Asian man here.
Are white men who are redpilled about the decline of the West but choose too marry and have children with Asian women, extremely beta?
Because if some races
>didn't invent/invented inferior civilization
>have insect hivemind mentality/aren't capable of creativity
>have low iq/high visual spatial iq (wrong kind of iq[tm] )
logically speaking, white men should protect their genetics from them.
White men of the right logically hate freeloaders like refugees, who just walk into the West and claim welfare without building Western civilization. But they have no problem handing their civilization and descendant's genetics to freeloaders who are doing the exact same thing, only they give them sex. The only difference between a Syrian ECONOMIC MIGRANT!!!1! and a based Asian woman is that she has a vagina. She gets to sit back and enjoy what is essentially welfare, because white men let them in and say "oh no, it's not fair, white women have been destroyed by feminism, Asian women are submissive and traditional!".
For the price of spreading her legs, she gets reproductive access to the genetic destiny of a white man without any work. If Syrian men had vaginas and boobs, they would be lining up to welcome them in.
These men destroy their generic purity and have no right to complain about immigrants/white women who have mixed race babies, saying that they are reducing social trust (they love studies about how non-whites reduce social trust). Because they themselves are creating mixed-race offspring.
Some white men put Asian pussy on such high a pedestal that it's more higher than the value of Western Civilization.
In the coming decades, will we see whites argue with themselves?
>Asians don't have high iq! They have the wrong kind, visual-spatial iq! They are genetically not capable of creativity! Nature not nurture!
>That's not true! My half Asian children are very smart and creative! Asians CAN have iq and can be creative when raised correctly!