The first thread inspired me to go watch the video again. It's still creepy af and why the goat in a FEMA camp? I take it as he's remembering how he got there. Doesn't the bible say something about separating wheat from chaff and the sheep from the goats? Will only the goats remain, because everyone else gets Raptured up, like the twirling boy in white? So much to take in, even if it's all bullshit.
Nicholas Edwards
Most discussions I've seen miss F=-F behind Bush/Obama in the classroom scene. It's a reference to Newton's third law, AKA action equals reaction. Pic related.
basically a stupid blend of conspiracy theories, nothing special about it
Angel Richardson
Also, Shiva's dance at 5:40 ends with a white flash followed by an earthquake Obvious reference to a nuclear weapon
Connor Rivera
The capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet on the wall are reversed.
Liam James
I notice something new every time I watch it. Pic related, lot's of body parts in the snowy structures. OP may be on to something with epiglottal. The christ figure comes in through a mouth with an epiglottis dangling overhead.
hey cianiggers, your overproduced piece of shit predictive programming is already out of sync with reality. no nuclear war happened. I hope one day we'll get to hunt you down like the shit-eating cockroaches you are. I might even keep a few of you or my own testing purposes.
Luis Hall
Fun fact: if US cities got nuked, US would become white again.
Liam Sanchez
this is true though our countryside is changing fast too beans have taken over outlying Midwest cities
Carter Howard
this whole video is a boomer mind fuck with vague symbolize thrown everywhere. muh illuminutty, NWO, deeb state, jizzus, muhhommed, muh revolations end of world, ect. it appeals to the deeber meening crowd that looks to Q and other vague all encompassing statement posting. this is peak boomer. essentially someone recorded an Alex Jones wet dream and came out with this.
I will admit its pretty well done and mesmerizing I watched it quite a few times a few years ago and still found it entertaining when a re-watched it.
king nigger planted sub saharan niggers and arabs into the most random white towns in the middle of nowhere
Daniel Rodriguez
It was created by a larping commie and should be ignored when a fag OP brings it up.
Tyler Allen
Holy crap, it's been a long time since I've seen anyone talk about this video. I remember having reading theories on Above Top Secret back when it came out. Good times man, good times. Back when we were trying to stop Obama from starting WWIII in Syria and Cern from opening portals to the Satanic hoards.
Parker Long
I white flighted to a small desert town about a decade ago. Cozy and red, not even a Starbucks. In that short time I've watched "main street" slowly populate with niggers and the residual effects - bars showing up on business windows, property value depreciation, graffiti, etc. Scary how fast it strikes.
Kevin Gutierrez
>I pet Goat 2 Why's it so important to announce you petted a goat
Xavier Jackson
It was almost certainly made by someone involved in Occult circles, probably Thelema, but desu I don't see it as providing much insight beyond boomer-tier Q shit
Benjamin Robinson
its a play on the book that was read at the school bush was at when he was informed his 9/11 plan was being executed
Joshua Scott
it was being used to predict April 18th as the end of the world this year so it got dug back up by boomers
Nicholas Hughes
You think that was just coincidence?
Owen Adams
This video was a lot more interesting when it came out. It loses more and more relevance over time.
It's very clear from the symbolism that it was catered to a political climate of the previous administration. While a lot of it is vague enough that it could have relevance now anyway, there's nothing to predict or allude major political events like how the 2016 election turned out or brexit.
Little things would have added credance, like a war in asia, a plague in south america, or a nuke in the middle east. But instead NK backed down, we get memes like Zika, and the middle east is just the same shithole as before. The expected cataclysms did not just fail to appear, they outright disappeared.
I have debated on flighting again but im in literal bumfuck south dakota niggers just showed up everywhere where is their to go I could run to the middle of nowhere canada but canada is fucked to north dakota is full of niggers now too overpoor from Minnesota im guessing.
Adam Ortiz
it makes me do a big think for sure
Evan Ortiz
Of course not
It's why he starts in a classroom. Not sure what age you are, but at the time that image of him thinking "oh shit" and then continuing to read the book was iconic
That moment essentially began the current era
Jace White
im glad even in hong kong you can see the shift in thought after 9/11 I was always curious If it was only something felt here in the states
Jack Nguyen
>The expected cataclysms did not just fail to appear, they outright disappeared.
That's not a bad thing, you know. Looks like Trump and Brexit derailed their plans.
I don't think it was made for insider consumption,. the memes are too obvious. Not sure it was made by an insider even, could have been a researcher external to the Cabal. But it's good as an short introduction to show what The Plan (TM) is/was.
Kevin Bailey
Its an edgy video, its not prophetic and its pessimistic in general. Shit tier, sage.
Aaron Peterson
Damn there's so many faggots in this thread, i never understood the appeal of coming into a thread that doesn't interest you and stating you don't like it.
What does a commander-in-chief do when the country is under attack? The whole situation made no fucking sense. The secret service should have immediately hauled his ass back into Air Force One, instead of giving the potential enemy time to nuke that school in a decapitation strike.
Arm of the statue of liberty falling off aged nicely. Wholesome graffiti of psalm 23 too.
