>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
and here i am in trade school like a fucking retard. should i just kill myself? i'll never make money being a blue collar pleb.
The majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
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Better than being such a brainlet you can't even get an associate's degree
The majority of us are doing STEM undergrads. We aren't professionals yet. Blue collar is useful and you will be better off than the NEET's from Jow Forums.
Kill your (((masters))).
trades are great, faggot, and you can jump to engineering with many of them
>doctors, lawyers, CEOs on Jow Forums
>doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers
Most of Jow Forums is made of socially excluded people in their early 20's. Wtf are you even talking about? Also those people you mentioned have lives, good paying jobs a decent social circle and good sex lives.
You make it sound easy to go from backbreaking labor to the hardest undergrad degree in uni. Unless the tradesmen has money saved up to not work during school then working and taking 15-17 credits per semester with a passable GPA is not gonna happen.
phd student here, i come to laugh at all the rural and suburban retards that voted for trump
now, im off to drink my locally sourced corner coffeeshop. stay mad, nazi larper losers
/sci/ is full of professors and PhD grads. I imagine they cross over to other boards like this. Would be funny if a thermodynamics professor shitposted on /tv/.
the majority of pol users are faggots that are too narcissistic and paranoid to function in the world. they also cant take responsibility for their lives. youre doing fine op.
I study and get gibs from dad
if you don't get support from your parents while studying you should murder them, seriously
>yes goy go to college and get student loans you need them, you need to be a pharmacist goy
Didn't we already have a thread about Jow Forums allegedly being filled with white collar workers?
Protip: the easiest way to "make" tens of thousands extra a year is to have a job that lets you live in the countryside whilst still making what people in the city make. I figure Jow Forums would be less enamoured with dumb city shit than most people and would appreciate that advice more than other boards.
the majority of Jow Forumstards are teenage scum who never worked a day in their lifes.
>Jow Forums
My fucking sides.
Starting law school this year, probably won't have as much time for Jow Forums
youre new here.
also phd students by and large dont know shit about how the world works unless the took years off to work between undergrad and phd.
Oh fuck no
Your shit is real
White collar bullshit is fake as fuck
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
But if your research and critical thinking abilities are strong and you have autistic knowledge about a single niche subject everything you say about the world must be right.
>tfw factory slave
Can't complain at all
>you're new here
>replies to stale pasta
As far as I know a large percentage of Jow Forumstards are NEETs and cripples(real and otherwise) on benefits.
You can always partake in the black market, it is booming worldwide and is not showing any sighs of stopping.
I'm an engineer with a master's degree and I admit that learning a trade before you study must be the best way. Fresh out of uni without life experience, you're gonna get wrecked
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white
>hating on trades
>concern only about money
>thinking pol is all white
>not about politics
Get out of here idiot.
heh spot on. the funny thing is im a phd student. but i worked for 5 years between undergrad and grad school and my work involved a lot of travel. most of the grad students i interact with are completely clueless manchildren (except some of the international ones) with inflated egos.
>hating on trades
Rightfully so.
You post this every week Schmuelerstein
Trades are for retards user
It's a nice job and actually pays well
I've put myself into a lot of debt and suffering for college and it's not worth it
You post this all the time. Are you some fucking shill trying to disparage trade work?
>socially excluded people in their early 20's.
HEY you goddamn...! ...that's uh.....
Turning 20 in a month and a little.
No real social circle, but no interest either.
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Gonna be done with my "Abitur" only now, but due to reasons beyond my control (so not a brainlet).
I will go on to study physics.
Picture unrelated.
Phd in what?
Goddamnit, the "rural and suburban retard" part should have been enough of a redflag.
Yet I hoped I'd actually find someone with a different opinion in a surrouding, where up/downvoting is not a thing.
Retard it’s the exact opposite. You don’t accrue debt, can always choose to work overtime to make money. I know a guy who was a foreman plumber And twice the money I do because he got overtime and I didn’t. You pick the right trade and you can make six figures easy.
Good that your eating acquainted with your place of future employeement
What law school or approximate rank?
If not top 14 then gg no re.
t. MPVB grad
>tfw literally a Fed
Pay is worse than private sector, but the hours are nice and the work is pretty easy.
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
If you're going to make things up at least be believable
That’s the satanic jew message eating your soul. Just do the best you can and save your money for a house with a garden to grow your own food. Be resourceful and fix old furniture up. Fuck the jetset class. They're miserable rotten animals. That’s why they have to show off. They themselves are empty husks.
you have to wonder why this guy keeps posting this thread over and over
I am a CMO, I won't talk about it though.
gas ppl cause kek wills it
gas for kek
no we arent. i have a math degree and the only job paying above minimum wage i can get is manual labour. shitposting on my lunch hour.
You can make 80k a year with a trade.
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals
Are you fucking retarded? Here is a more realistic breakdown of Jow Forums's population:
>Mentally ill NEETS / retired boomers / unemployed disabled people / underage HS students: 75%
>Blue collar skilled or wage cucks: 5-10%
>Currently enrolled college students: 5-10%
>White collar / trust fund kids: 2-5%
>Paid shills: 1-2%
>Government agents assigned to this entire website: (less than 1%)
I'm sure you fit into the largest category.
anyone on a salary will eat only scraps
you want real money ?
start your OWN BUSINESS !!
also hang a socialist white at it
makes everyone's life easier :)
It's a T6 with some scholarship money, still worried though
Dr Fedora, reporting in. Where does it hurt
>i'll never make money being a blue collar pleb.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
What trade did you decide to go with? I'm making more money then 90% of Americans with my chosen field.
If OP doesnt reply to this he's a "1 post by this ID" faggot thats just trying to demoralize young anons from choosing a good career path in life.
I wouldn't mind a blue collar job to be honest.
Beats having to deal with people's emotional vomit all day.
Studying for my masters in Chemistry right now.
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
good one
i actually am a med student and next year ill graduate. i plan to leave this shithole and move to deutschland. there is always time to change your life, mate, dont give up
say for yourself
1. Honest work is nothing to be ashamed off
2. blue collar work can be profitable if you have your own small company
>learning a skilled trade
>doesn't make money
You couldn't be more wrong user, a lot of skilled trades pay very well, especially with the shrinking number of people going into these trades while having increased demand for the labor involving these trades; and last I checked, electrical work has good pay, especially if you also have other skills.
>i actually am a med studen
no med student has time to post here, they barely eat or sleep. stop larping
>have lives
No. We are husks.
t. lawfag
I just finished my CS degree, hopefully I can make something of myself now
It must be a shillbot
basically pick something a robot can't do, you'll always have a job
this correct. but the more short on time i am the more prone i am to losing time.
my grades arent grade, but im able to allow me such luxury since my intelligence is outstanding even for a med student
its mostly virgins who dont leave the house from what i can tell
my grades arent great*
>>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)
that's a complicated way of spelling LARPers.
I'm a neet with a meme degree btw. Living off my parents until they eventually give me the boot.