Why don't you take care of your physical fitness, fat ass?
Why don't you take care of your physical fitness, fat ass?
See not reason for this.
>those twat bag tattoos
>niggerloving tats
hahha degen ass retarded ass tattoos hahahahaha
hurt door I got. spade on my hand durrrrr im cool LOOOL
The guys with tats like that are the same douche bags that throw the weights around and make a shit ton of noise while doing reps.
I just quit smoking and drinking and started 5x5 2 months ago
Haven't missed workout
>taking selfies in the bathroom like a teenage girl
If you're not in the army or the mafia, having a tattoo makes you a faggot by default
Not being in jail, i have very little free time
The real question we must ask is how much nigger dick did you suck to get those fucking gay jailhouse tats?
>The guys with tats like that are the same douche bags that throw the weights around and make a shit ton of noise while doing reps
The guys with tats like that are attention whores
Does the spade tattoo on his hand mean he wanks of black men ?
>following the steroid jew
>accepting the fit jew
>spiking testosterone levels
>instinct and impulsiveness appears
>logical thinking capabilities decreased
>overall intellect decreasing
>brain not supplied with enough glucose
>literally become a retard by working out
no thanks
There are all kinds of attention whores at the gym. Some just aren't obnoxious about it.
I am.
But without roids.
Because I don't have to exercise to stay in shape. Fast metabolism master race checking in.
This. Why waste mental energy building up flesh that will only decay, better to let the body soften and bloat and become a more perfect reservoir for Grandfather's gifts.
There is only 2 reasons to have a spade tattooed on you.
>Vietnam Soldiers had them and carried Ace of Spades because it was an evil omen to the Vietcong, and would put them on their dead bodies
>You are a faggot in prison and love black dick, literally black owned
Good tastes good
i was in great shape. then i tore my meniscus, now i can barely walk and am slowly losing all gains. why cant we replace the meniscus yet?
IF Chaos Gods were real. But they aren't and you are just as bad as the NEET weebs that throw around half english half jap bullshit terms and run like naruto.
Being overly muscular is just as bad as being obese. Its still weight your cardiovascular system isnt built to carry.
I am very strong but my cardio is shit because only cowards run.
because it costs too much
I'm not sure whether spending money on muscles is worth it desu
>Ace of spades tattoo
You know the meaning of this, right ? It means you only have sex with niggers, all roasties have one
All tattoos are degenerate by the way, no exception
If I become fit, I won't be able to collect welfare
Mammalian strength is obsolete. There is little to live for. I don't want to kill myself but I can make myself die faster. And finally being a gymcel is gayer than gay triple anal.
I'm too old to fight in a war and I'm too ugly for it to result in pussy, so what is the advantage of working out for me?
INB4 you'll live longer, bitch I wanna die.
No point. I have video games now.
I do.
Because I don't want to you steroid using, small dicked faggot.
I'm fucking paralysed from the waist down
Come try to say that to my face, Nigell
I will fuck your girl in front of your face, cuck
Beautiful tattoo
theres nothing wrong with being a NEET.
I am much more capable than that roided goon.
True operators never have excess muscle, or excess of anything.
Do you kiss your boyfriend with that filthy mouth
Little bitch is mad
Little faggot
Go cry now
You must be a goofy looking motherfucker for not posting a picture of your face.
Quit handing out blowies in the locker room.
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, all the same to me
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is the Space of Aids
The Space of Aids
Slowly working through my calisthenics for today.
Light dumbbell work and then beep test training.
Really didn't feel like doing it today, but then there's the frog riots going down, and I remembered it's probably not that far away.
thank god I'm not a tattoo'd degenerate gymbro
with nigger lover signs all over his body
by the way, don't fall for the gym jew. I built my own gym at home for like 300 bucks
Good cardio makes your muscles grow faster. Simply becouse they get more blood.
I used to enjoy cardio but never wanted to bulk up or gain muscle. The thought and look never appealed to me and the whole thing seems like a narcissistic exercise.
You are a wimp, user. Like holy shit. I could probably force you into the mating press ez.
