What’s with all the Trumptards on here?
I feel like Jane Goodall among the apes.
What’s with all the Trumptards on here?
I feel like Jane Goodall among the apes.
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What a stupid Post. KYS OP
I too feel like a white woman surrounded by niggers.
Stop using the Jane Goodall joke wrong.
Same. Most Trump supporters here are underage though.
drop redpills in /ptg/ all day erry day
Fuck off.
Kanye is based!
Milo is based!
Israel is most based ally!
Keep your panties on you stupid whore.
>I feel like
You belong with the trumpkins.
So you admit that you failed to bluepill this board.
Still too many antifa pedo's on here for my taste though.
Serious question: can you name one man who wasn’t Jewish, but devoted more of his life to jews than Donald Trump?
All his grandchildren are Jews. That says it all.
You have to go back
What do Trumptards think about Michael Cohen?
Will it lead to Trump’s downfall?
I personally don’t think Mueller’s going to find much, he’s just gonna let the Cohen investigation bring down Trump. Doesn’t help to have Trump insulting him on TV
>What’s with all the Trumptards on here?
You're in the wrong place fuqboi
You have no clue what's going on
Adolf Hitler
Jow Forums has always been with Her
Shilling at it's finest. What do we think? Even when the chad jobsters come home after 5 today, the Mueller topic will still be ho-hum and la dee da.
Why don't you just get redpilled? We aren't all neo-nazi's on here. (Though most of us question what happened during that time)
maybe pull the monkey dick out of your mouth
Welcome to Jow Forums new friend, you're here forever.
Nothing in your post made sense. Jut looking for an answer to the question.
trump is a jew stooge
So you want to have sex with niggers?
OP is a kike that is pretending he believes the JQ so he can act like Trump should not be supported by Jow Forumsocks by bringing up Trumps questionable jewish ties. I see through your bullshit faggot. Go back to your commie discord server
But I answered you. We generally don't care because all Trump get's is trolling from the left and globalists. His popularity is too high for him to be demolished by something like that.
Not quite. Because of him, the seed of nationalism has sprouted. We got a lot from him, and maybe he is (((one of them))) but... what was he supposed to do, fix everything?
He sets things up for another 4 years, or someone else that is more grassroots.
wake up
Does anyone have the Blacked template? I need it for reasons.
Why does every leftist suffer from Dunning-Kruger?
Seriously. Every-fucking-one of them.
I gotta know, how's it feel to work for people that might murder you at the drop of a hat if you accidentally unearth something you weren't supposed to see Seth Rich style?
Collectivists don't self-reflect since they feel they're just a face in the crowd and don't realize they can be singled out.
Thank you.
jane goodall loved apes, faggot
>Most Trump supporters here are underage though.
what does this imply