What happened?

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I'll have two Number 9's, a Number 9 Large, a Number 6 with extra Dip, a Number 7, Two Number 45's, one with Cheese, and a large Soda.

Foreshadowing of capitalism

I read that in Solid Snake voice.

Throw shoes at them

Real Kim died and thats just his double. Have you seen those pics from Korea meeting thats not Kim in those.

uhh food?

Attached: survey-says.jpg (300x400, 45K)

乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚

I mean look at him!

Attached: 5F8A229A-E36E-4438-AB69-EC2C8BCDA054.jpg (649x488, 72K)

Who's this cute lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

i still think hes a prisoner. then started rolling with it and doing whatever they say while eating himself to death

He likes cheese and wine

Three scoops!

He looks happy. Being a state appointed god must be fun.

Do you think it’s fucking easy running a country hated by the entire western banking cartel that constantly slaps sanctions on your economy and threatens to invade?

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Was he actually.... the good guy all along?

Jow Forums???

He was walking with a cane a couple of years ago, though he's always been a fatass.

Cute, A CUTE!

He’s trying to look more like his Grandfather Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea.

Attached: AF494EFE-74C6-40E9-8603-2273DD316A82.png (600x450, 323K)

>He was walking with a cane a couple of years ago
Maybe he took an arrow to the knee?

He got the "More Rice!" debuff. Army range -10% and visual detection -10%

Attached: IMG_7035.jpg (425x403, 52K)

He became jolly and peaceful

>character development

Fat people just get fatter if they don't change their lifestyle. If you eat so much that you become overweight, you are not going to reach a certain fatness and then just stop gaining weight. You will continue to gain weight.
Fat people don't realize that the problem is getting worse and worse. At first you're a big overweight and you say ''well, that isn't so bad, I am not THAT fat,'' you continue eating like you do and you slowly get more fat, and every time your weight comes up you tell yourself ''well, I am just slightly fatter this year than I was last year, it was fine then so be being slightly heavier now isn't a problem.'' It continues until they get so fat they can no longer walk.

To the victor go the spoils aka the food supply

Pretty good syntax for a Latvian.

Attached: IMG_7039.jpg (500x322, 27K)

hes been stress eating give him a break

when the only real things you have to concern yourself with are
>hmm yep That rocket flys good
>Which of my qt waifu harem will I fuck today
>chef bring in my four course lunch early Im feeling famished
its not suprising.

When you have access to the fortune of your father....


Looks fine to me. How's it going with Iran?

I wish more countries had leaders that were written halfway decently. We could do with more Trumps, Putins, Macrons, and Kims. And do with less Merkels, Mays, and whoever the fuck is Australia's PM. And I hate to say it, but Justin Trudeau is a pretty great character. Everybody just loves to hate him.

It's speculated he underwent surgery to look more like his Grandfather, Kim Il-Sung.

Attached: Kim_Il-sung_in_1950.jpg (439x594, 20K)



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Gotta let the skinnies know who is in charge and has all the food

Weight is a sign of status in Best Korea. Among his scrawny starving peasants, he wears his fat like royal mantle.

>everybody just loves to hate him
Well spoken.

What happened to him? Stress, stress eating. NK has many powerful enemies, and believe me, he's on many shitslists.

surgery and that's why they got him fat

a 28 year old skinny asian kid just can't be Supreme Leader

The hair gives it away. Not the same person.

Speculated by whom?

>What happened?
>he went to school in Switzerland near Bern.
Medpacks hooked him on chocolate. Also apparently he's diabetic.

lots of body doubles too

if you want pictures of the real Supreme Leader check out meetings with important foreign people

literally untrue. increased fat means increased metabolic requirements.

Attached: what were they thinking.png (1138x642, 682K)

t. newfag

Photoshop happened

Fucking morons, It is the eternal expanding north korea welfare

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stress eating

He's just becoming Buddha

Oh no no no...

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stress eating