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Imagine believing this
you're hardly "embracing" it if you have to go into a closet
just abandon dignity altogether and walk down the street openly weeping
Is cry closet just a code word for a room for homeless people to shoot up heroin and shit in?
These morons should just have enough decency to restrict their weepy faggotry to their rooms.
Perfect place to plant a milk chicken bomb
A sexual assault will occur in one these closets I’m calling it now
people saying "lets do" are too afraid to be judged for doing something that everyone else isn't doing that they need to justify it with a "lets all do this".
bitch just sit in your sadhole and cry and own it, don't make anyone else do your weird shit.
Yah, it's ok to cry. Jow Forums is just a massive emo-fest anyway.
Waaaaaa my butt hurts!
This one time I cried like a little bitch for a week when my dog died. Then my emotions died and the pain went away. Am I gonna make it?
I would just hide in the cry closet and beat the shit out of any dude that entered it.
It's unironically okay for men to cry.
BUT only in appropriate situations.
Extreme pain, death of loved ones/pets/friends. loss of long term relationships and out of patriotism for you country or seeing it be brought low.
The problem is women are pushing this BS "Men should cry like... idk, like, every other day, like, just get it out ya know? Women do it and we are much happier, like, healthier too... cause like of our release of emotions..."
Extreme pain and death are the only points i agree with you there, You shouldn't be affected by a long term relationship ending, that's only healthy if it did. And seeing your country be brought so low should make you angry.
Otherwise this.
that's more like it!
Acceptable times for a man to cry
> Dog dies
Possible times a man could cry, the jury is still out
> Losing friend in combat
Not acceptable times for man to cry
> Made redundant
> Marriage ended
> Child or parents death
> Diagnosed with terminal illness
> Traumatic injury on sportsfield
step right in
Crying is a normal response to certain things. I've listened to beautiful compositions that brought a tear to my eye. I cried when I lost a brother. But it's like shitting, don't fucking do it in public.
There are acceptable times to shed tears.
>putting a beloved pet down
man's best friend
>family member's death
doesn't need explanation
>serious illness
death might be imminent
>tears of joy
because life needs happiness senpai
I can't think of much else valid reason to cry.
Holding your firstborn son for the first time. Seeing or hearing beauty if (only a tear or two, no bawling.)
Start a rumor men are using them to masturbate, boom, no more cry closets
is it okay to cry during the Lord of the Rings?
Daily reminder that if you cry you are a basedboi
>tfw havent cried in almost a decade
last time was in middle school when my bird died
>Acceptable times for a man to cry
>Dog dies
>Not acceptable times for man to cry
>Child or parents death
more proof dog owners are mentally ill.
>cry closets
the prank videos of these will be incredible if these go nationwide
I can imagine sealing people inside while their cries for help go unnoticed. Also lots of porn and fucking inside of them while loud sex crying is ignored
It's literally all a giant shit-test. The sooner you realise this, the better off you will be.
This. My dogs dying always hit me harder than anything else in life. Uncontrollable full-on sobbing. Then it ends after a day or so and I go back to showing no emotion except anger on occasion to keep subordinates in check.
only because it ended
You've never known the joy of owning a dog. A living thing who is fucking overjoyed to see you, every day, for all of its life.
Only during this scene.
>Acceptable times for a man to cry
To be fair I had to shoot my own dog. That was tough. Poor cunt got fucked up by a boar when we went hunting. He looked at me and seemed to know it was going to happen.
Have never had to kill my parents or a child so can't really compare. I think you should stay stoic in that kind of situation.
his tits hung enormous the way you'd think of God's as big
Not for any publicly funded universities. Waste of funds.
ffs are we really doing this bullshit again Jow Forums?
any of the battle speeches really get me emotional but theodens transformation always makes me hold back tears due to the sheer beauty and symbolism contained within the scene
The only time i cried infront of anyone was when i drunk and i still feel like a pussy because of it. Men cry alone if you need to, women automatically lose respect for you if you cry infront of them.
I've had dogs my entire life and I don't anthropomorphize them like you seem to. They don't love you, they serve you. Your parents and children matter more than some animal.
That is pretty sad.
This but include
>hearing that Bobby Shmurda got locked up in 2014
I cry, I get emotional about things and even if I treat someone wrongly when I
think about it, it makes me want to. am I a total faggot?
How many more effeminate men do you have to notice before you finally realize there is an ulterior motive behind this.
>They don't love you, they serve you
You were probably a shitty owner.
there are no acceptable times for a man to cry.
except when your wife gives birth. that is the only tiem crying is okay.
Crying as an adult man solves nothing. It just makes people think you're weak in my opinion.
Well, it is fair to cry when you witness the end of your life.
>muh doggos got feewings hes extwa speshul :(
They don't. It's really disturbing taking my dog to the park and other dog owners coming up to me and introducing themselves as their dogs "parents". Stop projecting things onto these animals, they serve you because you feed them and provide them with a social hierarchy that they crave, they are not little angels.
Fucking fags, getting out of a closet and then locking themselves in an other.
Lets do it.
When you enter the cry closet, loud white noise starts then fast strobe lights.
Whitenoise to block pussy sounds
Strobe lights so nobody can see your beta ass balling
>lets make x happen
>x is something retarded.
I hate nu-journalism as much as I hate old media journalism to be frank
Women want it because its a shit test
That's the problem. The "It's OK to cry" Movement started in the 80s. It was done by the same groups and people who are now working on the "toxic masculinity" thing.
They know exactly what they are doing. They are doing it on purpose.
>crying a dog's death over a family member
You got some issues son. Family is everything.
One of my dogs grew very old and feeble. He had disc surgery on his neck and his hind legs were very weak from medication he had to take for epilepsy. One of his front legs audibly clicked every time he walked.
