why does the supposed savior of the white race have a higher suicide rate then korea, russia and japan?
Polish Suicide Rate
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They are worthless human beings.
Slavs drink too much and generally live stressful lives. They're neighbours to Russia, so that's no surprise.
It's honestly better to have high suicide rates than high homicide rates. I'd rather die by my own volition than by someone else's.
Because they see how much you amerimutts fucked up the entire white race and lose hope. If i were white i would suicide too.
Ukraine is worthless, lets not kid ourselves.
Have you been here? I was a happy person while alone, then you get to know the people and it turns out the women are whores and men are either white knights or brain dead with a few exceptions. This is a country that will join the fate of the Western world that we think we belong to. In a sense we do, we are just as degenerate, but lack the money.
Poverty is also a cause and some of the laws are fucked up as well. Suicide for a father who has lost his family isn't rare. You wouldn't want to be a slave to someone who left you with their kid either.
They've all worked in better countries and realized they have to go back.
Schlomo, please.
America is the cause of all of this, but if the people here were smart, they'd know that we can be different.
The drinking problem is fading away. It's still bigger than lets say Germany, but it's going away over the decades.
You don't even have your own culture nor history, lol. Fucking hohol.
No you cant. Go to your local cinema and count how many movies they screen there were made by hollywood.
>T. Better county
I just sended another shipment of 6000000 niggers since things are so good in norway.
We just do what we usually do with trash, send it to Sweden.
How's the weather in Jewland? I heard rumors of a heatwave coming in. About 6 million degrees in the shade.
Because Poland and Poles are shit and they know it
This thread needs delousing
Humans have free will.
Wonder what we’ll do with the trash when the garbage men come to power. Any suggestions?
Life is hard if you can't into earning money, weak people can't handle the stress.
Just do what you do already with the literal trash. Burn it for energy in those fuckhuge ovens of yours.
Your flag symbolizes the biggest failure in the history of the west and you have fixation on what which whites are shit and which aren't.
Kinda funny.
Polish women
(my mother is part Polish)
in Poland when you want to murder someone you make it look like suicide. So we have very low homicide rates but very high suicide rates
Becouse slavs are shit. This is why the jews don't even bother with them
>be little bolan in 90s
>clueless parents tell literally every single child to attend higher education
>most people go into some sort of uni, thinking the future will be great
>turns off there's very few degrees that are actually worth something and you're stuck in a minimum wage job anyway
>renting costs most of your paycheck, all you can afford is food, there's no money for clothes or medicine
>most places won't give you an actual job contract which means you have no PTO, no sick days, no medical insurance, you work long hours every day (weekends included), most worker protections doesn't apply to you and you can be fired very easily (it's getting better though, millennials refuse to work like that and the workplaces have started to adapt in many cases)
Living in Poland sucks if you don't earn at least two or three times the minimum wage, which means you need to either get into administration via nepotism or have skills in highly-paid market. I myself wisened up at 24 when I switched from Economics (utterly worthless) to Computer Science, if I hadn't I would either slave away in some dead-end job or partake in the endless rat-race in some soulless corporation.
I still wouldn't immigrate from here, western Europe looks pretty bad right now and US has it even worse with the job market.
Because being poor and smart is harder to accept than being poor and smart and expected to succeed. At least with the latter there is a chance to come out on top where as the former there is end to poverty.
Unrequited love
My classmate did it last year
look at the statistics, suicide rate among boys is 4 times more than among girls
In Poland it's like 25:1
polish women are also fascinated by western (american) lifestyle and culture. they want wealthier and more exotic looking guys.
most black and muslim lovers in germany, sweden and uk are not ethnic locals of these countries but polish immigrant girls.
suicide is a slav thing, just look at Lithuania or Latvia