How to do you argue against liberals, and Niggers when they mentally shut down

How the fuck are we supposed to argue with these brainwashed fucks if they just shut down once you going ground in an argument.

How do we pull them out of this delirium dream sate the kikes put them in, where they think they always right even if they proven wrong. How do you red pill past the hardcore mental gymnastics and denial? Any stories or methods you use?

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large numbers.
they are sheep who will follow the larger herd

Why even waste your time with these sub-human faggots? Just tell them to get your coffee and don't communicate further with them.

They are literal robots who are incapable of thinking. They wouldn't still be liberals at this point in the game if they weren't.

The smart ones will eventually start redpilling themselves. But you can't do at these people directly because they literally cannot process new or real information.

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When they shut down you switch to sympathy. Let them feel comfortable enough to open up again, then hit them again. Rinse and repeat until they understand that the Freemasons killed Kennedy.

Beat the shit out of them.

Why argue with mammals that only respect power?

When they wipe your spittle out of their eyes because youve been blustering in their face thats the time to get really mad and flair your limbs.

pol confirmed for going full on kike sellout

stop trying to be political jehovas witnesses.
you arent converting anyone, retards.

You can't argue with them. The majority of people on all sides of the political spectrum are socialised into their beliefs, they don't one day come to weigh things up, and then make their decision. If people did that, everyone would come to the same logical conclusion, and agree politically.

The idea that you can convince anyone with reason alone is one of the most anti-history, pseudoscientific pieces of garbage in existence.

Once people have matured they're for the most part lost causes.

Convince the future generations, and gain enough power to strong arm people into following you, or otherwise forcing them to publicly denounce their own ideologies.

That's what the leftists have done to us, isn't it?
>Targetted youths, changed school curriculums.
>Introduced PC-Culture, you csn be fired for voicing the wrong opinions.

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>How to do you argue against liberals
>How the fuck are we supposed to argue with these brainwashed fucks
>How do we pull them out of this delirium dream sate the kikes put them in
>How do you red pill past the hardcore mental gymnastics and denial?
That is a waste of time. Stop trying to argue in hopes of convincing or changing the minds of leftist. Present your position and ignore them. They will NEVER agree with you.

>Any stories or methods you use?
State your position and let them decide. If they decide against you, and they will, move on. Occasionally some of the other sheep surrounding them will notice their lunacy and separate themselves from the leftist.


You don't.

Pick your battles, hammer them hard, force a concession then regroup and repeat.

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I don't associate with retarded faggots in real life.

For the lower 50% of the IQ curve, you don't convince them.

You grapple with the jews to control the cultural apparatus (Hollywood, media, politics, judiciary, academia, now social media as well), and when you have it, normies will repeat your message instead of that of the jews.

If we win the culture war and get back the control of the narrative, 95% of college SJW will become hardcore polacks within 6 months.

In order to conquer that, we need a small fraction of very determined, high-achieving white males. The alt-right (yes it exist, retarded invividualists who are too cool to be labelled) is in fact making very good progress on that front.

Once we have the people, we need the means, and I hope to hear good news in the following regarding evil raycist movies, evil raycist TV channels, or evil raycist college classes.

Is that supposed to be Wolf Blitzer?

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You don't. If they are sperging out your job is simply to look better than them, which should be easy provided you are not sperging out too. Fence sitters and neutral parties are not sympathetic to raving zealots, and it is the fence sitter you are trying to provoke into considering the merits of your position. Remember zealots are props, you are not trying to convert a prop, you can no more make them think you are correct than you can a piece of furniture.

fake and gay alex.

>grapple with the jews to control the cultural apparatus (Hollywood, media

Be sure to donate to my patreon when I arise.

>How do we pull them out of this delirium dream sate the kikes put them in,
It's cute that you think they can be saved


I would add to this but instead promote perseverance. The system doesn't want you talking about this, just look at the English Government. The free exchange of ideas is the terrifying thing imaginable to these pieces of shit.

Shut it down goy!

