Is my cat allowed in the ethnostste, Jow Forums?
Is my cat allowed in the ethnostste, Jow Forums?
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animals > liberals niggers women jews/iranians other sandniggers chinks slants spics serbs turks
cats are vermin with no function
Its not a tabby cat. Im sorry user we need to gass him
Spotted the sociopath.
Of course they are allowed OP
It's ok, he's 1/76th Persian but he's a cuck. I was just wondering.
Yes, all cats and dogs are welcome in the ethnostate.
Only exceptions are dogs which are less than 25cm in length in their adult state.
Little pussy bitch LMAO
he looks grumpy just like his papa :3
I actually have a cat. But he's worthless. I've decided cats get the gas. Out of my hatred for him now. He ruined it. Fuck ALL cats. Vermin.
Dogs = HuWhite
Cats = Nigger tier desu senpai san
my cat purs me to sleep, there is no drug that can replace him
my cat is black and he loves me
Beta male pet
Get a dog
Prophet Mohammed(PBUH) was actually they first animal rights activist. It continues to amaze me why Jow Forums dosen't convert. Islam is truly congruent with your beliefs.
> both hate Jews
> both hate degeneracy
> femanon know their place
Adolf loved animals but no one loves you.
Sorry to inform you but your cat is a nigger.
Dogs are for beta males you dolt. Dogs do whatever they are told, so when a beta owns a dog he is able to larp as an alpha
but he has green eyes, he is obviously aryan
the hatred of cats led to the spread of the plague in europe. people hated cats so god smited them
What about pit bulls?
>Owning a cat
Yes, but not you
Cats are the anti-vermin. We will need to breed very large cats so they can rid us of the jews.
My cat is ready to fight in the race war.
That tabby is white, pull back it’s fur and see
>Is my cat allowed in the ethnostste, Jow Forums?
Are we allowed in his?
>being french
neither you
Your cat will be the leader of the gulag we send all the communists to.
wanting to kill literally ALL dogs is surely fighting for animals rights
>cheapo anderson lower
>palmetto state garbage
Keep your poverty and poor decision making out of the ethnostate
>both hate Jews
i don't hate jews. those that hate jews are usually followers of abrahamic religions.
>both hate degeneracy
this happens in every non globalist society. this is not a particular trait of islam.
>femanon know their place
same as previous point
Mudslimes=Kikes, no difference.
Mudslimes and Kikes are significantly more prone to commiting despicable acts to non-demoralized western culture
>Both cultures women exploit the trauma purposefully carved out of their bodies.
You have a beautiful boy there! Have you ever had people tell you that he was very friendly for a cat? He may be part Ocicat - it’s kind of a naturally occurring mutt breed, but they all look basically like that (same coloration, big haunches) and are notable for their friendliness and intelligence. People say they are more like dogs than cats in personality
Cats are vermin
This is one of the most upbeat posts that I have ever read on Jow Forums. Completely unrelated to politics, but very upbeat. You almost sound happy. Are you sure that you belong here?
Pitbulls are literal niggers. No.
>tfw spic
Fuck, why was I even born?
only French and English Bulldogs
Those are not dogs. Those are RATS with extreme muscular morphology.
Disgusting. They have to go back
Only if he's a good boy.
Domesticated animals are a tribute to man's triumph over nature. Dogs are dependent on humans to be clean, disease free and disciplined, but they are very loyal, useful for personal protection, property guards, hunting, shepherding, bomb and drug sniffing, etc. But more than a tool, they are a friend. They would die to save you if possible. The dog is an amazing friend, a trusty tool, a sentient weapon. The K9 is the soldiers most important asset, it is not easy replaceable.
Cats are misunderstood in the common era. Cats are independent, but they have an ancient contract with humans: we provide shelter, the cat hunts and kills vermin that would spoil our crops - rats, grasshoppers, small birds, etc.
Cats are associated with high production in agriculture (the civilised man's foodsource), decreased mortality from disease (cats are immune to many human diseases, so they kill infected rats but arent themselves vectors), and guardians of the dead (cats disregard the human corpse when they can chase the vultures). Cats are extremely clean (unlike niggers), independent (unlike niggers) and associated with higher quality of health (unlike niggers).
Cats, dogs and horses are a testament to the sovereignty of mankind - and reason - over nature. They are Nature's gift to you.
All that said. Dogs, cats and horses are not only allowed, they're encouraged so long as they aren't dependant meme breeds (chihuahuas and obese cats not allowed). If it can't kill a small infant, it's useless. If it kills a small infant without reason, it's a nigger.
you know that's what we say about amerimutts
This. Not dogs just less gay cats
That would actually work. We must import lionesses and panthers at once.
> Germany
There are certain "Western" nations that should not talk. Germany, the UK, Sweden.
Cats will have their own ethnostate.
Yes, but only if your cat looks like Hitler
I have a black cat is she allowed in the ethnostate?
My cat just walked by me to go shit outside. He's effing useless. One of the ONLY times he gets up during the day. Why the hell isn't he dead yet?
jokes on you, I was born in the Mid-West
>jokes on you, I was born in the Mid-West
> Chooses to move to Germany
>Burger education
cats where actually kept mostly because they kill the vermin
>Cant spell the word "WERE"
I call 'em "purse-rats".
Pets are gay, weak and tame, tackle a horse instead faggot cat lady
>My cat just walked by me to go shit outside. He's effing useless. One of the ONLY times he gets up during the day. Why the hell isn't he dead yet?
Realise that your cat is more civilised than niggers or pajeets. He also returns cleaner than either. Ponder that for a moment.
I can, just used the wrong version of the word. Sorry your language is so illogical. Give me a brake. Or a break?
>studying engineering in the US
btw, you missspelled "can't"
The doctors are still adjusting your medications, eh, user?
Cats are the jews of the animal kingdom.
Cat lovers are therefore subservient betas
63 replies for this garbage. When i post real and funny shit it gets deleted ftbs
Buy your cat a fedora
the cat goatee he has going on is nice
>Is X white?
>how come if X than Y
/b/ tier thread
But is there treatment for it?
Has it been fucked by niggers? If yes, then no.
ya of course, your kitty is adorable
>i am a retard
The only way I'm gonna get it is if i have sex with my gf(male) er i mean cat
Yes, but cats are a vector for the disease. So unless you keep your cat indoors 24/7 then he is probably infected.
60 million Americans alone are infected with this shit.
My cat won’t ask for permission
Where the fuck does this retarded rumor get started?
Everyday I see some new fucking addition to what people think toxoplasmos does
2 posts by this ID
From the CDC.
Infograph is accurate. As per the CDC it is one of 3 under tackled parasitic infections in the world. The reason you are seeing more "symptoms" is because they are still learning about the parasite.
Current studies are looking into a link between toxoplasmosis and fetal exposure.
It seems that fetal exposure (in males) is linked with homosexuality. Probably why they don't want this to come out.
>1 post by this ID