Which one of you fags did this

I thought Jow Forums was smarter then this what fag did this that miss their mark im not against it but do it right next time please..!!.

Attached: Db0dkt9WAAE51HX.jpg (819x461, 36K)

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Every time you see the wrong phrase or a backwards swastika it was liberals.

aw, little scamps.

this sure triggers my almonds.

>smarter then

Attached: croSSfit.png (643x643, 80K)

This. Either that or Schlomos trying to push those rookie antisemitism figures up for the month.

Windy Hitler
Fucking Jews setting us up

Attached: (((nazi))).png (1280x720, 765K)

all hail hortler

Needs moar spastica rabbi

Hail Hitler

Attached: 0D285D9B-F963-42F0-B3E0-2F946DD4CDBD.png (1059x479, 935K)

That is so fucking great

Fuck the Jews is all i can really say they and the entirety of of the middle east will be nuked to a sheet of glass.

Fuck you

Wasn’t me

Attached: 9C8F8147-9C06-461D-8D2A-8EE9401BB5A4.jpg (1242x783, 71K)

Sorry Jews but the truth is AntiSemitic deal with it.

>smarter then this

confirmed, stormfags are all retards

he spelled it correct but it prolly got spellchecked.

Ok so this wasn't any 4channer for one reason the left can't spell worth a damn.imho

False Flag

No he didn't im a new fag an even i can tell they got it wrong.

Pol makes it subtle
Jews and libs make it obvious and with mistakes

I thought they couldn't well there goes my two cents about it. Enough daid or so tney thought lol

Hoil hatrler