>pro white
>haven't taken the /vargpill/
What the fuck is your problem?
You literally had one job.
>pro white
>haven't taken the /vargpill/
What the fuck is your problem?
You literally had one job.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm American and Varg pushes his own brand of Nordic superiority. As long as he promotes infighting among the right he is a cancer who should be ignored. Saged
>he said something mean about muh brown eyes
not an argument.
Thanks, but I'll pass on the inviting demons into my house and worshiping idols.
You can't pretend to be pro-white when you're wife and daughter are literal niggers who dye their hair blonde.
It wasn't an argument, it was a personal explanation. I ignore Varg and encourage others to as well because he advocates divide and conquer tactics. If you don't like my rational it's not my problem. If you want to know why he isn't that popular? Try not to ignore criticism while overdosing on varg pills.
>peak Americana
The American fears the large traditional and self-sustaining white family.
Varg is right on many things especially about self reliance, but the whole "let your country be taken over while you hide as a tiny demographic minority in the woods" thing is pretty suicidal in the long run
>be varg
>hold forth that Europe is the source of all of everything ever
>recommend catastrophic regression to the Iron Age
could this LARPing manchild be any more irrelevant?
Being pro-white doesn't mean support this crazy retard who dreams of stone age.
>that fake blonde hair
Wow... this is fucking real! Amerimutts out in display for all to see.
That's where you are wrong. I encourage all white people to have large traditional families. Thank you for proving how you try and divide the White race and why you deserve to be ignored as a pariah.
He's fucking mental.
You are so serious and pent up it's sad. Learn to laugh a bit you fucking mongrel.
>What the fuck is your problem?
not even autistic women like me
>t. fake blonde 'pro-white'
So here let me respond with this info graphic showing how Europe and America should hate each other.... RRReeeeeRReeEEE Varg is muh king...
Tivar philosophizes about Evropean conflict while larpers on Jow Forums haven't even gotten off the voting and politics spook train.
Daily reminder that there will never be a race war and there will never be a political party anywhere in Europe that will actually try to reverse the trend.
Actually it does.
You're too addicted to modernity.
Why is this bitch speaking norwegian at home, in her country?
Don't you know? dumb retard? Jews invented France even though they've never created anything.
That means french is the language of niggers.
Because she is not a modernist French feminist like you and she follows Varg which is the head of the household.
I know it's difficult for someone like you to understand.
>tfw French cuck would want his woman to speak a different language than his own because he wants it all to be equal
vile... vile, this frenchman is.
Back at you.
>Actually it does.
No, it doesn't. Dreaming of stone age is degeneracy, literally nigger-tier. White race is the most civilized and one of the most smartest race of humankind, inventing so much and pushing scientist progress. Therefore we all should stop supporting this degenerat and his degenerate ideas of stone age. Let him rot in his fantasies, he's a lost cause.
being an american, why again should i care about the white race?
>white men brought niggers to the US, then gave women and nigger rights
>white men fought in countless wars killing each other, saving the Jews, all while bombing the nation that reject multiculturalism and Zionism.
>white men gave power to the Jews
>white men continue to fight in wars for the Jews, disabling the middle east for the Jews
>white men let 10s of millions of illegal spics walk right over the border that flooded the labor market and suppressed wages for low skilled workers. no longer can you get a job out right of high school to support a family and buy a house.
>white men continue to pander to niggers and women at every turn, at the work place, online gaming, everywhere, destroying everything.
>white men sit around worshiping niggers playing sports on the TV weekly.
Mental illness.
You're living in civilization. I guess you're having a swell old time.
He's not rotting though, he is prospering. 6 kids and counting.
Replace “whites” with “Anglo-Saxon race traitors” and you’re correct.
and the jews, don't forget the jews
Take the /tribalpill/
stay in the no go zone
Civilization ebbs and flows, right now it is descending into collapse from decadence and resurgent matriarchy. Eventually civilization will be rebuilt but right now it is a lost cause. History isn’t a linear progress towards ever-higher social and economic complexity, that’s the leftist mindset.
Muh jews muh niggers, your country doesn't even have 1/10 of the history of my country so shut up, mutt
This has nothing to do with feminist, that varg guy is in my country since multiples years and still can't speak french
When you leave your homeland for another country, you have to adapt to the culture and the language of this country
You're projecting. Instead of discussing debatable topics you prefer ad hominem attacks on me. I never spoke about your character, I only attacked (((your ideas))) and in return you employ Jewish shill tactics. You are GLOWING snownigger.
You're not even white. You have colored eyes.
they have a bergens dialect, but in french, they sound eerily similar. this retard should be raising his family in norway, not in fucking stinky frenchy frogland.
How can you support this degeneracy? Yeah, having 6 kids is great, but the ideas of stone age? Seriously? How can someone even think of that while humanity launching rockets in Space. Please tell me you just trolling us.
>that varg guy is in my country since multiples years and still can't speak french
Why do you lie? They speak French a lot. Marie and Varg do entire videos where they just speak French.
>When you leave your homeland for another country, you have to adapt to the culture and the language of this country
Spoken like a true civic nationalist cuck.
>he didn’t learn French
French is a mongrel butchering of Latin that is relatively new compared to Northern European languages. The Gauls didn’t speak it.
There will never be a magical Ice age that will reset technology to a prehistoric level and turn everyone white. I'd rather take my chances with politics and civil unrest if necessary than wait for some magic stuff
>You're not even white. You have colored eyes.
Is he white?
Varg lacks the intellect to debate. Varg only knows stawman and name calling. Varg chop wood now. Vaaarrrggg
obviously not?
Yeah industrial civilization has been just great for Russia, look at how effectively it has reduced alcoholism, sexual degeneracy, and opiate addiction.
