Good evening, faggots, Im creating a series of anti-(((marxist))) propaganda images but adapting them to our present time. Give me your favorite images and suggestions.
Im making some Propaganda posters for print
Based off of this beautiful masterpiece
I need inspiration
Really good user. Add some wymins on the home front to your collection. Try a modern take on globalism, Poland, US or other anti globalsts being lurked over of encircled by the globalist countries
Soggy smoke
>Try a modern take on globalism, Poland, US or other anti globalsts being lurked over of encircled by the globalist countries
Thats a cool idea, I will deliver in a couple days
Filthy kikes
Name one person who has murdered more communists.
The answer to communism is communism.
Awesome work..would love to share..
Go ahead, the more people that see it, the better
>College fools make Marxist tools
>They want a fight? Here comes The Right
>They choose red? Give 'em lead
Suggestion: get rid of the Americana and replace it with a swastika or SS symbol.
1776 aesthetic conveys civnat tier cuckery
Top notch, user, top notch
No, we need a new symbol for actual American movements, not LARPing as 20th century German natsocs. Granted, I agree civnat cuckery will get us nowhere.
>Suggestion: get rid of the Americana and replace it with a swastika or SS symbol.
Yeah, because thats whats going to win people over, a symbol that has been tarnished in the eyes of normies.
Hitler in Mein Kampf talks about the effectiveness (and the lack of) of the WW1 propaganda on both the english and german sides. And he basically goes down the road of "simplifying the message and aiming it toward the lowest IQ of your target" (in our case, the normies).
So as much as I would much more enjoy putting a swastika, it defeats the purpose of effective propaganda
>No, we need a new symbol for actual American movements, not LARPing as 20th century German natsocs
Germany had the swastika, Italy brought back the fasces, Falangism had the yoke and arrows, we need our own symbology, genuine and almost religious in its simplicity and timelessness. As dumb as it may sound, thing like some sort of firearm, a star (maybe seven points on it, refrencing a holy number as well as the 7 seas), tricorne, agriculture/industrual symbols (thats where we can take a hint from the left), and things of that nature. Every aspect must have purpose, and be aesthetically appealing and almost instantly recognizeable.
You faggots can’t go a day without using German inspiration. You’re a goddamn American. Riff off American posters.
Except that american posters during ww2 were literally made by jews, dont be naive