Scientific Proof for God

Any fellow Christfags out there know of scientific proof of the existence of God?

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What would you accept as proof?

There's not any. If there was it'd be in the news in almost every country of the world.

It's an inference that appears in higher science. Some subscribe to it and others become annoying outspoken atheists. Ph.d. chemist here... you can chose your own route but you will never find any proof that God exists outside of your own personal experience and faith.
Old hermetic teachings say God is All. If you extrapolate back to time = 0 you reach a singularly in most of Phyllis where equations either go to 0 or infinity. So there's a simple answer for nothing before everything or everything before everything...

Look around you user, behold the beauty that God has created in front of you, is this not good enough proof for you? What more does good have to do?

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Not a Christian, but if you're looking to explore non-physical realms in a scientific manner, seek out knowledge on ecsomatic experiences. I've practiced it for years now and document every instance objectively as possible in a document. For newfags I would suggest Michael Raduga's Seminar 3 Day Seminar on Youtube. Then check out Bob Monroe or Robert Peterson or Tom Campbell.
Also if you want an official perspective on the matter look at the CIA's project Stargate.

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This. Also Shroud of Turin and the Letters of Pontius Pilate.

>math errors mean god is real

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Anything you can get me.


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Maybe proof has been found, but it's been silenced because of all the people it would upset.

The braconid wasp wasp can only be birthed by its eggs being laid on top of a Tomato Hornwom, meaning that they both have to have existed at the same time, for all of time.

Literally zero physical/tangible evidence. That’s why Christianity is so retarded along with all other religions. ZERO PROOF.
>but muh faith!!!
Faith is an excuse for absence.
>inb4 lel fedora tip xD

OP here

I'm already a Christian so I don't need the proof, it's for other people I'm talking to.

It's a matter of faith. Even if you go to church every Sunday thinking this is all bullshit, there is something to be said for being part of a larger community. It's good to be around people with similar values. You also get to become part of a 2000 year old tradition that is currently being over taken by Islam as the dominate religion of the world. I'd say join the Church now, because the Pope will NEED to raise an army to push back the Islamic conquest of Europe. Or we can just submit to Islam. I'll take the western tradition over Islam though. It's a matter of subjective aesthetics for me personally though.

The braconid wasp came about because a predecessor to it laid it's eggs on the Tomato Hornworm and eventually mutations took place that caused the tomato reliant braconid wasp to come about.

Conspiracy theories are useless. You can put a maybe in everything. Also, proof would make faith obsolete so i don't think that'll ever happen.

"Proof" is a term tightly defined among philosophers. Don't throw it around idly. Peruse some of William Lane Craig's videos to understand better.

He's one of the greatest living Christian philosophers.

>the Letters of Pontius Pilate.
what? that is historical fiction.

>It's a matter of faith.
You're fucking dumb. The spiritual realms can be traveled at will. Do you have any semblance of discipline and intention?

no, i mean what kind of experiment could do that
if you mean God as He is defined in scripture, He has already told us that we are not to put him to the test

Also putting "social Darwinism" under atheism proves that it is just as faith based as Christianity. Why should evolution not apply to humans the same way it applies to every other animal? Why should we nicer than our genes? Atheists tend to just be reform jews that haven't converted. Their "good" Shepard is Marx.

A^2 +4b /7 = X-c
therefore god exists

this thread is not blessed with any numbers that repeat. therefore the christian god is not real. there is only one true god so praise him

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I wish I could do this. I don't think I have the discipline though. I can't turn off my "thoughts" and see anything. Maybe one day. I've tried astral projection, but no luck.

That's right.

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no you fucking retard

IF there was proof, there would be no need for faith, which is sort of what the entire New Testament is hinged upon.
How about you give us scientific proof of how the singularity that would later become the big bang was first created, something that most atheistfags simply gloss over, or the more honest ones admit they simply don't know.

If God is real why do I have autism? Checkmate Christians!

Breh, it's not hard. It literally requires discipline when waking and intention upon achieving it. It is a very gut/right brain oriented practice.

