Bibi Goes to War

What do we think of Bibi's high school powerpoint presentation?

Attached: Bibi Meme.jpg (1110x597, 46K)

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Doesn't concern me.

We've seen it before

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well you're Canadian, so of course it doesn't

I thought this guy was convicted of money laundering or something. How is he still in power in Israel?

extremely effective, in the end all you remember is that Iran lied

this entire speech took place in late hours Israel time. it was in English, not hebrew, the national language of Israel. the slides were in English, not hebrew. this was entirely to sell a war to Americans and English speaking goyim. every other address to "his people" by him was in hebrew. except this one.

Show the original that doesn't have "ran" shopped in.

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he even had props. 10/10 would go to war

Attached: show_n_tell.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Iraninan PM is not impressed


Oh shit props senpai!?
Sign me up for 1 ticket to fight for pissreal please!

Of course. They did it right in time for the evening primetime news cycle to rev up the propaganda. Expect more stories about muh evil Iranians and maybe even a false flag on U.S. Land or troops.

condescending, but he figured it was good enough to fool the goyim with so why bother doing more

>when someone asks you where you keep you're memes

>but he figured it was good enough to fool the goyim with so why bother doing more

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Fuck, all those Grimes samples.

>pulls first sheet
Oh that wasnt dank enough for (you)?
Try these Great Meme War memes I got too.
>pulls second sheet

This nigga got my anime and manga collection wtf

>slide presentation
the ironing

Attached: Allow_Me.jpg (600x413, 83K)

So does just just lie awake at night not understanding just why the Americans are not going straight to Iran and killing off their enemies for them at their own expense?

Nobody wants to die for wealthy Jews.

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the only honest part

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Jews are shilling hard today..

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this is just absurd. they truly know the goyim mutts of jewsa will eat up anything

It's amateurish in a very calculated way. I think it has to do with pratfall effect. Never underestimate the jews.

Attached: donaldKnows.jpg (2067x1143, 655K)

>pratfall effect
Increase or decrease?