Where does the left’s insanity end? It seems that they just want to ratchet up their agenda at every opportunity...

Where does the left’s insanity end? It seems that they just want to ratchet up their agenda at every opportunity. Where does this lunacy of trannies, equality of outcome, etc. actually lead? What would the world look like if they got their way?

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no more war

no more disease
no more discrimination
no more persecution

Pure dystopia. This is what a societal breakdown looks down, and these retards could very well end the west

well a non-personality type would give a fuck and you do enough to seek out material. The fanatic always has a secret doubt. What does this mean?

The Soviet Union.
>Long lines for basic commodities
>Your ancestry and ethnicity picked apart and officially documented
>Party Members get their own apartment and car
>Work until you drop.

A mixture of Sharia law and communism

you mix different times
soviet union certainly wasn't "work until you drop" in its last decades

>Its so easy to be a woman, even men can do it

Ground breaking post. When all evidence points to something and yet it isnt true because a guy in a dress says so and people dont have the balls to tell him.

Somebody should focus on the fact hes going to an hero 60% instead of supporting this madness. Hes probably a nice person.

The satanic child killing paedophile's would be given a pass and walk among society untouched.

because we'd all be starved to death and/or in gulags

"equal outcome instead of equal opportunity"

the left in a nutshell...


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>seems that they just want to ratchet up their agenda at every opportunity
No shit. Are you new? Do you think things will eventually go back to the way they were?

We're already terminal

Imagine that fat tub of mental illness starting a fight with you and then crying to everyone and the cops that you beat up a lady.

When I have kids I will instruct them to regard creatures such as that as rabid dogs, diseased, not to be trusted, and hopefully not long for this world.

Absolute reversal of values. Anyone who works hard and creates something will owe 100% of it to everyone who creates nothing and commits crimes all day. Promiscuity will be legally mandatory. Disease will be celebrated and spread openly. They don't know it, but they want everything to be upside down and backwards.

another man who failed as a male and dropped out....

You can just say brave new world

>Matthew 24:37-39 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

My dad taught me that the passage meant that because Noah's time was so evil, God decided to destroy the world with the great flood. Life was cheap; rape, all manner of depravity and destruction of all that is holy and good, that is what the world will be like when Jesus returns.

That would literally defeat the purpose of them being satanic pedophiles in the first place though.

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F.user I fucking hate these mentally ill freaks that try to pretend to be one of us.

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they already did. we are living in the post-west.

>We're already terminal

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What is that

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It's kind of a reverse psychology tactic to make egalitarian and anti establishment ideas seem reprehensible. That's why the intelligence community and military created and pushed the hippy scene during what was the most unpopular war in the US.

these "people" - these *things* are fucking anathema. they're sickening to look at. when i see a tranny i get the same skin crawling sensation as when i see a tapeworm in my toilet bowl

Truth is most have MK-Ultra'd and brainwashed themselves into this lifestyle. The only thing it will cause is mental illness and further discomfort with their soul. There is no going back.

How do people in San Francisco just feel normal being around people like this. Where I'm from you could cut the tension in the air with a knife if would be so thick if someone like this was in an enclosed environment with a few other people. This would put me on the edge. These people are clearly mentally ill. At least try to look like a woman geez

thats a man. Filthy, stinky man.

Are these tweets real or are people just making them up?

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In the future AI will be able to auto filter all historical references of "transwoman" to "man in a dress"

Search your feelings

Your favorite nigger was the 1st President at war for his entire administration.

This is how fucked up in the head they are.

There is nothing wrong with being trans you sheltered brainlet. Maybe you should go out into the real world instead of being brainwashed by a Japanese cartoon website because when you make post like these it makes you look uneducated and lacking in world experiences

>expressing disgust
top kek

Found the unpassable one...

You look like you need a (you)

So hell has internet access

Show female peenor

Zhe has some killer male pattern baldness. How long before it kills itself?

Poor troll. Its 2018 trans nonsense is now openly called out as insanity. Go back to 2016

>When a website for watching people play vidya is one of the least degenerate places on the internet

It will end when they become victims themselves and those pushing the narrative are booted in favor of Sharia Laws who are even MORE conservative than the Republicans are.

It would become more and more "Queer, trans, POC friendly" until the economy collapses due to some poorly thought out policy like confiscation of farms in the Midwest and central valley. Once starvation sets in people will forget all about lefty bullshit. Within one week there will be no more men in dresses, makeup, dyed hair, blog-posts, or CNN op-eds.

Then lets gun them down

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You could ask the same things about conservatives.
Funny enough it lead them to bizzare conspiracy theories, an embrace of lies and fictitious proclamations, delusions, and cognitive dissonance.
Same has happened to the left

It will never end.

Why do you insist on getting in the business of other people? Why do you have to impose your beliefs on others and not allow them to live the life they want to live without harassment from retards like yourself?

Admit it op you will suck her dick

it may be good luck in india but we just dont do that here