>UN Official Warns: Migrant Crisis 2.0 Might Come From Africa
>A prominent UN official warned earlier this week that the next Migrant Crisis to crash into Europe might come from Africa and not the Mideast, and that its second iteration might be much more devastating than the first due to the sheer size of possible populations involved.

>The Executive Director of the UN World Food Program made global headlines a few days ago when he warned that terrorists might weaponize food scarcity in Africa in order to trigger a new Migrant Crisis in Europe, one which they hope to exploit in order to infiltrate the continent. These were David Beasley’s exact words to the UK Guardian:
>You are going to face a similar pattern of what took place years ago, except you are going to have more ISIS [Daesh] and extremist groups infiltrating migration. What we are picking up is that they are partnering with the extremist groups like Boko Haram and al-Qaeda to divvy up territory and resources and to continue to infiltrate and destabilize in the hope of creating migration into Europe where they can infiltrate and cause chaos.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>If you [the Europeans] think you had a problem resulting from a nation of 20 million people like Syria because of destabilization and conflict resulting in migration, wait until the greater Sahel region of 500 million people is further destabilized. And this is where the European community and international community have got to wake up.”

at least we can see our fence in real action

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Old news

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Well at least we have Basti and Bumsti in office who will regulate hard for sure.
But again it will be an economy question and not about a nationalist spirit.

Sorry for the black pill but Europe is fucked if we don't completely close off all gateways.

By 2050 Africa's population is about to skyrocket towards 2.5 billion and the Arab countries keep growing in number as well. A lot of them will try their chances in Europe as their countries remain poor and war ridden shitholes. I don't believe Western Europeans will be able to make the mental shift that we have to preserve our race and land while Africans and Arabs are dying of poverty and are slaughtering each other.

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The most hilarious part is that any migrant crisis could be averted by firing a few 5.56mm and 20mm rounds. Just shoot a few niggers trying to cross by land and sink a few boats, they'll get the message and go somewhere else.

The Swiss were dealing with a massive potential migrant crisis during World War 2. They didn't even have to kill anyone, they just posted a fuckload of dudes with rifles along their borders and nobody even tried to test them.

This whole narration is bullshit. I just can't stand the fact that everyone is pretending Europe can't do anything about it when the solution is already there. We've been blocking migration with 100 years older tech, and suddenly we can't do it anymore with our cyberpunk-tier hardware? Bitch, please.

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Do you guys think Merkel is actually a Judas-tier saviour? That's why she's letting all the migrants in now and allowing all these shitty things to happen because if we keep going soft like this, 50 years down the line, there'll be too many libcucks baying for all these billions of nignogs to be allowed into Europe. Harming us now to redpill and avoid total destruction later.

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I hope we follow your example, I live near the German border and I don't want to see niggers in my city

That's a bit extreme but plausible

This ain't good for my country, the new migrant route goes right through Bosnia and we already have a crisis and the worst part is that people here are stupid enough to help these people(because muh we were in the same position 20 years ago)and because of that some of them want to stay here. The only somewhat good side to this is that the government isn't helping them at all.

Merkel is fairly easy to explain. She's a fairly typical career-focused western politician. She saw an opportunity to dodge the demographicscrisis and produce new voters by inviting a fuckload of migrants and she took it. She fell for her own side's propaganda.

Now she's certainly 100% woke on this issue, but she continues to play-pretend to salvage her career. She doesn't have children, she's an ex-Stasi cunt, of course her own well-being is more important to her than Germany or Europe. Putting her own interests before the interests of her people is what she did throughout her entire life, why would she start acting different now?

Westerners don't get it, but in Warsaw Pact the political "game of thrones" was all that mattered for the members of the party and the soviet intelligence community. I mean shit, even some slavs don't get it, because the propaganda got to them.

Putin isn't any different, by the way. He simply has a better grasp of the situation.

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The deliberate reluctance and refusal to use violence, the idea that violence solves nothing, is the main reason why Europe is in trouble.

A society that decides to stop using violence, inevitably goes down

Yes. We're basically fighting marxist "pacifism" right now. I'm using quotation marks here, because the state doesn't mind using violence when it comes to cracking down on people who oppose the current anarcho-tyrannical paradigm.

But you're already a nigger

t. a purity-spiralling stormfag
t. a 56% mutt
t. a faggot who's never been to Poland
t. a fucktard who probably never left the US

It's funny how easy it is for an idiot to absolutely pwn himself just by opening his cunt mouth.

Top 10 anime plot twists

>UN officials brag that everything is proceeding just as planned

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No dude, he is serious. Polish people are niggers.

They are loud and like to shout kurwa kurwa kurwa while getting drunk. Your language sounds niggerish with all Those tzzz zzzcss tzzzss rat like sounds.

Polish women are only good for prostitutes and to make soap bars.

about time we mowed down some niggers

This is exactly what we think about anglos in Poland, because their tourists think our cities are Ibiza. And don't even get me started on the stereotypes regarding all hispanics started by clueless Americans.

I mean for fuck's sake, our alcohol consumption is currently lower than in France and Germany, you're either talking out of your ass like that storm-mutt, or you're judging us by the worst of our diaspora. I'm like 100% sure you haven't ever been here or you've visited this place in the nineties when it was still really fucked.