There will be when the technocratic space fascists redirect several asteroids to earth to kill off all the biocucks.
I would if I could
I didn't get that lucky
I was born and raised in white american suburbs
I wish i was born in a rural place and had a farm
Well now, I actually wanted to show you this pic, but somehow it converts to different pic. What kind of sorcery is this?
Yes, the shapshifting space lizard UFO Nazis will come back to save us
Where did I say that, Mario?
>Named his child Baldur
Fucking kek, can't wait till his daughter take some BIG MED COCK
No I don't think there will be a collapse into a stone age but I know that people actually need a reason and a ideology for living the good and comfy life.
Which is why the Amish community keeps growing while hippie communities collapse after a generation because the only reason they all did it was because "I just want to...", they had no underlying ideology.
Regular offgrid preppers think the nuclear war is coming, it probably won't but that is irrelevant because they lived a better and comfier life because of it.
He thinks the ice age is coming so he needs to live further south. Although it's probably because France is one of the best countries in Europe to raise children and in Norway he wasn't even allowed to get a bank account.
Why don’t you get rid of all your modern inventions and conveniences? Why doesn’t Varg, oh that’s right, you’re both larping faggots.
To you it would like that a French man went to swede and his wife he spoke French?
What the fuck are you talking about.
Darker roots is normal for some people, idiot. Come back when you have a white wife and 6 children.
>There will never be a magical Ice age that will reset technology to a prehistoric level and turn everyone white.
Irrelevant, what is important is that you believe in it.
>I'd rather take my chances with politics and civil unrest if necessary than wait for some magic stuff
Dumb way of seeing things.
What happens to Varg if politics and civil unrest fixes it? Will his comfy rural big family life have been a waste?
What happens to you if politics and/or civil unrest DOESN'T fix it? Will your modernity infused city life have been a waste?
Take the /VargPill/
Debates are a waste of time.
You can't pretend to be pro-white when you wife has severe autism
Varg is a good boy and he dindu nuffin wrong.
"It takes more energy to disprove a lie than to tell one." - Varg
>Why don’t you get rid of all your modern inventions and conveniences?
That seems stupid.
I would have no problem with that.
Integration is the enemy. People that want to ban things like the Burka, foreign languages and customs are the true enemy.
I want to
Based Frenchie.
>Truth will win out in the end through rigorous debates
ohh user... you poor sap.
Do it. Rural Maine is calling for you.
Varg is a mentally ill fucking retard
>Ex Con
>Killed a fellow white man
>Fathered a bastard child
>Mentally ill
>Lives in a mud hut
>Fucking welfare leech
He's a piece of fucking shit who harms the cause of the white man. Fuck you Varg. Stop shilling your shit videos here you fucking cunt.
His wife is Fingol and hi kids have noticeable slant eyes.
Shut up and come back when you have a white wife and 6 children.
>people actually need a reason and a ideology for living the good and comfy life
Even if they just fool themselves into believing?
That's the best that retarded Varg can get, I guess.
I guess Fingol's make top breeders then if she can pop out six kids and keep on making more.
>Lives in a mud hut
>Fucking welfare leech
Why do anti-Varg shills lie so much?
1Am me it would like a lot that in the future a comes it was glacial, I want my enemies and the whole sunk rest in the ice
>celebrity worship of a loser convict who Larps in the forest with his 6 kids instead of providing for them like a real man
You’re a joke and so is Varg, faggot.
Based White Nationalist savior of the white race attacking white women for not looking like a hot Instagram thot after having had 6 children.
14/88 am i rite
Are the Amish correct? And would it even matter if they weren't?
Shut the fuck up retard
Eat shit, frog.
I bet that once things actually go bad, and varg realizes he's in a terrible position to defend himself and his family and they end up dead, he's gonna blame christianity for that too.
>b-but jesus m-made me a dirty forest hobo
You're a childless lonely man with no future.
whiter than you, george
Wrongo, shit stain. Your spawn will be failures just like you.
>neighbor cooking sausages
>no sausages at the welfare hut
so sad for these kids...
Eat shit Varg
Eat shit Varg, you murdering, mentally ill piece of human fucking garbage.
Why do you think it's ok to lie, user?
That's if you include Latino babies, retard.
> needs hair-bleach to maintain adequate levels of whiteness
kek. he should have married a nigger.
nice try
Why do Northern European boys literally look indistinguishable from girls?
Because having a family is a burden and will drag and numb white men down, instead the masses of young white men must remain single with no children and little to no interaction to women,something what is happening already,by doing this they will feel anger and will be forced to see the truth for what it is and what is happening in their country and move their asses to do something to change it or they just end killing themselves.Whatever of these two outcomes happen to the masses of white men we will see if Europe can be saved or not.
>you are not white, even if you look white, if you speak spanish
are you saying pic related is not white?
Being white isnt a definition only a skin color all that matters is what runs trough your blood and not the way you look.
What do you think you're achieving with your character assassination?
Saying "Eat shit Varg" all day long makes me right in the end.
are you saying she is not white?
Nords are the Kangz of Europe. Varg is nothing but a racemixing larper with an autistic woman who actually thinks Europeans are the problem. He's the Juden Peterstein of the alt kike.
Oh look Dark Blonde Hair
Varg is such a fucking nutwit
Being white is only a skin color in that definition can enter light skin arabs,northern indians,mixes of european and non european and even SE asians.So no if her blood isnt from a direct european nation or at least mix of them she isnt and will never be european.
Brown eyed "whites" are literally rape babies.
Her family can be traced back all the way to French aristocracy, she is actually a noblewoman. What is to say about you, hiding behind a nazi flag?
Are they the long hair only, are you idiotic?
>some gypsy thinks these people aren't white