The comments on this video really make me lose faith in humanity.
Michelle Wolf embarassing herself for 19 minutes
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It was pretty funny faggot. Not great, but those cucks at the dinner who couldn’t take a joke need to quit. Self righteous elitist fucks
Im not gonna bother wasting 20 minutes on some monkey trying to be funny.
Can someone give me the "headlines" of what she said that was so bad?
Her voice makes me want to kill myself
dios mio
just let the audio play in the background while you do other stuff
She made jokes and “attacked” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but not really. She went after everybody there, but harped particularly hard on Trump and republicans. The most offensive joke was about abortion, and pretty funny imo.
Basically a bunch of journalos and White House correspondents feigned outrage. Faggotry from the elite class.
Have a bump.
At one point she basically stopped telling jokes and made fun of sarah sanders weight till she cried and then openly wished kelly ann conway would die under a collapsing tree.
Thanks, do you know what she specifically said about Huckabee and abortions?
wow.. I honestly didnt think they could sink any lower. Every day they prove me wrong
>Huckabee burns lies and uses the ash to create the perfect smokey eye. Is it natural or just lies? I think it's just lies.
This is all it takes to trigger the right. Ya know, the fags that call others snowflakes?
>enters thread on subject
>claims to not care about subject
>wants to know what it's all about
my favorite kind of poster
For the abortions joke, she opened it with how (paraphrase) “Mike Pence is very anti-choice. But you know, don’t knock it til you try it! And you really gotta knock it, get that baby out.” Then she mentioned how pro-life people are all against abortions until they need to get one for their secret mistress. It really was more of a joke about hypocrisy.
some jokes were ok but oh god that voice.
Is it illegal in Amerimuttland to shot that retard down?
Is it a common brain disfunction in usa?
shes right about the hypocrisy, the joke itself was just edgy for the s
sake of it. sarah silverman tier edgy.
The worst was the emphasis on being extra brutal in the process of abortion and then holding for laughter. So brave.
Why can't you snowflakes handle the bants. I thought lefties couldn't meme. Kek
How is it relevant when there is no connection between VP Pence and something like that?
It not even a joke. It's pure trash.
>tfw she had to explain the "joke"
It's the left that's triggered, retard. Their mantra of "don't attack people's physical appearance" was broken by one of their own, woman on woman.
Did she dye herself orange as a trump joke?
That'd be pretty funny
yaaaas slaaay queen. finna git the nursin home down to the precinct after keepin them on the lean and herr all year in front of cnn.
collej edgikated
Fuck this. White House doesn't have to host correspondents' dinner. Next year they can all go to McDonald's. Let's see if it's as fun there.
Sanders is a fatass pig. She deserves it.
>eating a desert
>eating sandniggers
Chris Christie is /ourguy/
Republicans are so bad at playing the outrage game.
Holy fuck that is one whiny voice! We need to use her for interrogation at gitmo!
Um, no, sweetie. You are a nigger jewess and your clumsy delivery isn't helped by your terrible voice.
Glad I canceled (((Netflix))) two years ago.
Vicki of Akkard
Does she or does she have Dog Sex ?
You'll waste more than 20 minutes on this site today alone.
Shut the fuck up, you inbred kike. You jews label everything offensive and (((problematic))), but turn around and attack the strong and independent women you claim to champion.
Time is running short on jews in this country. There aren't enough glowing niggers when millions of people tire of the kike's parasitic behavior.
Fucking unbearable screeches no thanks
not gonna lie, in between the extremely distasteful comments, some of her jokes were pretty funny.
Abortion joke was alright, she was just trying to be edgy. The rest of it felt like she was just autistically screeching without much humor.
Her voice is the worst. The comedy was so so. Maybe trying to be too edgy. But that fucking voice man. Sounds like a drunken 3am thot
I don’t understand what was so bad about her routine. I think the crowd purposely misread her remark on Sarah’s “smoky eye” as a diss against the fact her eyes are all fucked up, rather than her eye makeup which makes her hot for some reason despite her ghastly face. If anything, I thought it was a love-tap of a joke.
What the jewish media is really upset about is the fact Michelle Wolf called them all out as frauds earlier in the skit. That’s what really got them, and they are using Sarah as an excuse to be outraged.
Being funny isn't for you :(
So post your 20 minute set.
decided to watch it just to form my own opinion
the congress joke at 1:10 is pretty ok. generally her delivery is bad though and of course her jokes are extremely biased in favor of the left and media establishments
That doesn’t even make sense
It's all made up vitriol but then you read the comments and everyone is going "it's funny because it's true", I truly don't get it, maybe it's just bots replying en masse.
When exactly did Sarah cry? I didn't see it and she was sitting there the whole time.
>hurrdurr what's the word like uncle tom for a white woman that disappoints other white women
That fucking mutt isn't even white, so it's not like she should be concerned.
>inb4 neither are you lol
See pic related.
it was actually funny, not for the snowflakes i guess
Remember when people associated snowflake with liberal? Oh, boy. Times sure have changed.
You can see that she fucked up when she attacked Sanders tho. Especially when she tells the uncle tom joke. The way people reacted to it, it's obvious they were made uncomfortable right there.
>Ya know
Ya know you glow in the dark you run fucking cunt, right? Come back when you have the reading comprehension of a 12 year old girl with down syndrome, then mcfucking kill yourself when you've comprehended how stupid you've been.
>that hand
lol okay ignacio
Can women make jokes that aren't about genitals or the government?
They can cackle like hyenas at the prospect that you're part of the 8/10s of society they (even the lanwhales part of that 80%) have decided are absolutely worthless.
Michelle Wolf wolf did nothing wrong. Republicans clearly can't handle the bantz
>faith in humanity
Dude. Placing your faith in humanity is one of the most foolish things you can do.
Those fake eyelashes are gross, the jokes are dumb, Wolf looks 20 years older than she is and sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Great stuff, truly the apex of American intellectual humor.
we're not really offended, we're just holding you to you're own standards, and so far the only retort is "b-b-buh-but snowflakes! y-yeah..."