I stopped eating red meat 4 months ago and something is happening to me. My body feels great but I feel depressed or something.
Am I breaking the conditioning?
I stopped eating red meat 4 months ago and something is happening to me. My body feels great but I feel depressed or something.
Am I breaking the conditioning?
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Male? Sounds like low test.
That is a interesting theory
>Am I breaking the conditioning?
Yes, just look how hard (((they))) shill against you. As for the depression, your vitamin D levels might low due to Winter, try getting lots of sunlight on your skin now that the weathers warming up.
you feel depressed because you are not getting enough cholesterol. Despite all the stuff (((they))) tell you about it being bad for you, you need it in your diet for producing hormones.
B12 deficiency
>t. Nutritionist
kek basedboi
>I feel depressed or something.
i'm so uninterested with everything i dont even want to put the energy in to lay down and go to sleep.
lately ive been having epiphany tier realizations that this is life and its never going to get better. in my free time i often just sit and stare blankly.
eat grass fed locally farmed meat only. fresh fish, fresh eggs with pasture raised eggs, and drink only raw unpasteurized milk. red pilled diet 101. also no beer, wine or grain alcohol only. nicotine and caffeine too for stimulation, and maybe some cannabis sativa to help your mood.
Vegans should be gassed.
I was vegan for 5 years.I was one of the production crew for the biggest selling Vegan cookbook ever."The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook".
I became vegan because I was fucking vegan women.Everything seemed well.But I also felt a little out of sorts.I also got way sicker than any of my meat eating friends when a cold or flu came around.
After 5 years I was given a half rack of pork ribs. I went home and fucked my wife 4 times.For the next few days I felt like Superman.As a vegan I knew I was supposed to get sick but Instead I felt more alive than I had in years.
I now raise Heritage Swine and work to help recovering Vegans
>recovering Vegans
>Vegans should be gassed
Welp. There goes Hitler.
fuck off Rogan
You can't just drop meat without replacing it with something, you need all the things that meat has in it. Vegans have this problem because they don't replace the the stuff they no longer get from not eating meat.
I eat meat so I don't give a shit what that stuff is, look it up.
If you're male you got low T going on
>do this diet
>But smoke cigarettes
Top luls user
The complete opposite happened to me.
Guess you’re buying shit quality
You're depressed user, if you want to blame the Jews you can but it won't help you. Honestly isn't this the reason most of us are in this board in the first place?
>do this healthy diet but smoke and do dude weed lmao
so what are you eating instead? That's kinda the important part here.
no youre turning into a pussy.
>in my free time i often just sit and stare blankly.
What's it like being this woke?
Can't even tell if this is a shitpost or not
Your penis is shrivelling up into a vagina
>in my free time I often just sit and stare blankly
I do this sometimes. Doesn’t last long though. Maybe 20-25 minutes at the most
So, I'd taken too many redpills years ago from Jow Forums long before the recent people who realized how shit and fucked up the world is realized it, and for a long time now I haven't given a s fuck about anything.
I literally do not care, this world is shit and there is nothing worth saving in it, there's no reason to care it isn't going to get better for you or me all the sudden like you say.
It's just fucking shit.
Majority of my generation that has graduated isn't even in the careers they want to be in and ontop of that the US is drowning in debt.
It's no wonder Heroine and other hard drugs are at an all time high.
Stop being an edgy useless nigger then.
"oh god the world is bad nothing we can do about it", when was the last time you helped your neighbors with something? What did you do for your small community lately? You think nothing can be changed because you look at the big picture, but if you want a true fucking redpill you worthless cunt you understand that change must come from the smallest places. You don't want to improve anything you just want to be a whiny cunt.
I didn't even bother to read your post once I saw your flag, I'm not gonna die for you hand rubbing kikes
b but if i starve myself I should feel great, right? ... right?
Even though he’s a kike, what he said isn’t far off. You’re just acting like a nigger
Of course you read what I wrote, you're just a colossal faggot that can't accept getting called-out. Go to tumblr you're no different than a nigger blaming whitey. Oh and btw don't use redpills like a newfag to sound like youre "in the know", what I wrote for you is one of the basic redpills fucking fag.
No I'm not. This world can burn and all of you along with it.
There is nothing of value in this world.
Drink semen you fucking kike
>eating the vegetable jew
Nigger, how the fuck do you think eskimos survive and live to be 90?
I eat about 1 lb of red meat or white fish daily and supplement birbs. Smother that shit in butter.
This. Please explain the Methylation Cycle / DNA Methylation for fellow anons.
>nothing matters
>what is family
>what is community
Hey guys I'm totally redpilled and I'm not an edgy 14yo.
>oy vey this goy doesn't value our great consumerist society
Again fuck off kike
>oy vey this goy doesn't value our great consumerist society
>what is family
>what is community
Yes totally, me saying you should care for your family is totally a jew scam now give me your shekels.
Things that I give little fucks about? Shouldn't you be prepping the bull to fuck your wife?
Here's the thing kike, you don't actually want me to care for my family, cause thanks to your kike propaganda dating in 2018 is pointless so I haven o family. Again, blow your fucking brains out you are a blight upon this world
what you are is a faggot
eskimos suffer from a plethora of autoimmune diseases.
Cutting down on alcohol, fixing my sleep pattern, exercising, low calorie diet and vit D fixed everything.
