You are going to be left alone in the wild Israel. America will not be there for you. Our people do no want more war. You brought this on yourself
נופלים היא וירג 'ין ישראל, לא לקום שוב, נטוש בארצה שלה, אף אחד לא להרים אותה
You are going to be left alone in the wild Israel. America will not be there for you. Our people do no want more war...
Bullshit. Trump will gladly spill American blood for Israel and the goyim will keep signing up to do it. Why do you refuse to believe him every time he literally tells you that he's a kike shill?
I was reading but the text turned into eye floaters lmao
The protests will need to shut the country down. The far right/left would unite behind anti war rallies. We've been at war for 17 years and we're $23 trillion in debt. Anyone with half a fuckin cent of intellect can see war has NO viable interest for America, only our rat allies Israel
Google translate English to hebrew
America just voted for the most strongly Zionist president in history dumbass
"Antiwar rallies" won't do shit. No amount of protests will fix the fact that the USA is a vassal state of Israel.
It doesn't matter this country won't let another war happen without massive unrest. Keep shilling faggots, didn't you notice the fear in Bibis voice yesterday?
fpbp and I'm a white nationalist
they're going to starve.
no more blood for the vampires and they'll start eating themselves
Lol ok buddy. Nobody wants war in this country except Jews. American Secular Jews who don't even worship their fake religion, massively support Israel and they are currently infusing with one another politically, and economically on the ground here in America. American Jews are also spying/data collecting for Israel, through militant NGOs like ADL.
The day of the Unmasking will come
you're a lefypol baby rapist
>נופלים היא וירג 'ין ישראל, לא לקום שוב, נטוש בארצה שלה, אף אחד לא להרים אותה
Falling is Virgin Israel, not getting up again, abandoned in her own country, no one pick her up
I sure hope so
>Lol ok buddy. Nobody wants war in this country except Jews.
The American Right is much bigger than Jow Forums
>United States of Israel
>not helping Israel HQ
oh mutt, you so funny
among pastors, huh?
So they're happy to send their own parishioners to die for kikes.
Sounds like cancer to me
>So they're happy to send their own parishioners to die for kikes.
They go to heaven with Jesus, user.
Genocide the Kikes!
Mfw Kim agrees to denuclearze NK in exchange for denuclearizing rogue nuke state Israel.
Born to die for Israel
the Golemburgers
but of course, how silly of me to forget life eternal with clouds, white gowns and angel wings for the extra pious
How about targeted extermination of Jews in their homes, businesses and synagogues?
I read a report about how the Orthodox Jews are rioting in Israel over the draft.
As if (((Israel))) would agree to those terms. Never in a gorillion years, user.
don't be fucking stupid
why do you think Obama got such an easy ride with the media and a nobel prize, dumbass
That's a pile of crap. Breitbart comment section is a good metric for gauging conservatard's and evangelicals, and even they are largely against this jew war shit. I have scores of evangelicals in my extended family, and even they are waking up. Something is happening right now that I haven't seen before with regard to people getting sick of israel. Some kind of awakening. The left is actually the prob right now. They are so wrapped up in the gay agenda, anti-white and feminism issues, they have forgot to be anti-war, which used to be the only good thing about them.
Fuck Israel.
They don't have to agree. Watching it all unfold on the world stage opens a few more eyeballs.
what a shitty translation
>I could improve it for some shekels.
you wont do jackshit faggot despite having guns and million man militias , consume and keep on slaving goym.
The Pen is mightier than the sword. Keep talking and Unmasking them
Are you underage or something?
Obama stated his first term by going to muslim countries in the middle East and speaking about how America had acted wrongly to them.
Obama got along quite poorly with Netanyahu. Remember when the Republican speaker personally invited Netanyahu to speak to congress about Iran and he got a standing ovation from both parties? Remember the white house being upset at congress from subverting the exective branch's diplomatic role?
Obama got a nobel peace prize for being the first black president. Nothing to do with Zionism you dumbass
stop using google translate, it makes you sound even more retarded
Oy vey
>Obama started off by telling Muslims how bad America had hurt them and then said don't worry, you can come to America and destroy it from the inside
Did we hit a soft spot perverting your precious Hebrew? Too fuckin bad kike
nuke the niggermut land already ffs