Men have become second class citizens because of karma

Men have fallen off as a sex completely. Women are more educated, have lower unemployment, earn more than men, are happier, have more sex etc. it's a woman's world now. I think this can be all explained by karma. Women have suffered for thousands of years under patriarchy and have achieved equality with men and now are going even further. I believe we are heading towards a matriarchal society that will last for thousands of years, we may in fact be living in an era where men become obsolete as a sex. The signs are all around you. And men aren't ready so they are forming communities like MTGOW, incel, PUA, alt-right etc. as a response to the fact that they are not on top anymore.

Sorry sweet manchildren but you'll have to deal with the new world. You've had it good for thousands of years now it's the female's turn to rule.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a woman's world now.

Name one woman that designed the internet infrastructure and standards you just used to say something retarded.

Just one RFC.

All of this and yet women are still incapable of providing value

Wow white cis male privilege much


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>Call It What You Want -- Islam Is Terrorism

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femdom makes me sexually aroused so fucking much tbqh

Oh sweetie that's coming as well. STEM is just another frontier that will eventually dominate in.

Pic related.

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>the roasties don't realize their welfare state will collapse if they don't have tax sugar daddies

millennial women who make more than millennial men still sponge more in taxes than they pay in ... gen x women who make more than millennial women still manage to sponge more tax money than they pay in

gonna enjoy the chaos m8 gr8 b8 8/8


We all know that nothing makes your slant-eyed dick hard other than drawings of women, Nip.

Totally flys over the Canadian journalists head that most Islamic terrorists are incels

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YESSS the future is female!!1

Not in my house faggot.

Women today are more miserable than ever, and no they generally don't get 'more sex' since they're career driven, depressed, and overmedicated with anti-anxiety medication. Know tons of women like this, two already ended up in the mental ward.

Fine. You go die in all the wars and make all the decisions and be generally treated as disposable fodder, I'll trade places with you and become a "homemaker" who sits around idly all day while getting special legal protections.

Does that mean I'm turning Japanese!?

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Only in the (((West))) bruh

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Not for long in western Europe, if you think that Abdul is going to tolerate a neo-leftist feminist matriachy when he's the demographic majority then you're delusional.

>women take over
>get raped by pakis

It's a brave new world

>you're privileged you're privileged!
>you're not oppressed, you're not a second class citizen
>you're a second class citizen and you deserve it for being privileged once

next up:
>you deserve to die because of your privilege

they literally gaslight and make up this privilege and then use it as a way to launch the rest of their attacks once the meme takes hold.

there is a systematic effort to disenfranchise white men, and it is going to lead to genocide

This has happened before and it doesn't end well. Women only run shit in the ground. Their purpose is to provide compassion and unconditional love to children. That, they can do extremely well. Anything else... not really, except a few outliers who grew up differently.