What wrong he actually did? During his presidency America was doing well and he even managed to make big reforms like Obamacare. He also managed to keep America out of 2nd Great Depression.
What wrong he actually did...
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What is it with you Euros and your strong addiction to nigger cock
He bombed Syria numerous times, including the time he killed almost 100 Syrians in a hospital
Obamacare is a fucking sham that doesn't benefit anyone except poor, useless pieces of shit that leech off of other peoples' tax dollars. Obamacare also basically destroyed private healthcare.
His administration was just at fault as Hillary for Benghazi.
He made race relations worse during his presidency and Political Correctness became a lot more popular under his presidency.
He didn't prevent another great depression since he single-handedly raised the debt by over $10 trillion
Not to mention, he has a hard on for Saul Alinsky (pic related)
And those are just the reasons off the top of my head
Economically speaking he was an alright, i’d even say a good president.
Social and foreign policy wise he was a disaster, but certainly there could’ve been worse people running the place.
Between him and McCain the choice is easy and Obama is a much better than that neocon cunt.
he sat as the UN security council chair, twice, and that is specifically unconstitutional. Ironically Obama is a constitutional lawyer.
>Syrian war, which lead to the migrant crisis
>Lybian war, same thing
Nothing wrong at all.
He made dumb white liberals happy because he was eloquent and cool, and didn't hurt anyones feelings. Meanwhile he upped NSA surveillance and killed thousands in drone strikes.
He's like the guy you hire to take care of everything after someone else fucks it all up and instead he keeps the ship running by fucking it up further but hiding the fallout until after he leaves
And his plan to keep the skeletons from coming out was hilldog hiding it for another 8 years
In fact I pretty much described every presidency of the last 50 years
Race relations didnt get worse it just became more open and apparent ubder the guise its fighting pc agendas the moment you think racism isnt there is when it creeps back in
Why don't you name some things he did right? or is that too difficult? Obamacare is shit and falling apart. As for the 2nd Great Depression what makes you think anyone else couldnt have done that or that it was inevitable in any way?
Obamacare was way worse for rural hospitals and doctors offices because they would literally be fined for having repeat patients and fines for keeping them in the hospital too long too
Easy to get fewer repeat patients in a city, but pretty much impossible in a rural location
It was a big fuck-you to rural America
Today with Trump the Dow Jones is 23,850
and I can't be bothered to look up the unemployment and GDP figures but my strong guess is that they're better too....
Recovery was eventual and he did not do as well as he could have comparitively. Given enough time an economy will fix itself, but his general economic positions of regulation discouraged economic growth. Just look at the positivity of the economy once trump was elected; the president is a cheerleader for the economy more than anything and their position on regulation affects how investors feel about investing.
>race relations didn't get worse
No they're better than ever, that's why if you're a straight white man you can expect to be crucified in the near future
Read it and weep
>make big reforms like Obamacare.
Which fines me if I didn't want to pay $200+ per month per person in my family because niggers don't like working.
He’s a socialist nigger. Americans are capitalists at heart. Reward hard work and reward success. Obama did none of that.
yeah because the UN security council was around when the founding fathers wrote the constitution
explain yourself or fuck off leaf
You're adorable when you act stupid:
>Section 9 of the Constitution says:
>No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
The UN Security Council chair is the highest position of power in the UN and has veto rights, meaning it's a Title. In other words, what Barak Obama did was completely and unequivocally unconstitutional.
You worthless muzzie rape baby
How about he's responsible for:
-The Syrian War
-The Libyan debacle
Both of these lead to the rapefugee crisis that is impacting Europe on an unprecedented level
-Record number of welfare recipients
-Companies abandoning the US in records numbers
-Worst economic growth of any President of the US
-Almost sold the future of the US when was ready to sign the TPP
the UN isn't a king, prince or a foreign state sweetie
>muh next great depression.
If you like your plan you can keep your plan
That doesnt make obama bad though it really just mean trump continued the success obama started...
Obama isnt a bad prea.. besides the globalist public parts.. hes def the best president in my lifetime. And trump could be better.. or atleast 2nd best.
