christianity is the best way to make people conservative
when people stopped being christian their countries literally got overrun my muzzies and your women are being blacked as we speak.
If you don't start praying to jesus you literally will live under sharia law within a generation.
>inb4 don't agree with this argument
>inb4 i'm a atheistfag
*tips fedora* Do you have a better alternative faggot?? I didn't think so.
Christianity is the best way to make people conservative
your alright bro, keep learning
I want nothing from God other than his guidance in living the life he wants for me. I sometimes ask for things but feel guilty when I do. He gave me life, I owe him everything I make within it.
cena sucks tho
Yeah i can see that by the way your country is going. Maybe you should ask him to save your country or something. God is literally waiting for you to pray for something.
jalousy is a sin user. You should pray for forgiveness. John Cena earned everything he got.
And he prayed for it to.
Preach my brother.
who said i'm jealous? i said he sucks, it's an objective fact
dont get all butthurt just cuz you like a fag like cena
Ezekiel 16
Whore your gifts to outsiders and God makes them kill you. I guess good sweet nice kind nuchristians shouldn't have been giving free shit to Africa.
OY veyGuvulta, Christians are Jews even though Jews rejected their leader and true God Jesus... hurdurhur
WE are the warrior monks of the 21st century, we will bring the knowledge to our blinded brothers
>matrix unplugging
Its time, the Jews have subverted this place, And now shutting it down when they bomb children.
>there is a faction war , inner civil war
Agency against agency brother against brother, Co worker against fellow peer.
>CiaNigger against CiaNigger
We need to remain true and get our transmission from GOD!
>TERRY is like Paul the Apostle converting the Science atheists causing great harm to Googles science cult
>A war against our minds and hearts
Where the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized VILE PEOPLE ORDER
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
>PizzaGate IS REAL
and much much worse
>the worst movie you have ever seen cannot compare to the human sacrifice and torture that THEY DO
We need to counterattack these SCOUNDREL fucks... through waking people up with CrimsonPills. Expose these beasts
If god loves Canada, he will inspire me and several others whom believe in him to do something about it. He will, he's helped me go through a lot and I still haven't given up on him.
the time will come when you realize god ONLY helps those who take charge, and help themselves, when the prophets came to town, the bible says the people trembled, if your godly you will truly keep gods commandments and figure out the complicated situations people bring, and will shine like the sun and have the countenance of an angel even mom and dad can see
Jow Forums is a Christian board.
hey guys. you will have eternal life somewhere
>christianity is the best way to make people conservative
In 1550? Yes. In 1850? Yes. In even 1950? Yes. In 2018?? No. Not even close. Christianity is OVER user, and it's never coming back. The sooner we realize this, and the implications of it, the better. Because then, maybe, we can figure out something to replace it. But even that is unlikely, I believe.
've found out alot of things that have made me doubt christianity, i'm hoping someone will help me rationalize it. jesus fed the masses with 2 fish the 2 fish of pisces, is represent by the fish symbol, caught 153 fish which is the number of the vessica pisces or vessel of the fish from which the fish symbol comes. the vessica pisces = complimentary opposites that when balanced create something, jesus is often depicted within the central oval of the vessica pisces. it has also been the age of pisces for the last 2000 years. the ambrahamic god seems to be saturn sharing many similarities with saturnic gods and figures such as father christmas, odin, chronus, grim reaper etc they are often depicted as old men with long white beards are called father or lord. saturn is seen as a god of agriculture and jesus calls his father the husbandman. many saturnic gods are said to have ruled over a golden age like eden. the crucifixion represents da'at from kabbalah (kaba + allah = cube god) da'at means a heart that knows knowledge and symbolises the unification of left and right pillars of kabbalah in the heart sephiroth (possibly the sacred heart of jesus) search "da'at crucifixion" on Google images. the heart chakra is symbolised by the star of david a symbol of unification of opposites.the heart sephiroth is also known as the sun.
the nativity seems to be based on events in the sky. around christmas the 3 stars of orions belt are seen in the east. the three kings. the stars are following the brightest star sirius and on christmas also in the east virgo the virgin rises above the horizon while stepping on the head of the celestial serpent and then giving birth to the sun. pls help
where all the backslidden weirdos go to flirt with Nazism and atheism
>thrown off titantron
>kicks out at two
What did Cena mean by this? Is he /ourguy/?
