/Kraut/pol & AfD General - Start of The War Edition


>Targets of opportunity

>News in german

>English language analysis
[or post english language analysis from other German channels]

>Self improvement
youtube.com/watch?v=MXnCv61NJ7g (Basic bodyweight workout)
youtube.com/watch?v=APZCfmgzoS0 (No excuse for being fat)

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion
Get fit
Spread flyers and stickers in your city

Attached: day_number_one.jpg (190x266, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: vorsehung.png (500x700, 280K)

This will be comfy.

Attached: Lachen.png (664x320, 9K)

>Ramadan is from 15.05.2018 to 14.06.2018
>some happenings of peace are kind of likely
>the Internet has often been the place where these happenings were brought to appropriate public awareness
>Böhmermann starts his doxxing and persecution campaign on 01.05.2018
Do you think they had this in mind?

Attached: Ramadan_2018.png (624x165, 14K)

thanks for not including 20 pastebins.

Twitter hastags to follow 1. may riots

Attached: steine.jpg (476x659, 49K)

Oh, i am beyond the point of caring when innocent people die.

I dare them to die, i want them to die.
They voted for this.

A twitter pro should try to pose as one of the communist anti-semites and troll them, leftie normies are triggered hard by them and surely would bite.

Attached: antiimp.jpg (442x891, 112K)


Attached: hipster myfest.jpg (454x549, 59K)

>Oh, i am beyond the point of caring when innocent people die.


Attached: collateral.png (800x1174, 535K)

>Commies are anti-israel now
>Commies are hunting jews soon
>tfw left is the new right.
>tfw they hunt jews for muslims.

:( oh.

Attached: iwanttobe_REEEEE.png (1249x1000, 1.05M)

German headlines:

Attached: spidr.png (726x493, 150K)

pobably base guitar.
ok, so it is some old school stuff.
sort of retarded and inherently backfire fail.
it is always the current establishment that reigns
all hate is on the house


Attached: soviet_wojaks.jpg (222x227, 9K)

Do i hear eternal austro handwristing?

look at all this inner-left virtue signalling.

Attached: virtue signaling.jpg (374x927, 96K)


For those who didn't see it yesterday

Attached: Jüterbog_23_Jähriger_Syrer_30_4_2018_part_1.webm (318x176, 2.94M)

Attached: Jüterbog_23_Jähriger_Syrer_30_4_2018_part_2.webm (318x176, 2.94M)

>Damnit, he can hear me stroking my murderboner even over the seven mountains of my Alpenfestung...

Note to self: be less obvious!

Attached: say_hello_to_my_little_friend.jpg (719x718, 380K)

kek, those are new.

Attached: maiterror.jpg (586x669, 88K)

I need a meme song for that pic.

Great site, thanks.

The funny thing is that you could easily sway most of those guys to the other side and simply put different flags in their hands ... wasn't that different last time. Ideological blank slates mostly. Dunno if those are more 'dangerous' than the eternal Kulturmarxist fat fuck 'elite' we have to endure atm.

Attached: der_deutsche_spurdo.jpg (569x803, 498K)

What the fuck was that?

lul those small commie groups are always hilarious

Attached: FireShot Capture 117 - Für offene Grenzen in Israel! - Inter_ - https___www.thecommunists.net_home. (1083x305, 61K)

Abdul Ab'a Shir - Direct descendant of Lancelot.
They don't have cars where he is from.

escalation soon

Attached: grune.jpg (465x598, 78K)

Left wing "people" are so delusional and it's hilarious seeing them try to control other people when even their own mommy cannot control them.

they're hilarious and irrelevant indeed, however a not too small part of the lefties that will visit the 18 Uhr demo are pro-paslestinian. Since anti-german israel fags will visit the demo too, it might get interesting.

FYI most inbred hillbillies behave with more morals than any commie, they need to go back to the cave they crawled out of. In fact, most hillbillies are quite respectable people who mind their own business, something a traitor needs to take notes on.

Holy shit, sorry for my transgressions, calm down you autist, did I injure your routine or something?
And you want to call me an autist... amazing.

Also: I did see that you meant that 2-3 times the link is "enough", but what I was saying was that even this is not enough to get the attention it needs.

Perhaps one could go the other direction and make the OP consist of just two things:

>Explanation of which version it is and from what date it is:
> of only the current OP and nothing else

>The general pastebin and a signification that it is what it is.

This way, when that one link is clicked, first of all anons will be one a page where there is nothing to distract them, and second of all it's a way to get past the 2000char limit.