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Can you afford to take a chance?
Believing is FREE

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Math noob here. Care to explain?

What would you accept as proof God does NOT exist?

>the idea of a skydaddy watching over me makes me feel all nice and warm inside and if u disagree ur a nihilist

Religicucks in a nutshell. Pagans are tolerable, Christians are the worst though, shitting on Judaism and Islam even though you're all effectively the same, semitic religions.

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If the Christian God is real and is as the Bible describes, then there is no scientific proof of him nor should you expect any. What is science, anyways? What are its limits? Why would studying the laws of this world tell us anything about the being who created this world? If free will exists, what is its purpose? Is faith necessary when concrete proof exists? Even if we cannot prove his existence, can we learn about the Creator by examining what he has created?

I don't mean to sound like a crappy Q impersonation with all the questions, but I put things like that because I don't have the answers myself, only my own theories. Good luck user.

Religion doesn't matter. Most, if not all, teach morality and purging of degeneracy.

You do realize that the scientific method verifies consciousness post physical livelihood?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

The whole point of religion is that it doesn't make falsifiable claims, so trying to talk about religion in the context of "proof" or "evidence" is pointless.


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Sweet, thanks. I'll try it out and see if I get anything.

The nobel prize awaits you then. Go.

Subtle, but astonishingly also the most accurate answer in the thread.

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Ayyy shill kys

>shitting on Judaism and Islam even though you're all effectively the same, semitic religions.
Sweet mother of Kek, the sandpeople are buttmad at us for shitting on their heresies. This is golden.

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What makes you think (((God))) did it, why couldn't it be an hindu god or someone else?

How old are you? You do realize the Taoists were practicing ecsomatic sciences since the 3rd century BC?
KEK Imagine being so deluded you think an organization that praises and upholds kikes and a materialist world order would award a random loser out of anyone like me with a nobel prize.

If you have proof why would you need faith, God is real to those who have faith and idk why, rationality "kills" God in a way you wouldnt have to believe in him. Even then everyone has their INTERNAL COURT to go through then the supreme EXTERNAL COURT or God. If your based in truth you hand will be on top

Be my guest and explain, bible thumping brainlet. Even then you'll only be supporting Deism, not your specific skydaddy religion amongst 0000s of others humans have invented since the dawn of time

Not quite, but I can scientifically disprove atheism.

In Newtonian physics, if a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, it still makes a sound.

In Quantum physics, if a electron bounces around in a box, it has no position until observed by a human.

This is actually a mechanic you see often in video games - stuff that's out of sight of the player is handled by simplified processes, but switch to something more specific once the player observes it.

This means that the universe as we know it would not function without humans and exists for our 'benefit'. Human observation of quantum particles is actually a core mechanic. (The scientific fact that the universe was around way before humans is metaphysically irrelevant - a creator could simply start in the middle and work backwards, like George Lucas did starting Star Wars at Episode IV.)

It also implies that at some point in the /relatively/ recent past the universe was literally created last thursday.

go smoke DMT dude maybe you find him, also if anything can be created of nothing, what else can be created of else

Muslim. Christian. Jew. You're all the same to me.

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You have to go back

Are A and X tensors or what? I've never seen this shit before.

Yes, I would not be able to disprove that statement.

Vortex math.
Vatican archives

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It doesn't have to be a God, perhaps we could be living in a simulation

I'm already her faggot

Intelligent design

How precisely perfect everything had to been for the big bang to be successful/stable (many variables that were so minutely precise that it would be stupid to think it was just random)


I feel small-brained. Is this some odd quadratic formula?

>Be my guest and explain
Ecsomatic Science.
>bible thumping brainlet.
Never opened a bible in my life but I've heard some of the parables and they portray a good moral I think.
>Even then you'll only be supporting Deism,
I won't, Gods are egregores, and angels too, they are repeatably and scientifically verifiably reproduced through ecsomatic practices. All that requires to witness them is intent and emotion.
>not your specific skydaddy religion amongst 0000s of others humans have invented since the dawn of time
Like I said, they are egregores generated by emotion and intent.