>Why don't you take care of your physical fitness, fat ass?
It won't fix my small dick.
Humans are endurance hunters and runners, we are not meant to walk around like roided up cattle. There is a reason quite a lot of women when presented with some roided guy and an atheletic guy, pick the athletic one as their preference.
If you consider yourself right wing you can't be unfit. It's our enemies who want us to accept weakness and destroy standard of beauty praising strength.
You should be walking example of your strong mind, I deny to take your opinions serious if you don't live by them.
But I do, though. I go to the gym 5 days a week.
jack of spades?
What if I'm thin but tone because I run everyday? Am I still considered Jow Forums in pol' s opinion?
How would I fit in my cute outfits with xboxhueg muscles like that?
Don't worry bros, I got this.
Theres no law against gaining a raosnable amount of muscle mass and stopping before hypertrophy. Likewise theres no excuse for being a manlette.
Hit the gym faggot
Nice synthol arms retard
Whats with the state of german men, for the love of God are there no men left?
They have nothing to live for. Judeo-industrial society did this.
great tats pal. ha ha
>The absolute state of German men.
Maybe because huge muscles don't make a difference when it comes to combat?
I'm 170 lbs and muscular, but unlike a hulking galoot like OP, my muscles are compact and sinewy. In an actual fight I'd demolish a brutish muscleman not only because of my superior speed, but my technique and forte as well. Muscles don't make you magically know the fundamentals of combat.
>Muscles don't make you magically know the fundamentals of combat
neither do raping a dog or battling a dildo, leafcuck
You're funny, leaf. I honestly can't tell if you're joking though.
>coping nigger, the post
Show us your benis.
Pic related is mine. U miririn bruh?
t. pic
Is your upper arm getting sucked into a miniature black hole or something? What the fuck is happening?
>i only date niggers tatoo
wew mate
>using cripple boy goebbels as your reaction face
>physical fitness is bad for you and makes you dumber
wew lad, the level of denial in this one
Post benis s’il te plaît
Tatooed roider
Unironically true, but pics like that trigger Jow Forumsack autism.
Most men if they don't lift they will get fat, depressed, low T, passive.Your genetics or heavy cardio regimen might keep you thin, but the other stuff still applies.
All the fags in this thread talking about how if you have any muscle you must be on steroids are pathetic. Being strong and muscular doesn't require anything beyond a proper diet and dedication.
Arno Brecker statues are the ideal body type, and that can be achieved natty. Stop coping.
I just walked 10,000 steps.
Nice spade. Is that where the nigger dick lives when you aren't taking glamor shots?
Id pay cash to see what you look like.
Please don't mislead people by equating strength with muscles. Congratulations on being able to lift a heavy box, that doesn't change the fact that I'd dismantle you in a fight with little difficulty. True strength is measured through combat, not the ability to lift a metal bar over your head.
You're unironically less alpha than him. Let it sink in, Fritz.
>Jack off spades
Im injured and unfit but would still beat your ass.
In a cage.
>spade tattoo
good bait
>woman hands
No time. I waste my time to get more money, if I wasted time as a gym phobe, I would still be poor and my parents would still be paying their mortgage.
Now I have tons of money, fast cars, a big house and most women don't give a shit if you are a fat guy. Most gym goers are beta males that like to pretend they're alpha.
Don't listen to these gym faggots Jow Forums, they're are faggots. Get money, fuck bitches.
I lift weights but now I have body dismorphia and I'm tempted to start a test cycle
Show us your body stud!
Wrong, you could do this natty, with a pump and good lighting. Not particularly crazy.
You're either autistic or baiting, hopefully autistic, thay way you'll pick a fight with someone several weight classes above you and remove another leaf from this board.
Is pic related a queen of spades?!?!?!
I work literally everyday at around 70 hours a week.
I can actually feely body being so unhealthy.
Doesn't look like you've ever had to use those knuckles, Nancy.
body buidling is for manlets or dudes with small dicks xD
Not everyone bigger than you is "cheating", youre just inferior with trash genetics.