Please stop ridiculing my leader and making fun of us.
It's not funny anymore.
Please stop ridiculing my leader and making fun of us
It was so endearing when the little man took off the blankets and revealed the CDs and folders.
I also think you'll win eurovision this year. Israel #1.
That whole reveal had me in stiches. Tbh the funniest 20secs of my week so far. Cheers Bibi
nuke israel
and here's one for (you)
He probably did with that intention
It's a terrible plan.
And wouldn't use it, if he wasn't bombing the shit our of Syria
>It's not funny anymore.
Israel should be dismantled and Jews put in concentration camps so they can be managed.
>look goy! See all these binders and cd's? Looks pretty important eh?
>ready to die for israel good goy?
Something tells me those binders aren't full of women.
>my leader
Who can take this clown seriously is beyond me
why would he present something that makes Jews look bad?
terrible meme/10
I thought the whole presentation was very well made. The pulling of the curtains, only to reveal binders and some cd's. The very least you can say, is that it is indeed, an aesthetically pleasing collection of lies.
I'll vote for you. Lovar!
Somalis and Tunisians don't get along very well
Isn't a super complex form of code?
I thought is was a skit from SNL or some kind of satire to raise money for charity.
When I found out it was real, I wanted to laugh, then realized that every boomer has a boner right now and we're going to fight their war.
it's what i'll do if had to forewarn from something extremely shitty I'm going to do
we just hate you because you're the based ethnostate we'll never have. it's out of envy really
that and aipac
>still using CDs in current year
Old merchants suck. Did the Betamax break?
Sick mixtape bibi, why don't you come on down to the huwhite house and play it for us
He is a Trudeau-level meme. 10/10
weak meme's muh dood
I got your back bro. I'm sure it's just Muslims hating on you.
>Make a joke
>Have a terrible sense of humor
At least you tried.
You are a really good friend to get up there and do that ridiculous bullshit
Thanks for providing the cover while we nuke Iran's secret Syrian nuke base made with Obama/Clinton Uranium One
best so far hahahha
The juxtaposition is why it's funny you humorless desert mutt.
Did Bibi open those files and show every page?
>believe me goy its all there now go to war for us! Remember the holocaust and the nazis??!
Bibi is acting like this a 19th century stetl and that he needs to pull off a vaudevillian magic show to swindle the goyim out of their last shekel
what a joke. the more things change they more they stay the same. kikes never moved on from their gypsy showbusiness mentality, even when they're a prime minister. I was seriously laughing watching this shit
Bibi redpilled on jq.
Nukes remain operational for a while and need those cd based codes.
And I think goys are beginning to catch on to their tricks. It's not looking good for jews.
I saw this:
And I remembered this:
We can't see what's in the folders and we can't see what's in the CDs.
It's a big show... basically, his argument is "trust me", but the bastard lied about Saddam and an ongoing WMD program and got us to murder 1,000,000 real people for him.
He's a psychopath, liar and kinda stupid.
Is that pic shooped or the real thing? How bad is inbreeding in Bagelstan anyway to make this unwrangled tard your leader?
What he should've done is pushed a floppy in the wall of binders and walked off the stage backwards, breaking his old ass neck in the process.
Something like this
Real. see the first link
It's his porn collection.
>Please stop ridiculing
That's the point don't you get it? He wants maximum coverage even if it means do some foolish presentation
Thanks Brightest Flashlight!
He's into german scat pr0n.
But Bibi is a goldmine, habibi.
Fucking delete now
What was so funny about this? He said they were copies of the siezed originals. The whole story could be BS but I don't see how this is so retarded or whatever.
Have you seen the full presentation? He was like some magician unveiling those CDs.
Can't delete truth. Information wants to be free yo.
>could be bs
>don't see how this is so retarded
I was sold when I saw all the CDRs. Let's bomb Iran!!
>message sent from my windows 95 machine
It was cool TBQH. Better than some cuck plain text press-release pushed to some government website.
i'm not paying for their lodge, just drown them in the mediterranean this time
What do those squiggly things say?
>It was cool TBQH.
It wasn't cool, it was comedy gold.
is this real?
>it was cool
Start the war already you fucking weak jew,nuke the Iranians already you pussy.I swear for your continuous praise for superiority you never once show any courage, be the ones to finally pull the trigger you weak people.
When has anything ever been presented that makes jews look good?
Not talking rhinoplasty here, serious question.
Why is everyone shitting on CDs? Its more reliable at long term storage than flash drives.
It just looks fucking ridiculous and outdated, it makes me think of Goldeneye 64 or something
Needs more tape drives.
Wasn't he the guy who basically said Hitler wasn't so bad, and wanted to deport Jews to Israel, but was dissuaded by the Muslims in Palestine?
top lol funny jewish humor hehe
Still, laughing tracks are cringy and should be banned
t. Somali
>get barren desert strip
>barren desert strip is now silicon valley
but it's not like a country can be an indicator of it's people r-right?..
>It's not funny anymore
That's where you're kiddo
Im not convinced. Without subverting the USA you would never have achieved it
stop warmongering israel
it is not funny, it is never funny and you pissed off every nation on earth except USA because they are bound to you by credit scores and petrodollar
Jesus Christ is the son of God and the king of Jews.
when can we gas you?
You guys do realize how fucked you are if he actually goes to war with Iran, correct?
yea bro, I'm literally shaking atm
Bibi's mixtapes are FIRE!
I actually like Bibi,... but he’s wrong.
Digits confirm
The star will gorge itself on clay
Are those binders of the countries they've been expelled from?
You'd have to deal with Hamas and Hezbollah butt stabbing you while getting hit with gorrillions of missiles from Iran. It's been decades since you guys did a real war where you suffered actual casualties. Sure the Arabs are retarded in war but you can only do so much.
Stop shitposting with memeflags.
Amerimutts love you, don't worry