>Mark Passio

oh jesus

this tbqh, mark has got his shit down.

Everything and anything is all in order even disasters. Look at dogs for an example they’re perfectly find tuned creatures. Weather clouds humans plants ect. It’s all designed therefore logically we came from a creator.

I'm 28 and you're most likely underage. Read the rules.
>ecsomatic sciences
Are you serious? Do you think this shit has any relevancy to actual science? Fucking astral projections? Get the fuck out of here. There's no such thing as a consciousness outside of your brain, all evidence indicates the opposite.
>inb4 le epic trol XDDD

Bible thumping means you don’t read the Bible you just thump the cover.

Hint: Fundamentally re-examine the entirety of the situation outside of the realm of the silly little squiggles that are supposed to mean something to you. The actual calculation is irrelevant to the lesson.

Ok so the predecessor needed to exist at the same time as the hornworm for all of time. all you did was pass the buck lol

Is there proof that God doesn't exist?

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Skydaddy isn't real user.

I personally believe the TAG (Transcendental Argument for the Existence of God) line of thought regarding God's existence and recommend listening to the Bahnsen vs Stein debate. This is also the line of reasoning used by Emmanuel Kant.

For traditional arguments for God see debates by William Lane Craig. His counter to the argument for evil is good. It was something like (Been a decade or so since I heard it):
1) Evil exists
2) For something to be truly evil morality must be objective
3) Without God there cannot be a truly objective morality
4) Therefore God exists

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Infinite universe theory is any easy one, if infinite realities exist in which anything can happen, than in one of them at least the Christian God exists, this can be applied to any religion naturally. But you could argue for which one we are in, and therein Atheism is redundant since any endless numbers of god /do/ technically exist.

>God is the highest good imaginable
>Something good that exists is better than something that doesn't exist

Now I wait for the fedoras to get triggered and bring up the perfect island meme

>I'm 28 and you're most likely underage. Read the rules.
Great. And no I'm not.
>Are you serious?
>Do you think this shit has any relevancy to actual science?
Anything that can verify itself based on the scientific method is "actual science", yes. Why, what would you call "actual science" if "actual science" isn't based on the scientific method?
>Fucking astral projections?
Nobody uses hippie language anymore, this is a well documented phenomenon. But sure if you sleep better at night getting a dopamine hit by calling it what you believe to be a bad name, sure kiddo.
>Get the fuck out of here.
No, I will not "Get the fuck out of here." I am only following the scientific method, with absolute rigor, and objectivity. It sounds like you are not by instantly dismissing things, before even collecting judging the information yourself after collecting it from a wide array of sources. THAT is very unscientific, see pic related.
>There's no such thing as a consciousness outside of your brain
[Citation Needed]
>all evidence indicates the opposite.
[Citation Needed]

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Lutheran here. Im an engineer.

The ancient civilizations that built the pyrimid water pump and other megalithic structures encoded their knowledge in the geometry.

The Earth and Moon was created and put into orbit at its location. The material was taken from one of Saturn's moons.

Read "who built the moon" by Christopher Knight

Earth diameter km

Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584

0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273

The moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.

Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.

The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever. However, if we round it off at the fourth decimal point we could say that π is 3.1416. This is exactly what the builders of the Moon did – they considered π to be equal to 3.1416 – which is yet another way we know that the Moon cannot be a natural object.

The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.

π + 0.366 of π = 4.

We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.

The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.

Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.

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The body of Christ was sent to an analytical laboratory and it was found to be tissue of a struggling heart.
The blood of Christ was likewise analyEd, found to be type AB.

No because the predecessor laid it's eggs in a different way than the modern braconid wasp. Are you really too retarded to understand natural selection?

You're the one making the assertion that god exists. I don't need to prove anything, you do, leaf.

lol, some people have autism. I get it now though.

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It's all right here. The whole site, type anything in the search field and it brings up scientific evidence.

The meme flag isn't hiding your fedora very well.

