New facebook feature allows you to report friends and family for wrongthink
Does this post contain hate speech?
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everyone needs to delete their profile, right now
Why are you still on Fagbook?
FINALLY!! Thank you Zuck, I can finally report all the retarded leftists who spam hatred all over my feed
Did they just fucking assume the dog's gender?! Hate speech! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!
its probabaly just to help their new algorithm, theyll have all the data they need and then theyll have some big PR stunt that theyre removing it even though the algorithm will just start auto removing posts instead
If everyones post were to be flagged as yes, what does that do to the algorithm?
I've been reporting everything hahahahah
I just saw that too. When you click yes it says test P 1, test P 2 and test p3. I thinks it's a bug or something.
Zuck got the infinity stone of censorship
I keep it pretty safe on facebook, but this worries me.
Shut it down, the Zuck knows
I'm at 100+ posts flagged hahahah keep em coming
We should teach the AI what hatespeech is
It doesn't even award good boy points?
>still having a facebook account
you fucking fomo faggot
lets get the people to spy on & report each other like the fucking east german commie stasi, yeah great plan
Do you really think Facebook's algorithm won't ignore flags from users who flag everything?
This could make for some very funny banter, as long as facebook doesn't start auto-removing posts marked as "containing hate speech"
his jew lawyer behind him is like: "yesss.. nailed it!"
first person to post this online was this guy
then this thread came in second
i report liberals left and right as much as i can on my fake accounts.
Shits gone now.
Where is the "Report Russian Interference button"?
He's the one controlling the sliders.
Hillary peed on it
There are millions of examples of Buzzfeed, Vox, Occupy Democrats and other lefty platforms that attack straight white males for being straight, and white, and male. According to Facebook's own guidelines, those extreme lefty outlets fall into the exact hate speech category Facebook says is fair game to report.
>we allow clear attempts at ((satire))
sorry bro Buzzfeed is allowed due to Poe's law
It's gone now.
Pure unadulterated evil
>popular song lyrics
(has already made it past the industry filter for approved content)
Bingo. And since the left thinks unfunny, dry sarcasm is satire, they get away with saying anything they want.
Delet fagbook now. Even my mom who is in her 60s and used it for communicating with her sewing club noped the fuck off of it after Zuckerberg's congressional hearing. Don't let a 60-something woman with a sewing club be more hardcore than you, faggot.
The second part of this post was addressed to "you faggots" and not (you faggot) Sorry for the confusion.
thanks for the clarification bro although one time I sucked a dick
i deleted all my friends off facebook a few years ago. It seems impossible to actually get rid of the fucking profile, but if you unfriend everybody it's kind of the same thing