Does anyone have a stream of the David Icke interview where he calls out Jordan Peterson's relationship to Steven Pinker and Jeffrey Epstein?
David Icke in an interview with Jordan Maxwell has called out Peterson as a potential reptilian shapeshifter and MKultra Nazi who's task it is to drug the youth as the energetic levels of the earth increase, to prevent their enraptured state.
When the pair got onto the topic of Pizzagate, David Icke said they are in fact hiding wormholes and that is what you are seeing with the spiral symbols everywhere.
The spiral symbols featured on the FBI are a reference to the moon portals which lie on the leylines throughout Washington DC, including Connecticut Avenue. He said all Pizza references are in fact referring to the moon portals.
This is the most important interview David Icke has ever conducted.
Please tell me someone has uploaded it to youtube. The Icke forum no longer has the link and I have searched.
Why did Steven Pinker, in 2015, tweet Alan Dershowitz's affidavit denying guilt of alleged sex crimes against children
Jordan Thomas
Hello to you.
Sebastian Hall
Link to interview?
Elijah Rodriguez
>moon portals and ley lines so how does pizza relate to the moon? i know gurdjieff has said man is food for the moon and its an artificial planet.. saturn moon matrix and all..
,just looked this up and there are a ton of odd patterns and shapes there with building scattered at certain points of the patterns. what the fuck is this any more info
Bentley Ramirez
tell me about this man, i feel need to figure this shit out
You people are funny. I don't know how this works, but every person I've seen who takes David Icke seriously share one thing: they all ramble incoherently like OP does. I'm not sure if Icke appeals to people who have this tendency that you often see with paranoid schizophrenics, or if they get consumed by Icke's insanity.
Dr. Peterson's drugging the youth now? Wormholes? Moon portals? What the fuck are you smoking?
I love these JBP conspiracies. A guy who turns out of nowhere through an amazing series of coincidences is now a reptilian/Jew plant. Riight, that's some 99D chess right there.
>A guy who turns out of nowhere through an amazing series of coincidences is now a reptilian/Jew plant. Um, that's always how it happens, you fucking retard lol
Jose Lopez
Missiles just laying on top of the ground!? And what is that weird triangle (pyramid) shape near there with the concentric circles? Looks like a truck moving dirt out too to the east of the circles. Something crash there?
If you draw a line straight thru that piramid shape, you fly over B'aalbek?
Here's something a bit more towards your sensibilities then. Jordan Peterson is working with Steven Pinker.
Why did Steven Pinker, in 2015, tweet Alan Dershowitz's affidavit denying guilt of alleged sex crimes against children >>
One final post about the strange behavior in regards to convicted child predator Jeffrey Epstein by the Edge Foundation and some of the scientists who are members of the organization. Why did Steven Pinker, in 2015, tweet Alan Dershowitz’s affidavit denying guilt of alleged sex crimes against children that were linked to his friendship and business relationship with Epstein? You could surmise that perhaps Pinker and the lawyer were friends from Harvard and the former wanted to help the latter distance himself from the his client’s criminal activity. Except that Pinker has apparently continued to socialize with Epstein, helping to legitimize someone who is most definitely not innocent of such illegal behavior. Very bizarre.
>Excalibur the sword of destiny = sword of DENSITY >density = frequency >Sword in stone = (s)word in (s)tone awaken without years of meditation practices......... loki low key lock key
I can't even tell if you're serious. That's how retarded your post is.
I bet Trump's a Jew plant too. They were just joking with the polls and every MSM organization shitting on him 24/7 calling him every name in the book, including rapist and Hitler. They knew what was going to happen.
Why should I trust a word anyone named Lucifer says
Leo Bennett
dude his entire coterie is oligarchs and jews. He’s completely controlled, Fox News is his vehicle and he is surrounded by real estate and mil-industrial complex people. John Bolton is his NSC and he put a CIA guy in the Sec of State and a weakling in the CIA head so he can control her. He’s dirty as fuck
I didnt realize he was so into sris. That does make for pretty obvious shilling. Makes me feel better about having a messy room tho...
Colton Wilson
Okay, so Pinker's a weird guy and might be into some shit. So what?
>Jordan Peterson is working with Steven Pinker. Is he though? A quick google search didn't land any obvious hits.
Isaiah Lee
Pomegranate is God's object lesson which points to the Word of God. The original sin. (Theology101) submitted 1.6 days ago by NASAspecialops That broken hath been the rod of thy smiter, For from the root of a serpent cometh out a viper, And its fruit 'is' a flying saraph. Saraph, Fiery Serpent.
saraph; a live coal; by analogy lightning; figuratively, an arrow, (as flashing through the air); specifically, fever -- arrow, (burning) coal, burning ...
The southern European languages have, by and large, not distinguished too clearly between words for 'apple' and words for 'fruit' in general, a clear sign of the apple's centrality: Greek melon, for instance, source of English melon and Latin mālum, signified any fruit as well as specifically 'apple', and Latin pōmum
Pomegranate 613 seeds, 613 commandments of Torah
Sin - To miss the mark Torah - To hit the mark
Iblis invented Anaglyph as opposed to hieroglyph bifurcation of matter and spirit Holy Holy Holy
Anyone who can't see the shill Peterson is is retarded. Look at how his appearance has changed since he became famous. It's that or he's been replaced with a double
Austin Davis
(checked) well man youve given me quite a bit to look into now
Etymology of key - "Perhaps it is related to Middle Low German keie "lance, spear"
Dylan Phillips
Give me a quick rundown on Pinker. What did he supposedly do?
Benjamin Jenkins
Sebastian Perry
Why did Steven Pinker, in 2015, tweet Alan Dershowitz's affidavit denying guilt of alleged sex crimes against children >>
One final post about the strange behavior in regards to convicted child predator Jeffrey Epstein by the Edge Foundation and some of the scientists who are members of the organization. Why did Steven Pinker, in 2015, tweet Alan Dershowitz’s affidavit denying guilt of alleged sex crimes against children that were linked to his friendship and business relationship with Epstein? You could surmise that perhaps Pinker and the lawyer were friends from Harvard and the former wanted to help the latter distance himself from the his client’s criminal activity. Except that Pinker has apparently continued to socialize with Epstein, helping to legitimize someone who is most definitely not innocent of such illegal behavior. Very bizarre. >>
The reason to introduce the science of how energy flows in an article about letters is because the Ophanic alphabet is an integral part of the geometrical structure that creates a bridge between the “zones” or dimensions.
''During embryonic development, the PAX2 gene provides instructions for producing a protein that is involved in the formation of the eye, ear, brain and spinal cord (central nervous system), kidney, and genital tract. After birth, the PAX2 protein is thought to protect against cell death during periods of cellular stress.''
Gabriel Anderson
Josiah Foster
Pax6 as it's connected to memory via the olfactory bulb and hippocampus
Ptah is male and describes the attribute of a Birkeland Current which is resonant negative charge. He holds the Sceptre through a Djed Column as he describes the process of how electrical power is received through a dielectric, known as the Birkeland Current.