Obamacare was good.for alot of people but some hate it.. alot of those who haye it dont rrally understand why and are just sheep.. but i can understand how someone who never needes obamacare dislikes it even though its a selfish prospective.
Obama gets alot of irrational hate but if he was trump and he did everything obama did.. most of his hater would be singing his praises.. also his wife was ugly as fuck but by far the best first lady.
Who’s that cock smokin crack head?
As a successful person i dont really need anything from my government except lower taxes.. and that purely because im aware my government wastes tax payers money on over spending. middle class will die if we give all our gimmies to ppl who dont actually need it..
Obamacare made middle class people work less to get free health care because they couldn't afford the market premiums
It literally destroyed the middle class, retarded leaf
>Promised transparency in government
Cracks down on whistleblowers and press freedom
Increased secret drone assasinations
Hands NSA data to FBI on his way out
He was too much of an establishment candidate, not to mention he got pushed over a lot by the Republicans and Globalists. The fact that he couldn't get Merrick Garland in the SC just shows his inability to stand up for his party.
He was pretty much Jimmy Carter 2.0
Trump can't even get a healthcare bill passed.
He didn't do anything at home but promote globalism and white genocide at every opportunity. As for overseas well...he started a war in Syria, destroyed Libya, tried to destroy Egypt. He bowed and scraped to every commie he could find left on the planet. Promoted the EU and the mudshit invasion of that continent and there at the end tried to start a conflict with Russia.
>The UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for international peace and security.
sounds like a military position to me, that's because it is.
Are debt is unplayable because of Obummer. He eased the early job entry for millenials but they never left so late millenials have to compete with early 30 year olds and teens for McDonalds. Obama didn’t fix the main issue which is the death of middle management. Without Middle management workers have no path upwards making jobs the once opened up better opportunities dead ends
Because McCain fucked him over since he's in the pocket of the Bush/Clinton family
He did get rid of the individual mandate at the very least
you're making a very sloppy interpretation of it. googling it shows results from wordpress and abovetopsecret lmao. for example, someone could be an official in the US and an ambassador to another country, would that be a title, yes, unconstitutional, no it wouldn't, the congress can consent to it anyway.
His frivolous spending and printing of trillions of dollars expedited a financial collapse, in a period of eight years. His intervention in Syria and Lybia4 proves his allegiance to the Jews. Daca made it so millions of illegals can exploit lenient gibs, and stay in the country as a net economic burden.
Fuck this nigger.
>He was too much of an establishment candidate, not to mention he got pushed over a lot by the Republicans and Globalists. The fact that he couldn't get healthcare passed just shows his inability to stand up for his party.
>He was pretty much Jimmy Carter 2.0
trump btfo
>frivolous spending
But congress didn't, twice.
Would you like to keep eating shit?
Where is the black unemployment rate? Because today it is the lowest it's been since the 70s, because of Trump.
omg impeach obama reee
because of Obama actually
I swear to god u people are fucking retarded
Sounds pretty based to me. You a muzzie?
Completely ignoring the $10 TRILLION the Fed had to pump into the economy to keep it from doing a total fucking global face plant. $10 Trillion your grandchildren’s grandchildren will still be paying back. $10 Trillion so we can say we had a nigger president. I hope you and your next 6 generations will find it was worth it. (Pro tip: it wasn’t.)
>bush spends more than any other president since WWII
>Obama still manages to spend more on average
His bailouts only helped the rich and forced millions of lower middle class families onto the street.
trump spends even more
really makes you think
your chart is the deficit, not spending
US Treasury says Q1 borrowing set record of $488 billion
He singlehandedly undid decades of progress with race relations and turned the country against itself.
>Going by when he entered office
retard alert
He has racial preference just like the rest of us.
10 Trillion that CIA Obama funneled to his slush fund punk ass bitch glow in the dark marxist prick handlers.
>Obamacare made middle class people work less to get free health care because they couldn't afford the market premiums
The INFLATED market premiums, because when the government says you HAVE to buy it, there's major incentive to price gouge.
Who cares? Trump is just as culpable for his ruining the economy as Obama. And deficit means they overdraft on the budget, retard; meaning, spending more than they should to please the Jews buying treasuries.