One could also combine these methods; leave a really short version of the current OP, like, really condendsed, in the thread OP and then, under that compressed OP put a link to the detailed version.
That way both is combined.
The general pastebin goes at the bottom.
Oh well, I guess you aren't really open to anyhting and will call me a sperg or something no matter what I say,

but maybe othere anons will read this and actually think about it.

hillbillies don't act on behalf of cityslick morality, they live by common sense and reasonable amount of decency without being meek.

This is why people call them based or in german "Bodenständig"

Attached: Bodenständig.png (873x295, 81K)

>Dunno if those are more 'dangerous' than the eternal Kulturmarxist fat fuck 'elite' we have
real elites know that it is just a tool

Attached: 1519484511955.png (545x800, 158K)

Don't worry, we had that before.
Scroll through a history page and stop around 1848 to 1849

triggered autist confirmed.
what the OP needs: A small introduction related to current events and ONE pastebin.

The shilling was bit disruptive yesterday afternoon. Do you think it was related to the government troll army (RI)?

>we had that before
sort of no.
this is in a way unbresedended.
deep psycho game n' shieet

Was the so-called "ARTIST" lurking Jow Forums all that time to REEE because he's been found out and the such?

An uppity fat-fuck upper class getting real fucking annoying and gets abolished by the angry mob.
>EU not being an uppity autonome upper-class.


how dare you besmirch the memejugend?!!

Attached: 1525106115200.png (1400x1015, 494K)

requested yesterday

Attached: böhmi1984.jpg (1249x674, 178K)

Anyone have sauce for >pic related?

Attached: 1525172688110m.jpg (482x1024, 39K)

>EU not being an uppity autonome upper-class.
yes, almost all worked by strings, even if only ideological
i am always puzzled by what these faggots might really think (if at all) and how they construct and maintain their self image
to *really* know this....

nice nice nice touch

also requested

Attached: böhmibravenewworld.jpg (1249x674, 171K)

I'd say the parrallels are here from 1848 to 2018...
Märzrevolution Mk2!
tfw no one even looks at my version.

Attached: 1513374100067.jpg (375x592, 29K)

>tfw no one even looks at my version.
i did reply you know

thats some nice bluepilling there, user

But only faggots need LARPFlags, and LARPFlagger opinions don't matter.

Attached: 1515239948294.jpg (821x1024, 240K)

it's nice but the black bars must go.

Attached: 1525183001927.png (1247x674, 1.22M)

Also note the similarity to pic related. Coincidence?

Attached: 1c0602a5b44b479f13fc786587fd5f27c8742dcc6d290670bdc228011ec0d2d5.jpg (804x452, 82K)

might also wanna try something like this

Attached: sheep.jpg (175x252, 34K)

also no one will save hug PNGs.

Attached: 1525183001927.jpg (1247x674, 216K)

have ya ever seen Memri screenies?
I suspect the ratio sent and the display you have now-a-days don't match. the signal is already fitted for 16:9 but the monitors are not. and that is part of the sandnigger TV-feel.

>Aus den Briefen und Artikeln geht auch hervor, dass Marx ein ausgeprägter Antisemit und Rassist war. An seinen politischen Freund Arnold Ruge schrieb er, wie "widerlich" ihm "der israelitische Glaube" sei. Sein Text "Zur Judenfrage" (1843) legt den geistigen Grundstein für blanken antisemitischen Hass: "Welches ist der weltliche Grund des Judenthums? Das praktische Bedürfnis, der Eigennutz. Welches ist der weltliche Kultus der Juden? Der Schacher. Welches ist sein weltlicher Gott? Das Geld." Die Passagen von Marx über Juden lesen sich zuweilen wie Originaltexte von Nazis. Das Judentum sei "ein allgemeines gegenwärtiges antisociales Element. In der jüdischen Religion liege "die Verachtung der Theorie, der Kunst, der Geschichte, des Menschen als Selbstzweck". Selbst "das Weib wird verschachert".

