Want to hear about some secret goverment technology?
I have been being gangstalked for sometime know and I would like to "burn" my followers methods and give you all a heads up on how things are going to become, even police have access to this technology.
Just wait, in a few years everyone will know the police can hack your shit and all criminals will be using flip phones like ISIS.
They will hack your phones and all devices beyond belief, they have a live view of your phones screen and access to all data and control of your mics and cameras, they study you by how you react to stimuli while on your phone through the cameras like a research animal, they also study what you search while your searching it and who and what your talking about. The phone is important because it's like going into your mind, a huge 4th Amendment violation!
They watch through the cameras as your tying a reply to someone watching ever space and backspace live.
Just giving you all a heads up here.
My name is David James A.M Btw. Search gangstalking threads for other posts on google, type Jow Forums and gangstalking.
For info on how the goverment was gangstalking mass shooter Aaron Alexis of the DC Navy yard shooting and others check this thread.
They hack your phone by sending you an invisible text with malware, it's that easy. When drawing more data your phone will be hacked by an IMSI catcher which tricks your phone into thinking it's a cellphone tower.
Logan Brooks
Tell me something i dont know. Also please work on using better grammar and spelling. Its pretty painful to read the words of a retarded child.
Adam Cooper
I keep expecting today to be the day the news broadcasts a shooting spree by a suspect that complained of gangstalking on Jow Forums.
Take your meds. You're obviously crazy. The fact that you don't realize you're crazy makes you even crazier You've written this same post at least 1000 times. You should go to a preacher and make sure you're not demon possessed.
Adrian Smith
Calm down there's like three typos. I'm on mobile.
Blake Morris
Sure,I’ll play - bump fuck
Caleb Lewis
>Invisible text. They have this technology embedded into the hardware straight from the factory. In the modern world, only the smartest criminals can survive. They also watch the cameras and voice convos live of any active shooter, they just cant release it because its so illegal for them to have. IE random traffic stop turns out to be massive fentanyl transporter, if only he used his turn signal 100ft before the corner. Its BS, they have everything. Now get used to it you fucking tard.
Austin Wilson
There will be more, but not from me. I'm not lying.. I have 40 people following me, one day you will all find out about this program and know I was telling the truth.
Mason Cook
So am i. No wonder youre scared about big bad government. You cant survive without an excuse for your ineptitude.
Aaron White
This. Next false flag is going to be done by someone who was "gangstalked"
Screencap this post
Jordan Foster
Retarded premise because people who are gangstalked don't go on the attack, they go into seclusion. But normies are so fucking retarded that it probably won't matter that it's retarded, either. Itsallsotiresome.jpg
Brayden Cook
who is following you? how do i get followers?
Samuel Miller
>IE random traffic stop turns out to be massive fentanyl transporter, if only he used his turn signal 100ft before the corner. Its BS, they have everything. Now get used to it you fucking tard.
maybe you shouldn't deal in illegal deadly drugs then?
Anthony Watson
G0od 1. Fuk out ny bread.
Isaiah Wright
Not the ones they get to snap.
You put someone through enough stress plus sleep deprivation you can get them to do anything, after a certain point you go insane, I assume most would just kill themselves unless trying to gain attention to illegal gangstalking. These sleep deprivation weapons are a bitch and will flip your world upside down at first, you will hear a ringing and you will start to go mad. This along with fake voice projection technology you can really fuck with someone.
I'm not condoning what they did it was wrong, so wrong, but as a T.I let me put you into there shoes for a minute.
They felt they had uncovered a grand conspiracy that completly ripped apart there reality, that everything we were taught about America in school was a lie and that there is a secret goverment behind the scenes with weaponry they say can't even exist, they felt to save the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans from the clutches of this evil technocracy they had to get on the news by killing and leaving messages. Not the best way in my opinion but I'm just elaborating on my research of them.
Being a T.I if this isn't in my head and mental illness, is the most twisted form of torture that completly goes against everything that America stands for and you just can't believe it's real, the goverment stalking you everywhere you go, hacking your phone and watching you through the cameras, knowing everything you do, say or type and adding it to your psych profile.
If u want to do illegal shit dont carry around a bug for the feds.
>flip phones like ISIS
Top kek! All the phones are bugged. They always were, even nokias and flip phones nigger.
Kayden King
It's not about illegal shit, it's about them spying on and messing with political figures, the FBI said Martin L.K was the biggest threat to America at one point. Look at what there doing to Trump.
hopefully Trump exposes it, before (((they))) get him.
Adam Cook
I’ll be honest I heard a dial up tone in my ear the other day thought it was quite odd.
Jacob Bailey
I have heard weird things like that or it was as if I was listening to an old modem or computer running, all digital like.
Adrian Garcia
there is nothing more important for someone as alone as me to have this technology there to witness the poetry I have to share with the world. As my potential audience member it is not my fault you are unable to gain the permission to witness this art I produce for only the most elite of this world.
HA.... HHAHAH.... AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA You think Drumpf cares about you or is going to do anything to help restore constitutionality... hahahahhaa
Just go camping in a semi remote area and bring your gun.
Owen Adams
get off the meds
Bentley Cook
Every day people cough around me very loudly and its been this way for like 7 years, not exagerating.
Im very sickly tho, so maybe they can smell my death or sickliness. It def can really fuck with your mind tho trying to make sense of wierd stimuli. I long for the days when this was not a thing and I would not even think a second about this.
Of course, maybe in my eagerness to learn about this stuff, its possible i created a self induced psychosis and made this up to make my life more exciting... I dunno, im just ready for it to stop, but it never will until i die.
Adrian Myers
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension lmao.
Mason King
Holy Jesus! Now that is intense............
Aiden Bailey
I know, this has been common knowledge for a while BUT what the fuck can we do? Old laptops and phones just won't cut it for the absurdly bloated web of today, even if you play around with noscript or umatrix. I mean yes you can disable js at the cost of making half the web almost unusable. Now, I mention old laptops/phones because of modern hardware being backdoored. No point in using the most obscure Linux distro you can find if they have access to your cpu. Now lets say you somehow get your hands on a "clean", fully free as in freedom, transparent, 100% documentated code computer/phone, who's going to maintain the code? Or who will you trust to maintain it? Suppose you find a workaround, great. Now, computers are not very useful without internet access, with shit such as the Cloud Act, known parterships between Google/FB-NSA or equivalents like VK-FSB and whatever the chinese have you can rest assured they, not (((they))) alone but they as in many agencies of various countries will try to fuck with you in as many ways as they can even if your botnet free super hardened cpmputer can fend them off, partly because it doesn't mean much to have a hardened device when your family, friends and neighbor carry their tracking devices aka smartphonew everwhere with them. So if you're not innawoods it doesn't help much.
It baffles me how often people, even here forget about this obvious fact, your cpmputer is not yours and can be turned against you any time they want unless you already have "clean" devices around and know your shit when it comes to low and high level code and networking. Basically we're all fucked, am I wrong OP?
Daniel Kelly
Its because you smoke. Coughing and plugging their nose at you is a passive aggressive way of implying that they don't like your smell. I wouldn't worry about it... Just make sure you are wearing deodorant and washing your cloths properly/regularly. If its seriously bothering you than stop smoking and switch to Nicolette gum (or chew, but they turn their noses up to that as well).
My mom does the cough/sniffle passive aggressive nonsense all the time as well. I've tested her on it and she is just faking (gone outside as if I was going to smoke, but didn't and she did the *cough* *cough* *snort* as I was walking past her anyways). People are just stupid.