I'm happier, energised, losing weight and gaining muscle.
Red meat is win
Your body is made up of what you eat. As an omnivore, your body absorbs only the most base nutrients available, as our digestive systems do not have the facility for herbivore digestion like cows with several stomachs - this is where meat and cooking come from. We as primates require steady fuel in form of carbs, fats and protein to keep our brains and bodies working, and the only sources in nature are animals and fruits. Everything else is something we raised over the course of agriculture and process with cooking.
Vegans are retarded because they think that prehistoric man was able to live off berries alone and that our physiological make-up changed in just 6000 years to accommodate living without meat. Fuck them.
Pick one.
This post is a fucking downward slope
Defeatist cunt
>Not hand rubbing and subverting
Pick one
Sure thing Muhammad
Saturated fats are good for testosterone production.
This, the sugar jews quite literally paid (((scientists))) to start a multi decade campaign against animal fats and cholesterol, when the sugar jew is the actual source of all ailments.
Let me ask you this then, what would be the goal of all the Jewish propaganda?
>vegans live of berries alone
>All dem cloves
> being around meat with exposed hair
absolutely disgusting
also OP is a faggot, just stop being depressed, it's in your head retard, psychological issues aren't real, that's the real jew you have to overcome
United the world under a one world government.
The whole goal of it all was for us all to be rolled into the European Union until Trump came along and threw a wrench in the gears.
It's quite obvious all you have to do is follow the central bank trail.
It leads right through history
Do lots of sports and go out in the sunlight, you should eat red meat once a week though, because otherwise you will constantly lack vitamine B12 and leave out proteines that you can hardly replace.
Eat vegetables, grain, fruits and berries, milk products, eggs, herbs, mushrooms, nuts, fish, white meat and red meat, from left to right in less quantity.
Don't drink too much, a glass of wine every evening, low-alcohol beer(at best self-brewed) and an occasional shot of liquor are healthy and OK though.
If you can, supply yourself with all you need by doing permaculture and having some cattle and fish.
It's the best way.
It sounds too real, man. Too many beans will fuck you up.
t. recovered vegetarian.
>The symptoms of moderate to severe iron deficiency anemia include:
>general fatigue
>pale skin
>shortness of breath
>strange cravings to eat items that aren’t food, such as dirt, ice, or clay
>a tingling or crawling feeling in the legs
>tongue swelling or soreness
>cold hands and feet
>fast or irregular heartbeat
>brittle nails
Stop lying to yourself that it is depression and that your body feels great
You lack iron as meat is main source of that
>Shouldn't you be prepping the bull to fuck your wife?
*Unzips dick*
You're right.
They might as well, since they are so fucking emaciated half the time.
Inshallah brother, we will bait these unclean effendi to death, Allah willing.
So to achieve this goal Jewish propaganda needs to create weak men that won't fight back, am I correct?
>red meat jew
>nikotin jew
>dating jew
>sugar jew
Jow Forums never sieze to impress me with their namings
>t. Basedboy
Everything can be traced back to you kikes. Even Africans shout jewjew when they see black magic.
No, that's a myth. They recently came out with a new study that says that even a little alcohol is bad for you after all.
Best is to not drink at all. But I doubt it will do much damage if you drink a beer once in a while.
Here, have a (You).
source pls.
Nikotin is red pilled and based the jew is behind the anti smoker propaganda
those kind of studies have come out before. give it a couple years and the new new study will say alcohol is good again
You're not getting the vitamins you need. You're turning into a s o y b o y faggot
The jew jew, diverts your attention from the real problems at hand.
your pic gave me a giant flashback into my childhood
Name one successful country withouth any acohol consum
And that's a good thing
Are you really implying it's bad to recommend not drinking alcohol at all based on the most recent scientific evidence?
Seems like you're the jew user.
That's why Hitler spoke out against smoking when the Tobacco Jew was flogging his poisonous carcinogenic smoke to the masses wasn't it?
It's not Winter, basedem.
Name one successful country without faggots
What? There's not any? I guess it's true you have to have faggots to have a successful country
Yes, eating what mutts call "Bacon" and other "meat" all the time for every meal is bad, but real red meat in general is not bad.
Stop being a spacker.
Found the jews
found the falseflagging jew
Good goy, stop eating meat! Become dumb sòyim goycattle!
No stop
everything boomers know about food is backwards
>REEEE just let me drink alcohol ahhhhhh you you jewwwwwws!!!!
guys its ok to stop drinking, not everything is a zionist plot.
Just beat your meat every 2 months or so and get 8 hours of sleep daily!
>using reverse psychology
I know it's you Shlomo, fuck off.
You never ate that much red meat to begin with. I just have this weird feeling...
>le beta mayme
go back to commie
Either way, you are not helping the animals direcrly to live good lives, they own the fields, crops, food dna, aninal dna, making new gmo animals, processed foods, distribution.
They harness the fear of fat gluttons off flesh, they fatten you up on meat for a feast, or you go without and lack what ppl had just a century ago.
Your actually supposed to eat gold fruit and have some empathy for christ sakes
Here, you deserve it
knik knik, a herbal blend wher tobacco leaves are green oval shaped. Maybe if people would care that the cigs they smoke are not from good genetic actual tobacco plants
I bet the Vegan population is more homosexual than the norm.
My cousin is a militant vegan and has gained 30 pounds, mostly around his middle in the last year.