Why are liberals obsessed with this story?
Why are liberals obsessed with this story?
nobody cares
No. You don't care. Liberals are obsessed with The Handmaid's Tale and I want to know why.
Haven't heard anything about it, but does it have a strong female lead?
A combination of rape fantasies and the victim complex.
First off, it's an easy read written by a semi credible author, it gives them an unearned sense of superiority because its one step up from Harry Potter and 1984.
Secondly, it doesn't challenge any of their opinions. The binary is: Women, good. Men, bad.
Third, it's a television show now so normies got wind of it and now it's a "masterpiece" like Game of Thrones. God forbid they read a book that isn't also on tv.
It's just reverse fantasy virtue signalling bullshit where women get to fantasize about being raped in a safe environment where other people won't assume they are reading the book like a porno but they totally are and it's all bullshit just disregard women's worthless opinions from this point on.
I don't know. That's why I'm asking. I see liberals bring this story up a lot. It's like how they bring up Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Hunger Games.
The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel[2] by Canadian author Margaret Atwood,[3][4] originally published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England, in a totalitarian, Christian theonomy that has overthrown the United States government.[5] The novel focuses on the journey of the handmaid Offred. Her name derives from the possessive form "of Fred"; handmaids are forbidden to use their birth names and must echo the male, or master, whom they serve.
Thank you anons.
I have no idea why the left has chosen to identify itself with children's books and brainless films. Shouldn't they try to find something more dignified to latch on to if they wanted to be taken seriously?
In the 60s they identified with Folk Music.
In the 80s they identified with New Age shit.
It's a condition with them.
It's on tv
I don't know. P.good book but Oryx and Crake is better.
Women like stories about sex in weird social situations. Almost every single piece of media that women like can be described by that sentence.
that's not Harry Potter
This. All the women obsessed with the Handmaid's Tale are subs that seem to take a secret comfort in the idea of being controlled by the masculine. It's embarrassingly transparent in a way that you almost never see.
Basically this, having watched it I wouldn't say it is anti-man as much as it is 50 shades of grey salem edition.
But it is hot though
Bcause it fits their fucking victimization-rebellion fantasies.
I actually like both the book and the series (to some extent), being a fan generally of dystopic fiction and finding it somewhat refreshing that the dystopic state is rightwing. It's usually leftwing (Zamyatin, Orwell, Huxley). Is HT a likely future? No. Is it possible? Sure.
The strange thing about dystopias written by lefties critiquing the right is the rightwing states are always
>clean and orderly
>usually developed in response to some crisis caused or at least neglected by the left
>man in the high castle
I wonder why. It's so bizarre. They are asking the reader to chose between freedom in Hell or service in Heaven. HT is especially bizarre in that the choice is between the extinction of the human race or Christianity.
Who ever told anyone that life would have no hardship or sacrifice? Democracy's spoiled a lot of us, and none so more than leftwing sissies. In fact, in their adaptation of HT, they totally left out the resegregation in the novel to make both societies multiculti, or at least multiracial. Bizarrely, they could've gotten a lot more lefty mileage out of the show had they left that tidbit in. They could've had entire episodes or even seasons with all-black casts and explored all kinds of shit: intra-Christian religious factionalism in the black satellite state of the Gilead Republic, how the leftwing black resistance relates to the leftwing white resistance (are they full or junior partners, does the black resistance have an Islamic component that clashes with progressives), etc. It's funny how in trying to make something more inclusive they made it more homogenous.
My guess is they went colourblind to focus strictly on the male/female dichotomy which was understandable but unrealistic.
no idea but the tv show is fucking hilarious
the setting is a Jow Forums wet dream and the main characters are bitchy women who are constantly mad about it