Yet that tough little bastard would lug himself up two flights of stairs every day just to lay down near me while I worked on my computer. The food and treats were downstairs. It got to be so painful for him that he could no longer take the impact from going back down the stairs, yet still he'd climb up to be with me every day and then let me carry him down the stairs when I was done.
You know nothing about the love of dogs. You must be a Chink or nigger.
It's also okay to cry when your child dies
kill yourself. Crying over a fucken shitty fantasy movie. Just end it
Ty mate. Appreciate it
A dog is a man's companion. Loyal, trusting, friendship even. We don't have the same bond with anyone or anything else. It transcends a lot of shit.
On that day he got gored, his leg was spliced open to the bone. Puncture wound in his abdomen I could see his intestines. He tried walking but just winced and whelped.
The look in his face was 'shit, I've fucked up, I'm a gonner.' he made his peace with it and I think he was looking at me to take him out.
I sat with him for a minute, just patted his head, talked about stupid shit. He started howling and crying so a got up and cocked my rifle. He didn't feel a thing.
Buried him out there.
Cried in the ute on the way home. Had his blanket and shit in there, was too much remembering him at 5 that morning all happy and exciting to be going out. And here I was going home without him.
The reason I think that's acceptable time to cry is because it doesn't really matter to anyone else, so we can sook without losing anyone's confidence or respect. When something major happens like child's death, that's when we need to keep it together. Because others are looking at us to be rocks and supportive. If we start blubbering, then others know things are fucked. My wife miscarried twice, I cried but on my own. She needed me to be strong for her. She didn't need to see me cry.
Hope that makes sense, I'm just typing shit on my phone.
Your attitude towards dogs is fine. Your attitude, relatively speaking, to your children is the creepy and disgusting part.
Babies cry. Women cry. Men get even.
Those closets would smell like homeless sex within a week.
I don't have kids you retarded leaf.
>all these mutts crying about their mutts
Man the fuck up or get a cat you pussies
>get a cat
Of course you don't, you'll die a virgin. My pups are on the way faggot
use the goddamn bathroom stall like a normal human being
these people are pathetic
Try again, cucknadian. I never wanted kids and married a woman who felt the same way. Fuck the white ethnostate. The only people who need to worry about bullshit like that are those with kids.
A fucking leaf
>using a photo from the "Distracted Boyfriend" series
>not putting a citation in the article
I thought Slate was a serious news site?
Oh boy.
You grandfather: 5 kids
You: an abortion and a dog
>an abortion
Just full of strawmen today aren't you? I guarantee I got more enjoyment and love from my dogs than you'll get from your shitheel race-mixing transgender children.
Get some dogs then, they're great at night, probably even better then your wife.
btw ur a defeatist faggot. I bet your wife is a weirdo like you. Fucking loser.
At the end yes. Of course blubbering is a bad look but getting choked up is normal
thats a die closet.
someone goes to cry.
finds od
life ruined
I'm a weirdo because I don't like kids and I don't give a shit what happens to yours after I'm dead? Get raked, faggot.
You don't want responsibility, you're not a real man. You'll never experience a true human life, no offspring, nothing to pass on, you and your old ass crusty wife, that's it, and that's pretty sad. You're defeated already, demoralized. Pathetic. Sad.
I bet your wifes pussy stinks bad. No responsibility.
no you a faggot becuase you are a worthless genetic dead end who is afraid of responsibility.
>ever okay
last time I cried I was 8. I was helping my dad work and had a cinder block fall over and pinch my finger. When I started to cry my dad smacked me upside the head and told me, “son, you’re old enough now to know that crying is for the weak. Men internalize their emotions, so suck it up and deal with it”. I have never seen my father cry, even when my mother died in his arms. I hope my son will never see me cry either.
>literally wanting to put fags into the closet again
I'm Ok with this
You sound pretty angry, using these "man up" roastie talking points. But hey, I'm sure you'll get to see your kids every other weekend while you live in a cuck shack and support your ex-wife and her new boyfriend. Live that dream while I travel and never worry about money the rest of my life.
>worthless genetic dead end
I really don't give a shit about this argument. After I'm dead, fuck all of you and your kids. It's not my job to make a better future for your kids.
Hahaha you're so pathetic, keep projecting your insecurities on me, you're pretty pathetic, you know that? Oh well, you're a genetic dead end, you literally don't matter. I'm sure your father is proud of what a pussy his faggot son is right? lol.
t. mutt cuck
No grandkids, just a crusty ass wife. You don't value family, you just wanted a hole and were dumb enough to put a ring on a woman who also didn't want kids. Maybe her insticts will kick in and she'll leave your deadbeat ass.
You keep repeating the same meaningless argument. I live my life how I want to. I don't owe anyone else shit. You're going to waste half your life trying to make someone else happy, and they'll probably wind up not giving a shit about you and sticking you in a nursing home at the end.
Women are under the delusional impression that men who give in to their emotions will be nicer and gentle.
Men who don't keep their emotions in check would more likely be unpredictably violent and vicious. We keep that shit locked down for a reason.
Wrong, you cried when I ran that big dick in your nasty ass.
>Maybe her insticts will kick in and she'll leave your deadbeat ass.
She's a little old for that. I valued companionship, not an incubator for the fourth reich. It's always the miserable faggots with kids who get the most upset when I say I never wanted them. Your regret is palpable.
I'm going to make a proud family, meanwhile you're withering away with your wife that will eventually leave you because you never wanted to be a man, you never wanted to be a dad. I get it dude, we all know you're pathetic. Her instincts will kick in and she'll realize what a shithead deadbeat father you would've been anyway. Enjoy the alimony with no kids.
What we need are anger domes instead. Fuck the cry closets, we need soundproof rooms to let people really vent their anger.
ayyy lmao
>muh tuff childhood