>Seine Briefe entlarven Marx auch als Rassisten. So wird Ferdinand Lassalle, der Gründer des Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeitervereins und politischer Konkurrent von Marx, wegen seiner jüdischen Herkunft erst als Jüdel Braun, Ephraim Gescheit und Itzig verunglimpft. Nachdem Lasalle ihn 1862 in London besucht hatte, beschimpft Marx ihn als "jüdischen Nigger Lasalle" und schreibt: "Es ist mir jetzt völlig klar, dass er, wie auch seiner Kopfbildung und sein Haarwuchs beweist, von Negern abstammt, die sich dem Zug des Moses aus Ägypten anschlossen. Nun, diese Verbindung von Judentum und Germanentum mit der negerhaften Grundsubstanz müssen ein sonderbares Produkt hervorbringen. Die Zudringlichkeit des Burschen ist auch niggerhaft." Selbst seinen eigenen Schwiegersohn Paul Lafarge, dessen Mutter eine kubanische Kreolin war, erniedrigte er in einem Brief an seine Tochter Jenny als "Negrillo" und "Abkömmling eines Gorillas".

source: n-tv.de/politik/politik_person_der_woche/Marx-war-Antisemit-und-Rassist-article20413046.html

Wtf I love Marx now

>Adolf Hitler - germany's most brilliant man
>Karl Marx - a man who doesn't understand economy and wants stuff because he doesn't feel like getting up on mondays.


opted for pic related for better readability

Attached: böhmisheep.jpg (1249x674, 168K)

lefties against lefties

Attached: kefties.jpg (588x355, 37K)

Attached: 1470965526333.jpg (1750x1400, 1.06M)

>gegen ein Land.
Choose one.

Woll'n 'ma mal schaun' wie die sich in Bezug auf Russland verhalten...
elendige heuchler, an Israel gibt's wenigstens mehr als an Russland, das tatsächlich kritikwürdig ist.
Ein Krieg ist für mich wesentlich schlimmer als ein paar Femenfotzen die in die Fresse kriegen, weil sie eine Kirche desikrieren oder irgendeine, an den Haaren herbei gezogene """Interferenz""" im amerikanischen Wahlkampf.

reminder, pepe loves you

Attached: pepeloves(You).jpg (726x968, 93K)

Disliking Israel is not a matter of political allignment but common sense

G-ddamnit user, why are you that autistic about that image.
It's literally just a little bit of turning around and that is it.
You aren't missing anything at all.

interesting point, they'd probably split when it comes to more confrontation with Russia. The ARD/ZDF lefties will be against Russia and vote SPD while the real lefties will be for Russia and vote Linke.

Antifa eating itself

dis gonna be gud
marxist pusg v. counterpush, openly in msm
what are you going to do about the marxism gap, anons?!


Attached: ähnlich.jpg (605x255, 38K)

Perhaps one could go the other direction and make the OP consist of just two things:

>Explanation of which version it is and from what date it is:
> of only the current OP and nothing else

>The general pastebin and a signification that it is what it is.

This way, when that one link is clicked, first of all anons will be one a page where there is nothing to distract them, and second of all it's a way to get past the 2000char limit.

One could also combine these methods; leave a really short version of the current OP, like, really condendsed, in the thread OP and then, under that compressed OP put a link to the detailed version.
That way both is combined.
The general pastebin goes at the bottom.

That way one could also have the possibility to make very short-hand OPs that focus only on an aspect of the general, larger Resources pastebin, where everything is located.

lmao, eurofag confirmed gay


fuck, bernd is having a stroke

Attached: filtered anyways.png (809x208, 17K)

No :^)
Just laughing.

marxism wars when?!

Attached: 1523309748769.gif (310x760, 23K)

Good afternoon, Volksgenossen.
Any good streams of the Chimpouts?

Filtering will never work unless Jow Forums makes it a default feature. I won't install a CIA nigger extension.

dont get your hopes up, marx himself was a jew

decent liveblog, there might be some periscope streams later, TV is usually not live.

Never. Marx basically starved to death on his own ideology and had to use capitalism to feed himself.
Fucking commies get more retarded every passing year.


>Turning around
Wait so you get to see her butt?? Fugg...

>implying deception isnt common for the son of a rabbi


>at least a self-hating kike

>a literal savage
>police arrives
>jumps around happily

Attached: 1524860015247.jpg (1350x723, 108K)

and RUPTLY will probably be live I guess.

I love Germany.

nice, needs finger from

came up yesterday.
no user realized this butthurt.

Attached: jq-matruschka.png (1400x1045, 689K)

live chimpout in Paris

man are you even paying attention.
leftist media is apparently pushing marx hard atm. as philosophical rationalization
he is to become prophet

get ye gone

Attached: nukes.png (510x791, 28K)

its like 1918 all over agian

ayyy, not jewish, my mother is German catholic.


Attached: 1496537535460.jpg (436x311, 14K)

doesnt matter if you are jewish

Attached: Muh Idf.jpg (1680x4370, 2.01M)

RT videos from today's AfD and Gewerkschaft demos

Attached: akbär.png (2000x1500, 49K)