What can be done to combat the ridiculously inflated housing costs in most of the country?
Pic related, a small studio costs at least $1000/mo in my area.
What can be done to combat the ridiculously inflated housing costs in most of the country?
Pic related, a small studio costs at least $1000/mo in my area.
The market will take care of it you goddamned faggot. No one rents/buys? The rent/price is lowered.
I pay $200 over market value so that I don't have to live around blacks and other idiots.
This graph should explain everything, if you’ve had an education.
Thanks for the great contributions, upboated for sure!!
It’s the answer to your question. The only way to reduce the price of rent is less demand or more supply. Nothing else will change it.
Your asking questions that have nothing to do with politics or current events. That’s the point of this place. Don’t get upset because you haven’t figured out that playing stupid games wins you stupid prizes.
the field of economics is pseudoscience
Stop trusting the market, it's destroying people's lives, youngsters can't afford a house and they can't get laid because of it, which lowers your birthrates.
Inflated housing prices was pre planned long ago. The elites don't want private home ownership. They want all the populace crammed into commie blocks in cities under wide spread surveillance. It's worse than you know...
- cut off dirty chink money
- higher taxes on second/investment properties
- implement vacancy penalties
- re-zone to allow denser/more development
- improve transportation to allow residential areas to spread out
whats the problem?
you worship based Japan so much why not live like one.
Currently paying $1804/month for a 1-bedroom.
Why would you reveal to Jow Forums, and by extension, the FBI, that you live in Taunton, Massachusetts?
Who said I actually live there? I just said I live in the area, as in the county.
You transparently made this thread after getting fed up with the prices while you were looking for alternatives to wherever you're currently living. You probably live no more than 10 minutes away from the building pictured in your first post.
Any sources?
If that's what you want to think, go right ahead.
Hah, yea you arw technically correct but boomers dokt want.more supply. It will hurt their net worth. Camt have kids fuckin thwt up nolw.
Why on earth would I want to stop inflation
Just relocate to a smaller town in your region. Look up the demographics; find a place with a stagnant or declining population. Many of those towns have apartments for rent above the first floor of downtown businesses, for extremely cheap prices (literally $250-$300/month in many cases).
Try commuting faggot. You don't need to live downtown with the hipsters. You don't need to live across the street from your dream start up asswipe.
well you forgot a few things on that. Market manipulation via control of supply to wait out demand for desperation.
Modern market economy is a lot like a seige against the consumer. The banks have such a large backlog of money, and the ability to put debt off onto the estate or property so the buyer has to absorb it, that they can just "wait out" the economy, and force them to buy, even if at a slightly....SLIGHTLY lower cost.
so. Please. educate us more oh .png man.
That's about what I was paying here, 6 years ago. That same studio now goes closer to 1500 per month, plus now with even more cultural enrichment.
Fuck Mexico and fuck the politicians they pay off here.
Buy land. Build a small house (not a hipster "Tiny House"). As you build your wealth, add on to the house until it is the size you desire. Using this process you can own your home in a fraction of the time required if you took out a mortgage.
He doesn't want to live outside of hipster town near hard working white people. He wants to live across the street from where he works, near his favorite coffee shop, so he can walk there.
Run the illegals out and you'll see housing costs drop significantly. There are tons of them holding the lowest cost housing areas hostage. Ten people living in a two bedroom house is the norm in Shitskinsville, USA.
Because your home value may go up, but it won’t be real growth, it’ll be the same inflation that decreases the value of your dollar and increases the cost of living, you idiot.
The prices don't dip below $700/mo anywhere in the state, feel free to check yourself.
Bought my condo at $145k
It's now worth $200k
Cant wait to buy another house and turn it into a rental.
this is the most Jow Forums comment ever
Then move to a more affordable state poorfag. It's your fault you didn't apply yourself in school
Smart user
Maybe don't live in Taunton? You want cheap go live in Worcester for $400 monthly. Otherwise find a roommate or girlfriend if you want good quality apartments for reasonable prices
No matter how much you want to come up with some way to blame the Jews, the only answer in reality, to OPs question is less demand or more supply. Dumb faggot, you didn’t even try to answer OPs question because you know I’m right. You’re just making stupid comments to appear like you understand.
Your life must be pretty pathetic.
Just look at what the department of Housing and URBAN development does.
They are giving tax credits to subsidize low income apartments in the most expensive part of town. Local governments want a piece of that pie so they put up local tax money to make it happen. They will take 6 million from the local taxpayer to claim 10 million in Federal money. The net result is your tax money supporting false demand.
Cities don't need help "developing", there is already more than enough demand. The aim of the game is to keep educated people busting their ass in the city so they can afford to survive. If people paid what a free market would charge they could build wealth and retire early. This isn't good for the economy.