>$10 Trillion your grandchildren’s grandchildren will still be paying back
Ha! As if our politicians have any interest in paying down the public debt!
No, better to use it as a perpetual bludgeon, using our taxes as [involuntary] payments and reducing everyone to slaves.
trump has exploded the deficit to $1 trillion. basically doubled it in 2 years
Kept the torture chambers operating.
Sabotaged climate agreements.
You mean just like Obama until the Budget Control Act was passed?
Could you even imagine if Obama insulted the CIA, FBI, law enforcement and the overall justice system every day AND lied nonstop like Trump, what these ingrates would be programmed to say about Obama? What they're saying is already bad, but just imagine applying the Trump standard to Obama. Obama probably would have been killed already.
Trump saw Obamacare and decided to make it worse, just so you'd hate it even more, and "Thanks Trump" is all you have to say.
No, hang him along with all the CIA, FBI, DOJ, SC, corrupt cops, judges and 70% of government officials.
The turn to lefties like you and as who is going to defend you now
it doesn't have to be a title of nobility you fucking cuck
What is the Muslim Brotherhood
>And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
>from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
the UN isn't a foreign state
and obama appointed himself or whatever, he didn't accept it as a gift/bribe which is what the spirit of the law is about
Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3. wtf r u talking about
What is their role in the USA?
Who allowed him to become POTUS
Genuinely curious, how come the two graphs are a bit different in shape? Is the second one just a generic graph showing a downward trend hence the different pattern of peaks/troughs? Or am I being a brainlet?
Obama created ISIS.
ISIS stands for "Islamic State In Syria".
The reason Obama and Hillary don't like the term is bacause they started and supported ISIS. And now they wish the whole world would forget it was they who did it all...
June 14, 2013
U.S. Military Aid To Rebels In Syria To Include Automatic Weapons, Mortars, And Rocket-Propelled Grenades
WASHINGTON, June 14 (2013) (Reuters) - The United States is likely to send weaponry like rocket-propelled grenades and mortars to Syria's rebels after President Barack Obama approved arming the insurgents, sources said on Friday.
June 26, 2014
Obama asks for authorization to provide direct military training to Syrian rebels
The Obama administration asked Congress on Thursday to authorize $500 million in direct U.S. military training and equipment for Syrian opposition fighters, a move that could significantly escalate U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war.
Money for the assistance, which would expand a CIA covert training program, is included in a $65.8billion request for the Pentagon’s Overseas Contingency Operations, or OCO.
>What wrong
you must be a troll
drone attacks (including on americans)
lied about muh 77 cent wage gap
title ix; turning unis into criminal investigators (which they are horrible at); essentially giving any girl the power to humiliate/expel any male she dislikes (mattress girl)
lied about keeping doctors on health care
What is Global Jihad
>He also managed to keep America out of 2nd Great Depression.
Ignorant ass, he borrowed more money instead of letting the shit-ass banks fail. Mal-investment is supposed to hurt.
Now the next calamity will be twice as bad.
Almost, if not all, of those things Obama talked about he actually attempted to get rid of but we had an obstructionist Congress that practically forced Obama to legislate via executive because the country was in crisis mode and Republicans were hell bent on NEVER giving Obama a victory. The Republican House Speaker, John Boener, resigned because of the dead lock, the government was shut down numerous times, our credit rating was demoted, and we got massive cuts to the entitlement and military spending called the Sequester which was supposed to serve as the impetus to prevent Congress from going down that route. If you want a current day example of the bullshit on how these cunts never wanted Obama to succeed, look at how many Republican districts cling to Obamacare now. Not even shitting it up can Trump remove it and the Reps remain splintered and continue to do nothing to serve this country. Another example is a Congress that owns both the Senate and House passing a 1.3 trillion omnibus though for 8 years all they did was cry about our national debt during a financial crisis that deserved that sort of spending. Now, thanks to Obama, we're nearly at full employment and Reps can somehow, given their position of so-called fiscal responsibility, they hypocritically pass a humongous spending bill when their position actually dictates for them out to be paying down the debt since we're nearly at full employment. Nope. Huge spending and huge tax cuts, exploding debts and deficits now.
