according to a marriage expert, Esther Perel, infidelity sometimes strengthen a relationship as it forces a couple to take stock of their marriage She said: “Sometimes the relationship that comes out is stronger, and more honest and deeper than the one that existed before, because people finally step up.”
my wife has been cheating on me with a filthy indian subhuman for a year now
the first time i found out my wife's infidelity with an indian guy i got outraged and decided to divorce her but then i've been gradually sexually aroused by the fact that she, my wife, has been banged by a literal third world manlet subhuman, unironically
my wife and her indian lover don't know that i'm knowing their relationship and they will never know this this has just become my fetish as long as she doesn't get impregnated i'm fine with this
there's nothing more hot than penetrating my dick into her vagina that a few hours ago had swallowed a literal subuman's dick
i'm now just hoping that my wife and her indian lover are having great time together when i'm at work
>Cuck fetishist Kill yourself Sage goes in all fields
Jackson Martin
her cheating on me really makes me love her even more she's getting sexier every day as she's been taken her indian lover's semen at least twice a week inside her while i'm at work
David Ramirez
you'd someday understand what i'm saying, boy
Jeremiah Morgan
Oliver Hughes
Goddamnit Haruto, why is your wife dating an orangutan
Wyatt Turner
thank you for making my wife happier and sexier, indian bro i love you guys
Carter Phillips
I wish this was real. I still dont get why attractive firangis settle for apeshit looking Indians. You might as well bang an attractive one.
although the image doesn't represent my wife and her lover the story itself is real i just can't upload my wife's pic on the internet, you know
Andrew Price
Let’s assume you are serious. I wouldn’t say it’s a virtuous thing. I think the virtuous part falls upon the spouse willing to forgive and allow a second chance, but to repeat this behavior and fetishize it.. for you I think that displays some serious insecurity issues about not being good enough, and it may reveal a number of things about your wife, but the fact she’s having an affair.. unless you can get her to stop and both agree to change you’re heading down a road of hedonistic disaster that may feel okay right now, but even if you are fine with being a subservient cuck most women desire a a dominant partner (hence why she may have cheated on you) and you may at best be a walking financial and emotional exploitation machine for her but never the true loving partner you or she is aiming for.
Hey! Christian Zionist here. There are two things I support. 1. Israel. Shalom! and 2. My white wife getting as much black cock as she can because I know this makes Jews very happy. Don't know about the whole Jesus was ever on Earth thing but damn, those Jews are my masters. Shalom!
Dominic Hernandez
>(((Esther Perel))) Not funny anymore
Charles Brown
>indian guy >literal third world manlet subhuman Indians are the absolute master race you fucking beta. IMPERIVM FAECVS Superpower 2019
Justin Brooks
Fucking poos don't know when to stop, when is American gonna nuke them into oblivion, just please hurry the fuck up
>forces a couple to take stock of their marriage if you didn't marry a retard you wouldn't need to do that
traditional marriage is rooted in facing its realities and taking stock of it before you take vows or conceive of the idea of marriage.
I'm never not astounded by society's myopia
Hunter Russell
disgusting cuck kys and take them both with you
Nathaniel Morris
A little (strictly non-physical) emotional infidelity never hurt anyone.
Take all the passion and funnel it back into intimacy with your SO.
Colton Bell
we will compete with chinks to take over kangaruland
Charles Lewis
some people are fucked enough in the head that this actually happens. especially women
Aaron Nguyen
>sex parties with buddies can be good for marriage ftfy. So-called "infidelity" is the first step to divorce. You are beyond fucked if your situation is pic related.
>Esther This won't end good for you guys, it really won't.
Brandon Sullivan
That marriage expert is a jew
"The evolution of monogamy and paternal care in humans is often argued to have resulted from the needs of our expensive offspring. Recent research challenges this claim, however, contending that promiscuous male competitors and the risk of cuckoldry limit the scope for the evolution of male investment."
>Esther Perel >Perel is Jewish, the daughter of two Polish-born Holocaust survivors. She was raised in Antwerp and attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel
Liam Brown
Didn't even have to check, Jow Forums is always right.
Tyler Young
Two nukes weren't enough
Hudson Clark
>Esther Perel >Education: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dylan Scott
Marrying outside of your race is a crime against nature.