Jack Baker
what the fuck is pottery? You mean poetry? retarded mutt.
Chase Cox
Way to out yourself as a total redditor newfag. Get the fuck out of here.
Jason Ramirez
Can someone explain the symbolism of the black and white checkered pattern, I know it's masonic but what is it's meaning. It's in 90% of western media at some points.
Parker Harris
Your attempts at making me leave are pathetic "omg just leeeaveee!!!"
we all came from reddit at some point.
Ian Green
>Why provide a dissenting opinion? >I just want this to be a safe space echo hug box where we can talk about our edgy conspiracy video in peace >Dont ruin my world view stay out!
Imagine calling someone else a faggot? YIKES
Tyler Reyes
Simply coming into a thread to state that you're not interested in it, what's the point?
No. I've never been. Seriously you are a cancer on this board quit posting and lurk or go the fuck back.
Justin Taylor
I just remember the Alex Jones interview the dude had about this video. He was all over the place. He either a) didn’t really make the whole thing and it was a huge and giant team to really explain how he created the whole thing Or b) like most tech dudes, they’re terrible at talking. I think this is an edgy video but the penis part where it’s literally leaking cum was fucking weird.
Owen Martinez
Hahaha cry more faggot, reddits foothold here is strong, nothing you can do but whine about it. Pathetic.
Eli Cox
Duality. Light and dark good and evil. One needs another to exist. Being beyond good and evil.
Andrew Lopez
Lmao what’s a Canadian going to do? Haha
Justin Garcia
So, tell me how this video does NOT fall into the obvious pattern of subliminal disclosure in film, music videos, and art? Totally worth that 0.05c per post.
Christopher Foster
I was a redditor 3 years ago. Now I'm a Jow Forumsack to the core. The same will happen to you.
Levi Mitchell
Because there's nothing subliminal in this video. Everything is explicit. If you want subliminal clues, go watch Kubrick.
Jason Butler
I don't whine. I call you out for what you are. A blight.
Zachary Baker
that's all you can do. And it's hilarious, please keep begging people to leave a website, i'm sure they'll listen to you every time.
Ian Garcia
But why place it in so many tv shows, movies, and music videos? What is the end goal?
Bentley Ortiz
It also represents the board of a game. As that is all this is to them in the end, a game. Your entire life is as a pawn (if that even) on their game board, they are laughing at you in your face, they love to laugh at you.
dumb question here... what is with the balance ? to me there are always 3 sides god evil and balance. like you said the one needs the other to exist but yet there is a balance. what many people miss or dismiss is the fact that even a coin has 3 sides and the 3rd side if you will could be called balance. even nature is showing us that everything needs balance.
anyway i always wondered why people are never mentioning the 3rd force. best example is the yin yang symbol it literally needs balance to exist cause without it it would be just a gray mashup.
Hudson Edwards
Even your baiting is fucking horrible. You redditors are cancer. You can't deal with other opinions you can't deal with being called out fore what you are. And you project your cry baby mentality.
A very good question. I think these cults believe that balance is the interplay of forces, and so, for good, there must be evil to bring equilibrium; for peace, must be war and so on. kind of explain why they would push for wars when we could have peace and prosperity... See pic related; two hostile forces, yet joined at the tail. Caduceus, one of the oldest symbols there is.
to me it looks more of a symbol for dna and those that brought the knowledge to us. have to admit im a lot influenced by tsarion on some of that stuff.
>anagrams a legit plot legal to tip legal it pot loli tap get to pillgate l ape got lit i glop latte ate tog pill pol get tail pal ogle tit
this shit is dumb nigga
Sebastian Cruz
This video has been circulating since ages and is just filled with the most basic symbolism. It has been analyzed dozens and dozens of times. Imo it's more a bluepill or a psyop than an actual redpilled prophecy.
Levi Peterson
>we all came from reddit at one point
this is what redditors actually believe
Jonathan Cook
the first time i saw this i was really high and drunk at the same time. i fucking lost my mind
>the enemy what are you talking about? Bush was never in any danger.
Sebastian Roberts
fucking hell m8, you aren't " le epic trolling" you're just making yourself look like a sperg. calm down
Asher Allen
ARISE MY TEMPLARS. WE are the warrior monks of the 21st century, we will bring the knowledge to our blinded brothers >matrix unplugging Its time, the Jews have subverted this place, And now shutting it down when they bomb children. >there is a faction war , inner civil war Agency against agency brother against brother, Co worker against fellow peer. >CiaNigger against CiaNigger We need to remain true and get our transmission from GOD! >TERRY is like Paul the Apostle converting the Science atheists causing great harm to Googles science cult
WE ARE AT WAR!!!!!! >A war against our minds and hearts Where the enemy has >paid shills >comped mods >corrupted embedded government >satanic slave sex cults There is an industrialized, organized VILE PEOPLE ORDER An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL >allison mack rundown >PizzaGate IS REAL and much much worse >the worst movie you have ever seen cannot compare to the human sacrifice and torture that THEY DO
We need to counterattack these SCOUNDREL fucks... through waking people up with CrimsonPills. Expose these beasts