Christianity is taken on faith through God's word in the New Testament. The eyewitness testimony, and our own life experiences. However, belief in a creator, or God created universe is self-evident.
You should just read the bible and take it literally.
Don't try to find some hidden meaning. That's literally just occultism and you will burn in hell for that.
Strict christianity as a way of life. Not a hippy dippy spiritual come into my heart jesus type of way.
You think to much. Just pray and god will tell you the answer to any of your questions.
Also your pastor can answer the FAQs.
>countries literally got overrun my muzzies and your women are being blacked as we speak
That's what you get for turning the other cheek, christcuck. You do understand why we all call you "christcuck", right?
because you have no better argument.
>10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others, and their fields to them that shall inherit them: for every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.
Jeremiah 8:10
people are reaping what they sow
yi believe fully in a creator and really began believing in christianity but after trying to find out more about things like the star of rempham being linked to saturn i ended up finding out alot more than what i posted. it's very saddening, i wish i never searched. all my life i've been drawn to Christianity and i spent last year getting more and more into Christianity and i was happiest i had been for a long time. i began to feel fulfilled but i let curiousity ruin it. do you think a church of england vicar could help me rationalize this stuff e.g saturn and rid me of doubt?
>because you have no better argument.
You are hated because you watch our counties get fucked. By definition, that makes you a cuck. And because of your desert religion, that makes you a christcuck. That's the problem. That's the case. That is the only argument.
church of england isn't conservative enough.
You should find a private church. Someone who believe in the imminent rapture.
When you realize how close we are to armageddon you think less of those trivial star matters and focus on god only.
Also make sure your pastor is zionist christian because the bible is pro Israel and any people who doesn't support Israel is doomed by God.
>implying you have a better alternative
Don't tell me your a paganfag..
i agree CoE is pretty bad at the moment but i dont have much in the way of alternatives near me.
as for zionism i'd suggest watching this if you haven't already
>Don't tell me your a paganfag.
No. However, if I needed to feel better about dying, it would make more sense for me to follow a religion that I identify racially with, instead of a desert deity from a land and people that has nothing in common with Europeans.
Honestly i was just larping.
You should be curious and learn. Religions are just there to dumb you down and keep you in line.
Honestly, the Israel bashing has started to become questionable as soon as people began calling on them being destroyed. With that being said though, the Jews have been more and more disobedient over the years and it's long overdue that God punishes them for rejecting their statutes. Make sure to guide them back to the conservative track.
If you followed anthropology and genecology you would find that Europeans share an ancestry with those "desert cults" and that we are more connected than what we have always been lead to believe.
>Religions are just there to dumb you down and keep you in line.
My god this is the most 14 yr old, fedoralord sentence I've ever read. No, that is not just what religions are for, you mongrel. You need to be more curious. You need to learn more.
My youtube videos say you are wrong. Plus, I don't have curly dark hair, olive skin, hook nose, catfish mouth, souless dopey eyes, etc etc. I already know you're full of shit. Maybe YOU look like a kike, but I don't. And no, saying you, a christcuck, looks like a jew, isn't a complement. I know how you christcucks wish you were jews so damn bad.
Christianity is OK as a normie religion but some get stuck to it as if it were some sort of religioua flypaper. The bible holds lots of good information and stories but it can be best understood when compared with other religious and esoteric texts
Fuck off leaf we’ll handle our own country you guys are fucked anyway
Which one? there was 3.