I live in America and I can assure you that Trump is going to win reelection, I have spoken with a large amount of people and just by simply mentioning the economy their vote goes STRAIGHT to TRUMP.
I'm actually being serious here, ever since Trump said he would make America great again our country has been going nuts for him, the online polls won't show it because most of these voters here don't even know how to use the internet.
I swear to you on my life that you don't have to worry about a damn thing in this coming election.
Congrats everyone and thank you for making this miracle happen.
>Watching Schindler's List in the kinoplex >its the scene where the one armed man gets shot in the streets >yell "THAT GOTTA HURT!" >crow erupts in a cacophony of laughter >I get out of my seat and bow for my audience >people begin whistling and clapping for me >I go to the walking paths and begin goose stepping and heiling >more and more begin to clap for me others join in on the heiling >an awkward hasidic jew in the front row slumps down >I point to him and say "YOUR NEXT BERG!" >manager comes to see what the commotion is and throws the jew out of the kinoplex
guys.... this is bad. 87% - 99% chance of a trump presidency?
that's a 1% - 13% chance of failure... i.. i just can't do this anymore.
i've been a trump supporter since june of last year, when he took that escalator ride to make the announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.
i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of donald trump's campaign.
i used to be a trump supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... hill.
Well there's two very distinct possibilities here. If the Iranian data from the presentation is legit, he's caught them with their pants down and revealed it when he did in order to convince Trump to exit the deal. If the Iranian data is faked, it's yet another episode of FIGHT OUR SAND WARS, GOYIM.
Another example proving the left just can't into memes The power of the phrase overcomes any negative imagery you pair it with and at best makes a funny juxtaposition
John Baker
You joke but cockneys are going extinct in London.
James Thompson
He's trying to be the "let's all get along" guy He also tweeted that he admired that shaved head crisis actor from Parkland
Samuel Brooks
Mommy Sarah Carter found out who made the Dr. Jackson stories. Pence’s assigned doctor.
Project done. Just need to study for my final final on Thurs. Then up to Injiana for my little sisters graduation.
Austin White
Because she's hotter
What happened to that DVD? To prove any of this happened?
Jonathan Peterson
WV was a blue state for 50 years until you retards told them coal was obsolete. Dems have registration advantage cuz most boomers didn't bother to officially switch parties but they vote straight Republican regardless.
Nathan Perez
Schindler's List is Spielberg's best fantasy film.
BTFO Two kilograms of gold have gone missing from the Royal Canadian Mint, three years after an employee repeatedly — and with international notoriety > — stole chunks of the precious metal by hiding it in his rectum. ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/mint-calls-rcmp-after-two-kilos-of-gold-worth-110k-go-missing There’s gold in them thar hills. internal inventory >about the diameter of a golf ball For those of us who don't know, are Canadian golf balls the same size as American golf balls? (I suppose the same question could be asked about Canadian rectums, but that question would probably start a whole new thread). I think I will never buy Canadian gold after knowing where it has been. American golf ball is 1.68 inches in diameter, or 4.27 cm. Volume of a sphere having radius 2.33 cm is 40.7 cm3. Density of gold is 19.32 gm/cm3. Mass of solid gold golf ball therefore = 786 gm, or 27.7 oz (more than 1.5 lb). >Therefore value of 27.7 oz golden golf ball at current gold price of $1357/oz would be $37635. ..
You're past your prime, your body is breaking down as we speak, death's cold silent embrace draws ever closer with each second you waste in this godforsaken place.