Took a DNA test, 57% British, 32% Slav, and 11% Western European. How pure are you lot?
>57% British
>tfw 80% British, with the rest also European
It feels good to be Anglo. Britain is the greatest nation in the world, and I'm proud to be an old-stock Yankee.
My fucking sides
you got a loicense for that piss take m8
TFW you discover this is fucking real.
I'm a 100% northwestern European mutt
>40% British
>30% Norwegian
>30% German
99.8% european (last 0.2% is native american)
14% british/irish
20.6% german
14% polish
5.6% scandinavian
3.2% balkan
the remaining 42.2% is all "broadly northwestern european, southern european" shit without specifiyng
99.6% European
.4% West African
>>someone in my distant past fucked up
Niggers aren't allowed in this thread.
Look, my view of the police changed the second I learned of my African heritage, but I swear I'm still one of you guys.
Gtfo Tyrone, your kind aren't welcome here.
We know it's you Morrakiu.
Was it from 23andme? They openly confessed to add nog admixture in white samples in the past.
Jesus Christ, I have red hair and a white dick -- what do you want from me!!??
>12% swedish
>28% german
>51% spanish
>8% amerindian
>1% french
feels good being a spic
Citation, Brazilian mongrel?
>Mutt calling a Spic a mongrel
I am so pure that I am not enough of a nigger to send the kikes my DNA sample
It's true bud. They said they wanted to mess with "racist whites"
Or was it the out of Africa theory? Who knows
>feels good being a spic
burgermuttwalmart education at its best
Danish. DOUBT
It's half-and-half in brazil: half nigger, half native, with just a tad of Iberian sprinkled around.
totally different PAL
fucking kek not even close
also i'd love to see your dna test showing all of your chinese and subsaharan africa in you
well jews are not trying to turbogenocide me or my relatives, I also have 0% african DNA and my daughter has less chances of getin BLACKED than the average american girl
plus I have never meet an african in my mestizo shithole
>b-but native americuns ar niggers
Oh fuck you win
why does that horse includes a weapon
Ariernachweis, niggers.
No actual German who survived the war needs this Jewish bullshit, only Amerimutts with 7% everything who don't know who their daddies are. And you know somebody done fucked up when you get jacked up numbers like 2/5ths Icelandic and 3/7ths Eskimo. How the fuck did you get 5 grandparents? LOL niggers.
>took dna test
in other news they'll find your dna on a crime scene soon enough
Chilean I know are essentially niggers in Canada
>rampant alcoholism
>whore daughters
>low IQ, zero ability to focus
Metizos are a gamble, their either turn into sub humans or they have some semblance of intelligence
my genes are unironically 100% British, just reinstalled android so lemme go retake the screenshot
99.4% European
• 96% Northwestern European
24% Scandinavian
4% Mediterranean
.6% Jewish
Forget the rest
.4% Native American
nvm I found the screenshot
Funny how amerimutts need to take genetic tests to determine their heretage.
> HURR I'm 5/9ths Anglo therefore whyte
no reason to be afraid of that if unless your a nigger
> blood purity
I really don't get the appeal. As long as you don't have any nigger dna you're fine.
And honestly even if you're like a 16th african it not going to fucking mater.
Since you are American, then it's probably real, and also more likely 4%.
your DNA is now in the system. you cant fart without them know.
The American government already has every citizen's DNA.
Stop bumping this kike slide thread.
>giving your DNA to the Jews
Wew lad
8% Amerindian is fine, 8% nog would be a different story.
my stools are firm and plentiful
pick me fuhrer
>Chilean in Canada
Canada, like Sweden, got all the communists/leftists niggers that fleed the country during Pinochet's holy government, I feel bad for you
>Metizos are a gamble
I agree
These the same hooknoses who admitted to lying about the results to their customers for political reasons. Give your hundred bucks to a bum, dude. Then make up your own ancestry just like you did before, because the heebs will just make up a new one for you.
>Im english, my surname is O'Sullivan
americans are funny
>tfw I can't be more british
> Implying the American government is not Jewish.
how do you explain results like pic related? . . .
It would be completely illegal for them to screw with the tests without telling customers.
done, pure
thanks to that 8% amerindian I got black hair, but at least my skin is not brown
btw my beard is ginger, genetics are fucked up shit
hey Robert
What needs explaining there? They never mentioned it was done on everyone, and it probably would look suspicious if they did.
Not me dude . . .
>40% Great Britain
>23% Native American
>18% Iberian
>4% Jewish
The rest is ambiguous
>3% Ireland/Scotland/Wales
>4% North African
>2% East Asian
>1% Senegal
>other Europe and middle east places
fuck, that must look weird.
>50% German (dad)
>50% British (mum)
I’m determined not to screw up what I’ve got, but New Zealand is full of mutts
So you think there going to risk unlimited lawsuits on false advertising to 'lol fuck racists' . . . give me a break
>1% Senegal
>4% North African
>4% Jewish
>23% Native American
LE 99.9% face
>It would be completely illegal for them to screw with the tests without telling customers.
But in that press release, they just did.
And if you took them to court for putting 1% nigger in or taking 1% nigger out, they would just laugh at your ass.
Give your money to a bum and just make up your own heritage like your folks did. Especially when you got them jacked up fractions like that.
pure af
>35% south european
>35% Northwest European
>10% Broadly European
>15% Native American
>3% Middle Eastern
>2%. ???
Is this somekind of app? I don't know much about all that DNA testing staff. But looking all you have it I got curious. Where can I do that too?
Le 99.8% face
( ( ( ??? ) ) )
What's up fellow go... guys, feels good being white doesn't it?
>literally british
I have posted this several times and have yet to see anyone else with 100%. I'm neither inbred nor grossly disfigured or retarded. who can beat my high score?
Have yourself tested by another company and compare.
Whats the point russkie?You want to see 100% eastern euro?Only amerimutts make these dumb tests.
>native american and middle eastern
hello my fellow spic
that's my god damned old screenshot you gene stealing cunt
You take someone quoting someone else without citing where or when or who it came from as evidence? . . .
5.5% JEW
This is actually a great answer, but unfortunately I do not have an extra $100 lying around for it atm.
no no i mean space nigger
Chile is just south texas anyway
generally think I might be the last pure human alive texasbro
What does Mexican fall under?
Less than 1% nigger
Less than 1% Jew
99.9% undetermined
Their machine must have been broken, but I don't know why they sent these results out. Guess that's what I get for buying into the deoxyribojew.
this triggers the jew
This thread
Amerindian falls under Native American
Same here. I'm 85% British with the rest being small percentages of Irish, Scottish, and Scandinavian. Old stock Americans are the real Americans that have been here since we were colonies. Everyone else just jumped on the bandwagon after we became successful.
One of their employees accidentally admitted it on a social media, and there are multiple samples from the same person done in different companies which shows that 23andme does in fact add 0.x% non-white in many tests.
Do you need more evidence?
It is not possible to know if they did it on purpose or not, so good luck with a lawsuit.