The Nordic Resistance movement is holding their yearly mayday rally in 2 towns of Ludvika and Boden in Sweden. NMR is a National Socialist pan-Nordic movement and running for elections for the first time in Sweden this year.
Shut up tou filthy kike, you will not keep us divided any longer. Sieg heil
Isaac Martinez
I wish they used warmer mroe inviting colors instead of cold black and white but overall looks good. Hitler used brown, red, gold and black because of the Roman Empire and that worked well
Eli Gonzalez
They only wear black sweaters in shitty weather conditions, they usually wear white.
Well usually these neo nazi groups are pretty cringey but I'll say these guys at least look normal and not picked out of a genetic wastebin like in America. I wish I could understand what they were saying
Blake Powell
Hell yeah.
Gavin Johnson
I wish Sweden would arm these guys. I bet they'd have the conviction not to run away when faced by Somali criminals like Swedish police do.
da joos I guess. I agree with this I'm not feeling the uniforms, if they want to be nazis they might as well dress like nazis, nazis had some of the best aesthetics out of any movement in history
>Hitler used brown, red, gold and black because of the Roman Empire
What??? the SA wore brown because those Uniforms are from the German colony ( in Africa and those were laying around numerous so the SA bought and used them. afterwards they used a Black and White uniform with a red banner on the arm which represented the Colours of Germany black-white-red just like the Swastika flag has the same colours because it represented the German flag from that time
Finnish version of FBI had a study about Finnish segment of NRM, they were mostly middle class folk. One finnish millionair, funded a online news paper, that red pills people about jews. They are not failures at life, mostly anyway.
Jackson Reyes
what did that guy just show a pic of a dick on his phone
Leo Garcia
Cancer cases, and the last guy looks retarded. This is Sweden for you, bunch of larping faggots who wanted to fight in WW2, but we're too homo to do so.
Jacob Stewart
They pretty much made those 2 towns into national socialist towns.
Jaxon Cook
It looks a bit pathetic. FFS what is this.
Jose Young
>asking what they're demonstrating against specifically
>love the salt
Nathaniel Moore
Well they are neonazis, aren't they? So by default they've failed at life.
They arent large enough to gain a following that actually want to see change through legislation and leadership. The best case now is for SD to get as many votes as possible because they actually have a chance (though significantly reduced by lack of support from the filthy moderates).
>inb4 kike-led, controlled opposition They are supportive of Israel and jews in sweden to appease swedish neo-cons and gain more credence for their anti-muslim stance. Jimmie and the others are all ethnonationalists but revealing that would lose support from normies.
These people decided they had enough and revealed their power level.
They could have started murdering, bombing and appearing out of the blue. Now they tell each other to not use violence because it will "hurt" their "cause".
Its a sign the Security services did their job for once. They united the problem in one cross boarder containment.
This is no victory. This is the only goal of the security services. Let them corrupt their views in unity so they will never produce change.
NMB is one gigantic honeypot designed by the security services to shut down the feeling of anger & despair.
It wont last forever, but it might last long enough for us never to fight back in unity.
>NMB is one gigantic honeypot designed by the security services I always wonder why people would say that so, why do you say that? Is it because you are mentally deranged?
Daily reminder that NMR are violent neo nazi untermensch skinheads who only have their whiteness going for them. Also just look at the guys to the left and right hahahaha fucking manlets. """"""ARYAN UBERMENSCH""""""""
Shutup filthy Kike swine. The demonstrators just called out Jimmy Åkesson and many other scumbags as race traitors
Luis Jenkins
Lucas Harris
What will you do Mohammed when nationalism is on the rise again?
Gavin Williams
What change can they create? All they have done is create something fallible to be ridiculed.
They march with posters declaring traitors of the nordic nations. How is this movement better than an underground terror cell?
They don't make people fear them, they make people recognize them for all the wrong reasons.
No sane people will show sympathy to these people. An underground terror cell killing nordic media elites on the otherhand. Would inspire real inspiration to find out why.
The manifestos could be made on freenet & tor. They could burn QR codes in the skin of their victims. They could document their march in blood online.
Now all they document is their march towards reformists pornography.
Protest-voting for NMR makes sense. But if you want sweden to start deporting negros you should vote AFS or even SD. NMR will never be voted into parliament.
Aiden Brooks
keep up the good work,, so far it's the only good news from sweden in 10 years
you want them to be the ISIS of white people? You're delusional if you think that's a good idea. You can't just kill people you don't like, the world doesn't work that way.
Sebastian Butler
>tfw support AfS in parlament and support NMR outside of the parlament
Mhmm, mycket nytta NMR gör.. I vote SD, which is one of the largest parties in sweden, while young girls in sweden are for the most part complete idiots, a lot of them vote for SD as well. To claim all SD supporters are virgin, anime faggots is a moronic assumption.
NRM is the Richard Spencer of the nordick countries. All they do is hold rallies that are terrible for optics. Also neo-nazis tend to be driven by personal issues
Jackson Cruz
>a lot of them vote for SD as well Jag önskar att detta var sant
Luke Baker
How big is nrm in sweden?
Christian Perez
It’s wet which is why the uniforms look messed up.
Hudson Brown
They are running for election in Sweden, as well a lot of municipalities this year.
Liam Gutierrez
While the women vote for open borders and let children be gang raped. The men stand up -- and be demonized for it.
They are as it stands the de-facto ethno Swedish/Nordic nationalist movement at the moment, have been around for 20 years and are growing quite exponentialy as of late. Not sure about actual members but I do know they have heavy vetting for membership.
Jaxon Peterson
kys shill
Asher Martinez
They are a borderline paramilitary organisation which is just what sweden needs
Hunter Wilson
Not a single nigger will be seen that day. Kebab removal patrol heil.
Isaac Murphy
>they make people recognize them for all the wrong reasons >No sane people will show sympathy to these people >But an underground terrorist cell that they'll know about from the media will "inspire real inspiration"
No less, the existence of NMR doesn't stop you from following your dream, user. To simplify, they will attract the lawful and neutral good and you the chaotics. Just know that I don't officially support you.
kinda sounded like you said they should assassinate political enemies. Either way fear isn't going to sway anyone (or at least the right kinds of people), if their platform is righteous then they should have no problem bringing people to their cause. Or else maybe they shouldn't exist in the first place.
Joshua Scott
In finland they’re very small. I wonder why they haven’t joined the parlament yet in sweden if they have the numbers... Have you heard about the former leader of finnish nrm?