True /cow/ is in the bunker now. Now /cow/ are the real lolcows. Sad.
Jim saw Sargon got himself a Vee, so he got himself a Tonka. A mutt-puppet to parrot his opinions.

this post seems a little hypocritical, no?

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Take it over to IBS general then, fellow kekistani.

I miss common filth. why did he ditch the channel and start reviewing early 00s gaming shovelware?

He's a bot. Not even kidding. He's a new Tay project.

Nah it's funnier saying it here.

What are you talking about? What's wrong with Aqua?

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King of Dicks infested /cow/ and now we have this.

hmm which cow post should i ctrl+p in here

Love the internet.
Nah, just using lefty logic (i.e. "it's okay when I/we do it")

I don't get your sense of humour, so I request this stream you speak of.

What a retarded thing to spout out? It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just retarded.

Pasta was good until the Doestoyevsky part. Normies reads Зaпиcки из пoдпoлья and never shut up about it, even though it's like a 60 page short story.

The one zoom was on for 10 minutes and that ended after 25 minutes. The one showing off the discord and all the faggotry in it.

He is a bot you fucking moron.

>*smug chuckle*

he literally reads chan threads into a mic to make his half-assed "videos" (quotes because they barely have any visual component to them and really are more like podcasts). He based his 5 guys video off an infinitychan thread.

Metokuck is nothing more than opportunistic faggot who repackages the content from places like /cow/ Jow Forums into videos so a youtube audience (most of whom are boomers and mutts that are too lazy to read a fucking forum on their own) can feel like they're in on the joke.

for you

8ch net/cow/res/390723.html#q428756

The people want to know

IBS was always autistic it just turned jewishly autistic.

people that hate on jim are just miserable people

I've talked to him. Why say retarded shit?