only kebab removers can post:
Honoree: Chinks and Indians
Rest of eurocucks can fuck off
only kebab removers can post:
Honoree: Chinks and Indians
Rest of eurocucks can fuck off
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>tfw not included in the meeting
No Romanians? Be gone fake.
Forgot Romanians with the best kebab remover of all time.Sorry
I'm armenian
Am i welcome ?
but we are kebabs, you dumb amerimutt
Chechen ?
Checking in
Tatar probably
Had an actual kebab last month and it was really good. It was steak with bell peppers on a stick. Eating steak with my hands was awesome, and it was quality. Muslim or no this particular dish is a-ok with me.
>meme flag
>gypsy land
get out of here parasite
Minneapolis is going to fall soon. I've spoken to dozens of normal people that are close to cracking over their children being attacked by Somalis at school, their wives being stalked by Somalis, and entire areas being ethnically cleansed of all non-Somalis.
Fags in the FBI and other alphabet agencies think it's their duty to protect these locusts, but I can assure you they are wrong. They should be treated as a foreign army and need to be dealt with ASAP. There have been several individuals that have killed Somalis now that were previously normal Midwestern Swedish cucks. I'm praying for the day things go over the tipping point and these animals are removed permanently from the US.
>doesn't include Croatia
>puts Croatia's retarded brother on the list
So it's gonna be like that..
>kebab removers
serbians, greeks, bulgars, armenians
>kebab removers
only russians and polish can be considered so however there are millions of muslims in russia too
what about america? the usa only removed secular/anti-islamist leaderships in middle east. attack dog of saudi arabia and other oil rich gulf states.
so there is only poland left I think.
poland is the only kebab remover.
Georgians, Ossetians removed kebab when euros were living in wooden huts.
No sweetie. I'm kebab consumer
Actuallly gyros is way better
you're basically a greek larping as a mongol so...
I post real historic maps. balkans are only able to post memes and larps kek
good to be a turk master around balkan slaves
Most of those are Kebab mutts.
Why u have a meme flag fag
You were removed from the Balkans, now it's time to be removed from Anatolia you sand nigger.
Fargo and Sioux Falls are lost too, bro. I'm with you.
What about spaniards
>Slaves of kebab pretending to be removers
You are all some version of kebab yourselves.
Swedish sluts love our kebabs
come at me roaches!
Sioux Falls needs to get them the fuck out. Do your Senators do anything for you, or just allow this shit to continue? Tell that fag Thunes to go to Mogadishu if he wants his pet Somalis so much.
lol one of my grandfathers killed a turk trying to steal some gold from him the other one burned a prison, while your ancestors were jacking eachother in a mud hut somewhere in the mountains.
Albanians>rest of Balkans
Greek/Armenian reporting in
You'll be extinct sooner than us you filthy barbarian Swede.
Send me some of your bitches to fuck before you get totally blacked.
>You won't exist 100 years from now
...said Sweden. The rest of the board proceeded to laugh at the irony. The end.
>doesn't include Croatia
It says only kebab removers, can't you read
You mean Hungarian's. He ruled Transylvania which is righful Hungarian territory.
The Ukraine reporting
Just give us time.
>no hungarians and croats
we don't need your stupid thread, we actually removed kebab
hmmm austrians are the best kebab remove also rice remover and baguette remover why not add?
>kebab removers
>get removed by kebab
what did they mean by this?
>doesn't know about Charles Martel
checks out
You got the cheapest wives, that's better than the rest of Balkan i guess
>complain that he is not listed as "kebab remover"
>supports kebab
Hello fellow armenian here have you seen turks ? I've seen them
Fuck off nigger
As a georgian i am fucking triggered
Leave little Cyprus alone you disgusting flyover cuntry
only kebab removers can post:
Honoree: Chinks and Indians
Rest of eurocucks can fuck off
> I Feel you.