Why are blacks usually Tall and naturally have Better physiques than any other races?
Lets be honest niggers eat the least in this world, they don't get as much nutrition as a fucking dutch man.
If niggers were given all the nutrition and nurtured for education as much as white boys who end up becoming neets, than isnt the negroid race the overall superior race?
And chimpanzees are stronger than blacks. Whites have poured endless money into solving the IQ gap with blacks for decades. It’s not gonna happen Jaleel. Blacks are basically orcs: brutes who rely on aggression, strength and disease resistance to survive an impulsive animal existence. Blacks won’t carry humans into the frontier of space and they’ll damn humanity to extinction if they ever did somehow become dominant.
Kayden Lee
well, some have brains, some have muscles. >usually i wouldn't say, that it's very usual for a black guy in africa to be tall.
Owen Baker
It's only american blacks they took the best out of africa
Joseph Williams
Nilotic peoples are among tallest in the world, but they're slender men when it comes to muscle.
So having a strong built makes you less of a human? In every attribute, when it comes to black, they are beast by default but when it's a white guy with same quality everything becomes BASED.
This pajeet are scums on earth, im saying this is because im ashamed of my fellow pajeets for being this stupid
Jackson Bell
when a child is raised in a safe, nurturing and postively stimulating environment they tend to grow with higher inteligence and focus on motor skills later because chaces of survival are higher. In poorer areas where safety, nutrition and stimulation are low they children tend to walk and become more mobile earlier and usually stronger as a form of survival with intelligence coming second to that. also (you)
Christian Hughes
West african are not mach for the slavs look at boxing and in the 5 highest cathegories only one is african descent
No, they aren't. Aren't you conflicting reckless retardation with strength are you now? Why is there such a meme as black women have large breasts in average when their cup size is smaller than the Germans or even the Swedes? Do you honestly think they're stronger? Strength has their strong points indeed, but there are far more strong men in the white race than them. But blacks, they can never reach full strength as a caucasian would.
Improve, adapt, innovate. At least we aren't niggers
Landon Butler
I would say middle easterners are probably much taller on average than bith whites and blacks.
Andrew Robinson
Because strength for blacks comes naturally, while for Europeans and Asians it takes dedication and diligence.
white people put most nutrition into brain development black things put most nutrition into muscle development you don't need to be intelligent in africa, you need to be fast and strong.
Dominic Ramirez
>Blacks are physically superior False, they have more explosive and we more durable muscles i.e. stronger. They also have narrower hips and we wider, this is why they can carry less weight but weight less.
Leo Gray
And heavy weith champion the only african but after 10 years of dominium of and ucranian
"Mind makes a man" and black are almost like chimps.
Eli Reyes
Then how come all long distance runners that ever win marathons are black?
Jaxson Scott
As said, they weight less and if you ran a marathon, you would know how much of a difference a few kilos can make.
Gavin Morgan
Also not how marathon runners are very skinny and have a small amount of muscle fiber, ergo diminishing the potency of blacks having more type II muscle fiber and whites type I.
Brandon Long
Black are the best at running thats undoubtely true But slavs are the true warriors
Dominic Evans
This guy looked very average in his last fight. No real talent at the top of the heavy weight division if Joshua is there.
Levi Perez
>If niggers were given all the nutrition and nurtured for education as much as white boys who end up becoming neets, than isnt the negroid race the overall superior race?
That's what is making them into neets retard.
Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times.
Unfortunately for some niggroidal reason the last one does not apply to Africa. All they can do is get aids and keep falling pray to natural selection.
William Hughes
This Klichko was a 40 years old grampa at this point
Culling the bigger niggers, by letting them box until they are braindamaged is surprisingly based
Colton Reyes
you mean parker fight absolutely true
Connor Morales
actually, i've been in some african countries, and blacks aren't really all that tall nor muscular, it's very similar to white people
Jayden Morgan
White men can be just as viril and physically powerful as blacks. Its called weightlifting. Try it sometime. Reason white men are generally physically weaker is because white men are generally privilaged and middle class. They have high paying desk jobs. All it takes is to hit the weights to be able to compete with the virile black man. Seriously, they arent really that great, especially when it comes tp fighting. Even if they are gifted with brute strength they fail at fighting. Ghetto black men hold their guns sideways and never aim, meaning they all pretty much have to sneak up on their target or be point blank range. They do cowardly drive by shootings which pretty much miss their targets and hit innocent people(the correct strategy is to aim and hit your target not kill innocents) they are as bad with their fists as they are with weapons. They arent intimidated by whitea which is a mistake as the average nazi is jacked and learning martial arts and the will kick the ass of your average joe black man any day if fucked with. Black childreb are always being exposed to shitty hip hop which encourages degeneration of nuclear family and encourages the "thug" life. There is nothing superior about black. Noth their culture, their looks, their muscles or their dicks. Women who prefer blacks have a fetish and thats it. Black women fetishize white men as well. Black women dont want their black men they want a white man(and only one in ten million black women ever get a white man).
Blake Flores
well said
Ian Collins
Play basketball all day, run from the cops all night; they stay in shape man.
Colton Perez
Only a meme fag nigger wouldn't know how many calories a fully formed brain consumes.
Joshua Morgan
And look at mma another eastern european is th3 champion of heavy weich
>Standing next to gooks with huge boots on wow he's so huge
Easton Nguyen
Slavic pride wordwide
Cooper Ortiz
yeah sure bro
i went to a school that was 99% niggers and it had millions more dollars in funding than the other schools with white kids, but you go ahead and tell me you know better than someone whos actually llived it you fucking disgusting kike
no but having a history directly tied to drinking mud water from the stream you shit in
Jordan Ward
OP is just a fat fuck who is watching Will Smith and Mike Tyson Videos on YouTube all day. Thats your Explanation right here
Camden Martinez
Forgot to mention blacked.com. Its shitty liberal propaganda and their influence on the media thats fooling people into beleiving that black men are super virile and have superhuman strength and are wanted by all the women because they can bump their cervix with their BBC. All hype and bullshit. Mostly fetish material.