Live in drumpf america

>live in drumpf america

>go to store
>get mugged

>go to bridge
>get crushed

>go to school
>get shoot

>go to army
>get send to die for israel

Attached: mHpqZoBrKdMueN37i5WSAq_yjm8PKxtdxka19u0cM58.jpg (832x768, 155K)

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All of these things have been happening for the past 40 years. Fuck off, shill.

so leave

whos america was this nigger?

what a great rebuttal

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but thats all quite essentially american. Fuck you complainin bout

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Liberals have a more selective memory than the jew.

I know it is. Trump has absolutely nothing to do with niggers robbing and looting, the crumbling infrastructure of the US that has been in disrepair since the 1980s, school shootings that have been perpetrated by psychopaths since the 1990s, or US foreign policy to send American boys to die for Israeli interests in the Middle East that has been going on since the 1980s.

And its a good thing

Still better than the shit hole youre from my dude.

>live in drumpf america

>get shoot
>get send

not sending there best

Attached: f7FdEdG.jpg (260x194, 10K)

Sage all memeflaggots

>1 post by this ID

Attached: sherlockholmesgetaloadofthis.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

Sounds like you're just a nigger.

Attached: nigger_evolution.jpg (2048x1536, 762K)

Attached: 4cc858cf497143ffae7cb7f2110bce9aa984ecc14c1c2f63ac70328f36b8ba59.jpg (2115x3240, 2.85M)

america has problems boohoo im so sad
fuck this gay earth

>pretend to be American with meme flag

Can't even type in conversational English

Show your flag, third worlder

>drumpftards facts


It took you 17 minutes to come up with this. Incredible. Show your flag.

>Show flag,fucktard.

Don't forget

>Go to a national park
>Take pictures of oil lakes

>Protest a turk roach
>Get beat up by roach body guards

>Buy a TV
>Pay out the ass because of tariffs.

>go to /pol
>shill for drumpf

>go to trump tower
>get paid

Stop projecting and show your flag, faggot.