You've got to be fucking retarded not to see the 180 these conservatives traitors to the state are doing now that they have the whole of government at their fingertips. Democrats know when spending is necessary. Bill Clinton gave us a surplus and the following Republican presidency under Bush gave us mountains of debt BASED ON A LIE. And now, Trump is lying and doing the same shit.
>upped NSA surveillance
And went before the American people and lied about it.
the IRS targeting scandal and the VA's deadly waiting lists for veterans to Hillary Clinton's illegal use of an unsecured, hackable home-brew server for her official duties as secretary of state and the Fast and Furious gunwalking program. then theres vote buying with obama phones and voter fraud where he wont nearly 100% of votes in states with no voter id laws.
Additionally, Obama and his administration would deem industries either destructive to the environment or exploitative for the financial and professional gain of his friends, including industries such as coal mining, offshore drilling, cash advance companies, and for-profit colleges.
Obama buddies Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III formed a private equity investment firm called Vistria in 2012 around his reelection. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar. Example, Vistria swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, which Obama ordered them to start.
There's also Biden and Kerry getting billions of dollars invested into their son's companies by Chinese government, but only after high level meetings by Biden and Kerry on separate occasions.
You mad?
Hard to fuck up as hard as Bush Jr. I should have bought Raytheon, Lockheed, Halliburton and United Dynamics as soon as he won. I'd be set.
History and every economist on the planet would disagree
We should have arrested bankers not let the entire world economy burn you numbnut
>Obama's responsible for the Syrian War and Libyan debacle
No. Syria and Libya were going through their own civil wars along with a host of other rebellions occurring during the Obama administration called the Arab Spring. The things that has led to refugee crisis has been those rebellions and the instability primarily created by the Iraq war and the war on terrorism.
>record number welfare recipients
The increase in welfare recipients were caused by the financial crisis in 2008, which occurred 4 months before Obama took office. fun fact: welfare recipients have actually increase under Trump.
>companies abandoning the US in record numbers
[citation needed] since Obama saved the auto industry and the US had several continuous trends positive job growth over the course of 8 years which Trump inherited.
>worst economic growth
Lies. Considering the depths of the recession that no one really understood the bottom it reached, most under projected about the depths of the great recession. Obama created more jobs than his predecessor and any lagging in the economy that happened can be contributed to an absolute obstructionist Congress.
>almost sold the future of the US
The TPP was meant to serve as geopolitical and international check on China's currency manipulation along with other bad practices like IP stealing. It was a trade agreement that would hamper China's influence in the region. Now, after the election of Trump and subsequent withdrawal from the TPP, China has removed term limits from President Xi JingPing and China has never been more powerful than they are right now.
How about you study something a bit more complicated than children's coloring books for a change?
Did someone cover the whole re-nigging on our promise not to ‘regime change’ the guy who dropped his nuclear program for us and allowing African chattel slavery to return to Libya?
>No. Syria and Libya were going through their own civil wars
Don't be a retard
You know damn well the CIA and Hillary's State Department with John fucking McCain supplied the Libyan and Syrian rebels
Maybe you can entice Obama to become your next President, Pekka..
ding ding ding ding
got a winner here
Lol Arab spring, you're a retarded sheep
Obama and Clinton started the Arab spring by giving 'moderate muslims' , a.k.a Alqueada and ISIS weapons to over throw the Egyptian lybian and Syrian governments. It was a proxy war they began . Why do you think the Benghazi embassy was burned to the ground ? Because they were smuggling weapons through it to Syria . Just look it all up. You're a complete retarded TOOL!
Everything else you said is just as retarded
>look it up
>more right wing propaganda
I thought the Benghazi incident happened because Obummer and Killary wanted to kill American ambassadors. Get your story straight right wing fuckwit.
Stupid Moron!
Obamacare is a DISASTER! You can't give FREE medical to 40 million NIGGERS and 15 million illegal aliens. Obamacare is bankrupting America and destroying our healthcare system.
also, by raising taxes, making it easier for niggers to get free food, free housing, free money, he destroying economic growth!
Obama is a stupid NIGGER that almost DESTROYED America. Thank GOD for Trump and somebody that actually knows how to run a country!