I will never be able to provide a document outlining a stated conspiracy, but just follow the money. There is no other reason for the government to spend your taxes in such a fashion.
and then factor in the price ceiling that is rent controlled units
I bought a 5th wheel trailer with cash. I'm saving money like crazy so I'll have enough capital to scoop up some property when the bubble bursts. 3% down and the inevitable 0% down mortgage news almost made me nut.
Been seeing more Oregonposting lately. Really activates my almonds. Please don't go full 1488 like that retard in South Corvallis.
economics is the sociology of money.
>small > 30m2
Try again, when your city closet fits a toilet and shower in 10 square feet.
Where the fuck do you live
It's mass m8, there is hardly a house in the state that isn't over half a million.
You'll have to go to the Rhodies for cheap housing, just try not to get robbed by the degenerative fucks.
>No one rents/buys?
If only there were a supply of people who would buy anything and governments who will pay anything...
If only there were some emotional leverage.
I find this hot and want to impregnate it
Except that doesn’t exist in the area OP defined, so it doesn’t relate.
Mass Genocide.
>muh supply and demand
In 2015, Galveston Island, Texas; I rented a room in something very similar to pic related for $350 a month all bills paid and free internet.
Large open bedroom with two twin sized beds, third story island view, bathroom with jacuuzi tub.. kitchen basically didn't exist just had to make due with some shelves I made and a large table.
Was great though, not likely I'll ever find another deal like that
Forgot pic
Move to New Hampshire. You will be on the other side of Boston, not far at all.
Galveston is great I love that place
whys that fridge outdoors and why do i want to shove my dicc into it
Remove kebab = cheap houses
Tbh if only it were that simple.
We don’t have a free market in the United States, and haven’t for a long time.
The biggest thing driving up housing prices is regulation in the form of zoning laws, restrictions on building height, and other bullshit like green space initiatives that keep undeveloped land undeveloped.
Most of these regulations are supported by boomers who bought in 19-Dickey-2 and don’t want to lose equity to a greater supply.
The Bay Area is a good example of this. Without all the ass backwards regulation it would look like Tokyo.
Also to all of you “hurrr just buy a house” fags, good luck selling it and taking a hit on transaction costs when you eventually get a job offer and have to relocate for that sweet geographic arbitrage.
And to the “hurrr just commute” fags- enjoy having to pay for car insurance, a car, and mantiencne / upkeep. (t. Moving to Michigan for work and pissed off about the astronomical insurance costs vs what they are here in the heart of Dixie, again because of asinine government regulation fucking with the market).
It was a blast man.. I lived there for 6 months in this house, worked there for a couple years. Those top windows were my attic bedroom; this is a bit before my time there obviously but it looks the same.
If it were any place to raise a family I'd still be there.
we've never had a free market you retard
nobody has
a free market is impossible
free market is market without laws or regs
you are insane and stupid
property taxes are high in NH
Just bought a huge awesome house in the near-ghetto for $40K.
We can reclaim the cities from niggers.
Fuck off, we're full.
Buy foreclosure and fix it up.
Pay 300 to 600 a month depending on your loan.
Not hard.
Don't know how foreclosures work?? Do your homework
>for a starter level
It is that simple.
The only thing that changes price is change in demand or supply. You can make all the hurrr durrr comments you like, but it won’t change the facts. All you’ve shown is pseudo intelligence. You haven’t addressed OPs question at all, just complained about the only truthful answer. You’re just here to piss and moan, baby troll. You’ve added nothing to the conversation except hot air.
big picture:
shitskin migrants moving into our countries = higher cost of living, higher rent, higher taxes for the rest of us, while they get free money printed by the fed gov't. this is what the fed gov't wants to stimulate more consumption and keep the fake economy going. more migrants getting welfare and if they need more money they take out credit cards and loans.
for the rest of us: you have three choices:
1. continue wagecucking and trimming down expenses by finding cheaper places to live, budgeting, etc.
2. start your own business with savings you've built up and start paying yourself more since you become the boss (this involves risk and assumes you've saved or made gains from investments to use as starting capital)
3. find work in another country where costs are lower, and move there
#1 is only feasible if you cut your costs and live well below your means. this means stop fucking wasting money on shit that you can get for free, or for much less.