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shroud of turin
flat earth
observer - quantum physics
design - designer

>Using the same tube to eat and breathe from

Here's a little preview.

It did not, it simply did by chance. It is likely that predecessor spawned two different species, hornworm reliant ones and non-reliant ones.


i've found out alot of things that have made me doubt christianity, i'm hoping someone will help me rationalize it. jesus fed the masses with 2 fish the 2 fish of pisces, is represent by the fish symbol, caught 153 fish which is the number of the vessica pisces or vessel of the fish from which the fish symbol comes. the vessica pisces = complimentary opposites that when balanced create something, jesus is often depicted within the central oval of the vessica pisces. it has also been the age of pisces for the last 2000 years. the ambrahamic god seems to be saturn sharing many similarities with saturnic gods and figures such as father christmas, odin, chronus, grim reaper etc they are often depicted as old men with long white beards are called father or lord. saturn is seen as a god of agriculture and jesus calls his father the husbandman. many saturnic gods are said to have ruled over a golden age like eden. the crucifixion represents da'at from kabbalah (kaba + allah = cube god) da'at means a heart that knows knowledge and symbolises the unification of left and right pillars of kabbalah in the heart sephiroth (possibly the sacred heart of jesus) search "da'at crucifixion" on Google images. the heart chakra is symbolised by the star of david a symbol of unification of opposites

the nativity seems to be based on events in the sky. around christmas the 3 stars of orions belt are seen in the east. the three kings. the stars are following the brightest star sirius and on christmas also in the east virgo the virgin rises above the horizon while stepping on the head of the celestial serpent and then giving birth to the sun. also the heart sephiroth is also the sun.

Oops same one. There

He meant orifice. In dolphins for example breathing and eating are done from completely separate non-connected systems, thus no chance of choking.


>evil exists
In what sense
>For something to be truly evil morality must be objective
Then nothing is "truly" evil
>Without God there cannot be a truly objective morality
There isnt.

You have no idea what the scientific method is and it's very obvious judging by the fact you didn't make any attempt to investigate if what you believe is true or not. Absolute rigor my ass.

Protip: Look up falsifiability, and i'm not implying it cannot be falsified. I'm just pointing out that you didn't do what you were supposed to do even though you should know what the scientific method is. Ask your teacher if you've got any problems with comprehension or just stop acting ignorant and stop wasting people's time.

So theyre never one tube?

Your retarded meme doesn't prove anything, leaf.

>Any fellow Christfags out there know of scientific proof of the existence of God?
I'll assume you mean evidence, because you never really get proof for anything in science.

There have been quite a few arguments throughout history, including a) a universe which has only existed a finite time requires an external cause, b) the requirement for uncaused causes, just as unproved but true statements (axioms) are required to well found a chain in logic and mathematics (argument from Aristotle et. al.), c) the quantum physics measurement problem leads to the conclusion that the true state of the universe would be a homogenous blob without an external observer, d) Goedel's Ontological Proof implying the existence of a maximally actual entity

Other evidence is more circumstantial, like a) the accurate ordering of the earth's history in Genesis 1, b) that determinism turned out to be false despite initially appearing to be true and enabling free will to exist, c) the fulfillment of various prophecies (e.g. an explicit one regarding Jesus was thought by atheists to have been added later, until it was found to have pre-dated Jesus in the manuscripts found in the Dead Sea Scrolls), etc.

Each of these is a large topic in itself, and there are of course many more. These arguments are largely hidden from most people's view however, as movies/popsci channels/entertainment in general prefer the opposite conclusion.

Exactly, which is why this works as a counter argument to the claim sometimes made by Atheists that "God is evil". Either the claim is ultimately meaningless in the first place (nihilism) or God exists.

In an of itself it does not prove God as nihilism is a logical position to have. After someone applies a moral judgment that can apply to God however, they have already conceded that position.

p.s. God is able but not willing to prevent evil. He is not however "malevolent", He has a morally good purpose in allowing evil to exists. As for that reason, see Romans 9.

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