What the fuck are you talking about? Righties present zero basis for their arguments, when asked provide shallow stats that are usually cherry picked and lacking context, generally use "snap shot" history to only use the parts of history that suit them instead of holistically viewed and have no idea how the world works outside your bubble.

It's why the new PEW study is reporting that conservatism is on a steady decline.

Get wrekt nerds.

Is this guy a paid actor , or is just me lol

This guy?

So progressive!

Lmao have a (you) for a morning chuckle

you dont convince them, you make yourself and your argument more attractive than them to anyone watching

You don't argue with them at all. On the rare occasion that it's possible you lay out the truth, when you can see they're in a state of mind amenable to it.

But on a day to day basis you have to treat them as children, or maybe you have to treat them as people brainwashed by a religious cult, you can't just explain to them their god isn't real, they will respond with shock and anger and hostility, all logic evaporating immediately.

ask them why they believe what they believe, ask them how can they tell what is real and what isn't, the basics. Tell them if you can't name at least 10 logical fallacies, your opinion is worthless. If they start yammering about morality, which is all the rage among leftists since trump got in, ask them "what is morality and how do you know it exists?" Don't even bother with the actual current events because that will trip the tape recording they have loaded in their brain. Get them to focus on other things so they actually have to think.

Get people's fundamental worldview to change, and the opinions will change. You can't change people's opinions on current events without addressing the bigger things.

>Right vs Left
Die in a fire traitor
Join or die

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Its simple really. You beat the truth into them.

My guy, my pal righties have no substance, nothing that presents a compelling argument.

you are an easily manipulatable person and everything you know is bullshit.

Sure buddy.

You don't need to argue with them, just stop giving them money in the form of welfare. And if they start rioting, you shoot them for trying to steal your hard earn cash.

Nah, I'm not really into world police.

Nah I'm pretty good.

>How to do you argue against conservatives, and drumpf supporters when they mentally shut down

>How do we pull them out of this delirium dream sate the kikes put them in, where they think they always right even if they proven wrong. How do you make them woke past the hardcore mental gymnastics and denial? Any stories or methods you use?

>For the lower 50%
it beaks down to 4 percent geniuses 7 percent "superior" lol or high advanced then 89 percent average and below.

>you make yourself and your argument more attractive
Fuck...i need to hit the gym I guess...


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You don't, it's like arguing with women, a waste of time.

and thats why marxists are brainwashing children in every school and in every hobby community

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Stats and snapshots > raw emotion

it's almost as if this is a platform for general political discussion and not your socialist hugbox or something.

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meme them to death

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You don't argue with them.

You let them screech around like degenerates and the minute the lay a finger on you, you kill them.

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We all prefer our own kind, get woke.

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With your fist

>How the fuck are we supposed to argue with these brainwashed fucks if they just shut down once you going ground in an argument.
you don't

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That doesn't mean they are voting republican/conservative nonce.

Again I refer you to the 2018 pew study

>when they mentally shut down
Are you implying their brains are even active in the first place?

You can't argue with them, but you can point out their irrational, unstable, and inevitably spiteful behavior.

They are ALWAYS guilty of presuming your ideology and beliefs for simply opposing them (IE they think you are full trump). Point out how narcisstic and douchebaggy this is, then never let them continue their fake argument.

>pic related

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Everything liberals believe directly contradicts something else they believe. People just need to find a clever way to point that out and make them look like morons.

Non ironically, truth and justice.

Why would you ever want to interact with them?

You can't win arguments with leftists don't even bother. Just call them a fucking moron and move on. Don't ever argue on their terms because that legitimizes them. Just laugh at them for being retarded

I just don't waste my fucking time on them.

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Project much?


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nice my man

good stuff, m8

Ask questions, actually let them answer.
Let them sound stupid.
Try not to sound condescending. Don’t just force shit down their throat they will only resist and fall further into the kikedreamstate. Only thing they like shoved down their throats is BBC.

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I think eugenics is the best method.

You don't argue with them. You smash their legs with a pickaxe handle.

Don't. Why would you want to? you can't convince some low IQ retard. You could convince all the bystanders that leftists are insane by provoking some of their insane Behavior.