#2 and #3 is feasible only if you've built up savings and investments
lets be honest, like most anons stated already, rent is high because it's more expensive to live in majority white/asian communities. this is true in every state, in very city. for example, i used to live in SD and the rent would basically be 2X-3X more if you live in the safer areas. if you are OK with living in the shittest areas of SD, rent or monthy mortgage is under $1000. but you run the risk of getting killed if you don't arm yourself. even if you drive a shitty car, look poor and don't signal that you own anything, they'll still probably break into your house on the grounds that you're white or asian, because they all think you're hiding wealth somewhere inside.
you should make this more palatable for normies
In many coastal states, the Jews have artificially inflated property costs by fucking with the zoning laws. Nobody is building new shit because the laws prevent it, so the property values skyrocket to the stratosphere. California is a great example - you'll have a hard time finding anything under 1500/month even in literal ghettoes full of niggers. Here in Arizona we don't have completely headfucked zoning laws, so our housing prices stay relatively low despite extremely high demand.
Cut section 8. Landlords know the threshold for section 8 scum and price above that to keep them out.
Is our generation fucked gents?
that would easily cost $2500 in my area
This will be lost in the posts but: stop allowing banks to function the way they do.
A country should be the only one allowed to create money, and most people think "oh yeah only the country can print money and make the coins". Except with the housing market, banks create money.
>be you, average Joe
>have no debt
>go into bank to buy house
>bank creates a new debt of 200.000 to your name
>bank did not take 200.000 from old pensioner Steve to give you, bank just went and changed the numbers on your bank account and said you were 200k in debt
>spend entire life putting some of your real life money back into the bank
>bank created theoretical money, a debt that didn't exist before, you repaid with real money
The banks create money, large sums, for the housing market. People kindly repay the loans to the bank. It's mostly on the housing market that this happens so that's why it inflates.
Watch "97% owned" if you don't understand what I'm saying.
East Side
Agenda 21 as Alex jones has been crying about for a decade now
That is not really true at all. The bank has to pay to the person who sold the house in the first place.
yeah man cowabunga, makes sense because the house you got is made out of air and isn't real either
Only allow citizens to own property in a nation
Cuts off the foreigners with big cash by trying to hide their money.
Secondly, start building new cities. Try to have more cities with populations under a million.
I bought a house in the country for $30k cash.
too many humans
If you dont get killed first. You will be eventually robbed for sure
Stop letting the banks and Fed print money to give away to real estate investors.
The local economy is funded with property taxes so they do everything possible to prop up property values, even if it fucks 99% of the population. My father lives in a house worth $700k, and within a mile there are THOUSANDS of acres of undeveloped land. But that land is protected for squirrels and birds and hippy bullshit.
He's happy because he can cash out some day. While all I can afford is a $250k house in a spic infested shit hole. This is a society that has reached "peak kike". Everyone wants to be a landlord, and no one wants to actually work.
t. San Diego, California
(It could be worse. I could be living in Silicon Valley.)
>We can reclaim the cities from niggers.
You can't actually.
Look up the Detroit City Council. They would rather rule in a nigger infested shit hole than serve in a prosperous white area. Everything they do keeps the city poor, and undeveloped, and full of Democrat voting niggers.
I'm sure someone has compiled a list but I can think of things like buying a house for $20k and then having to pay $200k in back taxes. Same for back water and utility bills. If you are gonna pay $220k for a house you might as well live in a decent city, and THAT is why housing prices are so high wile Detroit has MILLIONS of empty rotting houses.
I would totally love to "revitalize" an area. Maybe build walled communities with private security (on cheap land), but the Democrats and their pet dindus wull never allow it.
>They are giving tax credits to subsidize low income apartments in the most expensive part of town.
this is what annoys me about the UK, london especially. they give housing welfare to the poor to live in areas which people pay millions of pounds for an apartment or a house. they make all sort of alinskyist, social justice arguments as to why poor people need to live on million pound real estate. in one street you have houses which are subsidised 95% and have people paying £80 a week rent, while the next street is privately owned and the people have £3million mortgages or £1000p.w. rent. but the arugument is "poor people need to live in the city or they can't work in the city". if you are poor enough to get welfare you get welfare, but if you aren't poor but just make enough to get by, you get no help and end up paying half your income in rent.
>the inevitable 0% down mortgage news almost made me nut.
not you, because you are saving money, but people need to realise that 0% down mortgages favor the banks when house prices are falling. if the value of the property falls below the value of the mortgage, then the bank can call in the debt and if the loanee can't pay the bank will seize the house. paying a deposit gives you leeway because the loan is then less than the value of the house, but 100% mortgages are riskier to the average person in a fluctuating housing market.
That’s only $250 a week O.P ya fucking retard. Get off your ass and work a job, get money for rent
you aren't correct. the bank sold Joe a debt product worth 200,000 and Joe used the house as collateral in case he can't pay pro the debt product. he pays it back month by month and finally owns the house.
banks do create money using fractional reserve banking, but this isn't how your example works.
even when you deposit cash into a bank account, you aren't actually depositing money into your account, but you are buying a savings product from the bank. banks don't save your money or loan you money, but sell you banking products.