What do we do about the women problem?
What do we do about the women problem?
We make it legal to beat your wife with a broomstick again.
Stone them to death
What's with slags eating from the ground
Why don't you look in the mirror first?
Women follow men. If men are pathetic, and thirsty losers, why should women even bother? They'll get what they want.
If you want to fix women, you have to fix men first, but of course, that would mean you're part of the problem instead of simply pointing. And you don't like that.
Nah. Let them enjoy the taste of diversity they oh so loved and enjoy. They voted for it. Enjoy your rape, women. I won't be there to help when Abdul pours acid over your caked up face.
We go handmaiden's tale on them
See? That should tell you enough. Women would rather be raped and murdered by alpha men, than settle for pathetic unmanly losers. This is how much modern western men put off their women.
We'll go extinct then. Their choice. I don't care. I have video games.
you're pathetic
Kill every last one of them.
A real man fights for his heritage, his women, and for the people that came before him. Pathetic losers
Haha sure am, Stacy.
You change society.
Women aren't really rational beings, you can not make them think for themselves.
Women behave as society and trends tell them.
Women are basically animals... when a dog bites you, you can't really blame the dog, rather the owner.
So stop thinking you can shove blame or shame on women.
If women don't even want to be with us then they should just lay back and die.
Make money and do cardio.
Then select superior specimens and leave the female untermench to rot.
Legalize prostitution until proper sex robots are created.
Gone. Obliterated. What even is "heritage" these days? I'm a mixture of every single Northern/North Western European people.
Christ, you couldn't make me fight for them even if I was guaranteed a blowie and a million pounds at the end of it.
>people that came before him
My ancestors fought so that I could become a minority in my own lands.
>implying they ate the fries afterwards
More likely they were just picking up the food to not make a mess, which is pretty thoughtful.
>do cardio
>So stop thinking you can shove blame or shame on women.
Nothing, stop paying attention to women and the problem will fix itself. Stop making them feel so important that we as a gender need to find ways to change them, move on with yourself and the rest will follow. You do not need to disregard women entirely either, for there are many waiting for you to make a man out of yourself; and men pay no mind to a woman's petty socialite issues.
Do not go your own way; walk the same path that many men had to before.
Have sex with kids.
Letting us vote was your first mistake, goys. The lack of male discipline and how conformist we are because all we seem to care about is how other women view us, has made us this way. Sex positivity is also turning us into loud whores, you wouldn't believe what i've overheard 12 year girls talk about. I've always wanted a large family but the thought of having children who will just become soldiers in the race war breaks my heart.
>He doesnt want to look good in slim fit shirts.
lmao if you lift weights you end up looking like a bouncer if you were a shirt or suit.
we don't "fix women"
we fix the men
strong men would not let their women come to this
strong fathers and strong husbands are what we need
we don't blame dogs for biting strangers, we blame the owners
Phwaaar look at those massive cunt flaps! I can see them from here!
You aren't wrong. And it makes me mad.
I love how for women honesty and integrity didn't even make the top 10.
>sodomite giving advice about hetero relationships
burn in hell untermensch
The women on the left were the degenerates of that time.
Just look at some posts here: "waaahhh make myself attractive or change my ways? rather women literally die! but also they should better themselves to be worthy"
It's always the same with these threads, utter virgin losers shifting blame of their pathetic existence instead of sharing it.
There's no men in this thread besides you, fag.
Nothing they we are all just lost
its too late. they've been brainwashed to be adversarial to men in general. unless you want to fight programming, they don't snap out of it spontaneously
Ether --
Remove their rights. -- to things like Voting, going to court etc.
Or double their responsibilities, IE tax them more -- double their punishments for crimes-- double their tuition fees at school
Because as it stands now -- they have all the power but none of the responsibilities, even for their own actions -- that is why they have turned in to disgusting slags that have ruined society
i urge all of you to look at this
and tell me how most women are or can be worth saving when their biggest concern is aborting the result of their hedonism. They're literal fucking monsters, regardless of who is pulling the strings in their brain.
ditch them for cute boys
men are unironically better women than most women
nice discovery bro. women are children, everyone knows that
>its just women!
divide and conquer kikery, this is how they've destroyed morals and culture turning people into consumer pig degenerates
look at the route of the problems of the society, not the symptoms
Stand back and watch this shit run it's course so we have a precedent for the future on permanent record for what happens when you let women get out of control.
They're not your problem to worry about if they don't want anything to do with you. Go you're own way.
>implying this is the first time
the first time we've been able to record footage of these things for permanent record
And this is why Muslims are being shipped to Europe. There are a clearly lack of man. Soi bois are not man.
Do they have any idea how disgusting and undignified they look or do they just not care?
If men want women to get their acts together, men have to get their acts together and force women to. It's always been the case and always will be.
In principle I agree with you and consider them suicidal.
A man fights for his women, not other men's women.
And our pathetic friends have no women of their own to fight for.
Their heritage is 20th century materialism, mindless hedonism and obsession with display of wealth. Not worth fighting for.
And the people that came before them are the white traitors that murdered Hitler and His message and the hedonistic mindless boomers that came after. Not worth fighting for.
So, in a way I understand their position.
Without a new Hitler-like phenomenon, don't expect them to be stupid enough to care for posterity in a world that was based on glorifying the Now.
Cardio ---> steely erections
Then the West is doomed and your logic at best only serves to help those who will replace us.
>A man fights for his women, not other men's women.
>And our pathetic friends have no women of their own to fight for.
This is a really, really good point. Good men are loyal to each other, and that includes their women. But I can't fucking stand the wives of those of my friends who are married. They all babble on about feminist horseshit and have giant fucking egos.