I'm just going to leave this here. ...
I'm just going to leave this here. ...
Fix the link faggott!
>kike weaseling views
Roger Mellie and Anal Cunt tattoos, he's definitely our guy
Get this drivel off the board.
bump just for reminding me of that picture. that was pretty much the best picture ever taken and needs to make its way back to #1 internet picture again. hadn't seen that shit since like 2005.
What is it?
That’s a pretty big shot. He’s about to lose that boner
Do you have a sauce on OP’S pic?
Seth Putnam, lead singer of Anal Cunt.
As a side note, we played his last show before he died. He was drunk as piss and demanded some backstage action.
We found him this 19 year hipster girl and he got SUPER pissed, yelling how he hated kids. We went out and brough back some 50 year old crack head lady and he literally yelled "Now that's my shiiiiit."
Laughs were had. R.I.P
Seth Putnam. A very sensitive man that unfortunately is no longer with us. RIP in peace.
I was sad when he died.
For all his failings, he wrote a song called "I went back in time and voted for hitler"
What a champ
>demanded some backstage action
>We found him this 19 year hipster girl
How does that work? Did you pay her or did she go willingly? Anyway, RIP Seth.
Who’s the girl?
The girl looked like Chloe from Life is Strange which was funny because this was years before the game came out.
The lady looked like a blonde Susan Sarandon after a meth bender.
The woman looks like my mom and I’m concerned.
Hitler Was A Sensitive Man
you went up to some hipster girl and just asked her if she wanted to fuck Seth Putnam? And she just said yes?
Dope dick
Absolutely disgusting...
not political.
We were drinking backstage when he was having a shitfit about needing some pussy before his set, so one of the openers yelled into the mike that Seth needed a groupie and free beer.
She was the first to run to stage.
H doesn't affect my boner, just makes it really hard to nut.
come at me bitch
He really made a project out of being as degenerate as possible. I don't think Adolf Hitler would have approved. Some neets and incels should however see him as an example of how not to give a fuck and eat up rejection like a hungry cat eats a bowl of its food.
When I was a teen I almost got a job as a door-to-door seller of fake, copy-cat perfumes. The scumbag hiring manager told me "We need people that can tolerate getting rejected 99 out of 100 times. This job is for you if you are man-enough."
Sound advice.